Chapter 2: The Kupatana Celebration

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It was a special day today in the Pride Lands, everyone in the savanna were getting ready to celebrate a special, once in a year holiday known as The Kupatana Celebration, a celebration of peace and harmony within the Pride Lands and their inhabitants. It was one of the few days where no chaos, dispute, or any kind of violence whatsoever would happen, and while Fuli did like the occasional thrill and action that came in her everyday life, it was always nice to settle down for once and have a nice, calm, quiet, and peaceful day, and Kupatana was exactly that.

Right now, Fuli and her friends were taking a quick break from their usual morning patrol to accompany Simba in watching the peace celebration's choir practicing near Muzimu Grove, the place where most of the Pride Lands' celebrations were held. The choir was being conducted by Simba's hornbill Majordomo, Zazu, and the animals part of the choir consisted of giraffe herd leader, Twiga, Ma Tembo's herd member, Uzima, ostrich, Mbuni, elderly aardvark, Muhangus, and hippo herd leader and Beshte's father, Basi.

"Kupatana community," Twiga sang.

"One day for unity," the rest of the choir followed afterwards on Zazu's cue. "Gather together in peace. Our Kupatana community."

Mbuni then came in for her solo, only to sing something that was completely off from the song. Zazu quickly caught the error and ordered for the choir to pause. The hornbill gave Mbuni a stern look as he flew up to the ostrich.

"Mbuni, it's 'ma-un-de-lay-e-oh, ya uhhi,'" he corrected. "Remember that for tonight!"

Mbuni nodded, smiling sheepishly. Zazu then flew back to the ground and the choir resumed back to their rehearsal. Fuli closed her eyes for a moment, sighing happily to herself as she continued listening to the Kupatana song, the cheetah always had a fondness for music and singing in general, and the Kupatana Celebration song was actually one of her personal favorites. It was nice, soft, calm, slow, and soothing, adding on to the vibe the celebration created.

"Your dad is sounding good, Beshte," Simba complimented.

"Thanks, Your Majesty," Beshte said. "He's been practicing. It's not every day you get to be a part of the Kupatana celebration."

"Well, considering Kupatana only happens once a year," Ono pointed out.

"And I can't wait!" Bunga exclaimed, climbing excitedly onto Kion and messing with his mane tuft. "It's the biggest party in the Pride Lands!"

"It's not just a party, Bunga," Kion chuckled, trying to shake Bunga off of him. The honey badger gave him a confused look in response.

"Yes," Simba agreed. "Kupatana is the one day all the animals in the Pride Lands gather side-by-side, to celebrate the Circle of Life in peace."

"Yeah," Fuli sighed, stretching a little and laying down. "It's the most peaceful day of the year!" No fights, no chaos, no trouble. Nothing but peace and quiet, just the way I like it. A perfect time to just relax-

Suddenly, there was a high pitched yipping sound from the distance, followed by what sounded like hyena laughter. Everyone stopped when they heard the sounds, Bunga hopped off of Kion and Ono flew upward to see what was going on.

"I spoke too soon..." Fuli muttered, sitting up. Meanwhile, Ono was focusing on the Outlands, the place where the noise came from. Using his vision to the fullest, he then saw what the problem was. A young jackal pup was running for his very life while Janja and his clan pursued after him.

"Yep. It's Janja and his hyenas," Ono informed. "They're chasing a little jackal pup though the Outlands."

"The Outlands..." Fuli heard Kion sigh, though it sounded almost like a groan.

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