Losing Two

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Okay, so all the girls got cleared this week and the gang now has a lot of little kids running around. We have Olivia, Kendall, and Oliver from Lexi and Dally. We have Jayden from Des and Pone. We have mine and Soda's little angels, Izzy and Gabby. We have Natalie from Biz and Darry. We have Tyler from Emily and Johnny. We have Chloe and Claire from Evie and Steve. Then lastly we have Zo and Zoey from Two-bit and Bells.
I lay on the couch with the kids in their bed asleep waiting for Soda to come home like I did before he was in the army. After a few minutes Sodapop walked in laughing with Steve. "Hello boys," I smile as I walk ove to them.

"Hello baby," Soda smiles as he pecks my lips.

"Hey Dyl," Steve greets.

"Where's E-" I start, but get answered before I can finish.

"Steve!" Evie shrieks as she runs into the house.

He turns around confused, "what's wrong princess?"

She hands him a letter, "read."

"Steven J. Randle, we are so sorry to be doing this, but with recent shorts in service men we need to draft more people and you're one of them. You will be reporting to the military train station and report to California to take a plane to  Vietnam this Sunday.You'll have to stay for six months. The U.S. army."

I look over to Steve, "god this is awful!"

He walks over to my and hugs me, "we'll get through this."

"I know," I smile weakly, "I did with Soda and I'll do it with you."

"At least it's not Johnny or Ponyboy," Steve points out a little to soon.

Johnny comes running into the house, "Sodapop!"

Soda turns to a crying Johnny, "what? What's wrong Johnnycake?"

"Can you get me out?" Johnny asks.

I look at him knowing what he means. I wrap my arms tightly around him, "oh Johnnycake, I wish I could do something."

"Me too lil' buddy," Soda sighs as he places a hand on Johnny's shoulder.

"So, I'm going into the war?" Johnny asks.

Steve walks over to him, "you're not alone Johnnycakes, you're not alone."

He smiles up to Steve, "six months?"

Steve smiles back down to Johnny,  "six months."


Sorry for such a short sucky chapter

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