Chapter 7: Never Roar Again

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Is anyone even bothering to read this...? 

Janja and his clan laughed maniacally as they continued loping through the Pride Lands, the Lion Guard hot on their tails as they drove them towards the border.

"Get outta here, Janja!" Kion roared.

"Come on, Kion! It was just one gazelle!" Janja laughed. He and the hyenas then leapt over the mini ravine that separated the border of the Pride Lands and Outlands and landed on the ravine's tall rock structures. The Lion Guard then slowed down and glared at them.

"Okay! Okay! See, we're back in the Outlands!" Janja snickered, glaring at the Guard with a wild look. "You happy?"

"And this time, stay there!" Bunga shouted.

Doubt that they will, they always keep coming back... Fuli thought grimly. Seriously! When will they learn that they're just never gonna win? No matter how many times they try, we'll always be one step ahead of them.

"Nice work everybody. Let's go," Kion praised, and he and his friends turned around and padded off, leaving the hyenas behind. The Guard then resumed to their morning patrol, all was well and quiet, when a familiar cackle interrupted.

"Huh?" Kion thought out loud, he and the Guard paused. While Ono flew upward to see who it was, Fuli grumbled and shook her head, I recognize that laugh anywhere...

"Hapana..." Ono grumbled, indicating that Fuli's suspicions were correct. Like there was any doubt. 

"Looks like Janja and his clan are heading back into the Pride Lands!" Ono continued on.

"What?" Bunga gasped, bemused. "Don't they know when they've been beaten?"

"Guess they're not giving up today," Beshte said.

"Ugh! Those hyenas!" Fuli growled. Well, we better stop them before they hurt someone again...

"C'mon, Lion Guard," Kion ordered, just as exasperated as his friends. "Let's go! Till the Pride Lands end!"

"LION GUARD DEFEND!" everyone cried out in unison as they followed Kion.


"Kion, I see them!" Ono informed.

"Got it!" Kion said, and he dashed ahead of everyone else. 

"Okay, Janja!" he shouted, climbing onto a rock. "We've got you..." His voice trailed off when he saw a familiar lioness battling Janja and his clan and stiffened. "MOM!"

Fuli overheard and her eyes widened. Skies above, Queen Nala's here!?

"Kion!" Nala cried, turning to look at her son for a heartbeat before lunging at a hyena, only to retreat back when another one nipped her. She then turned on that hyena and scratched his muzzle, but Cheezi and Chungu bit her in response, causing her to back off.

"No!" Kion yowled. 

Fuli watched as the queen continued to desperately fight the hyenas off, but it was no use. She was far outnumbered. Eventually, the hyenas began to close in on her, nipping at her heels. They forced Nala back, the lioness gazed around helplessly as she tried to avoid the hyena's nipping. 

"We gotta do something..." Fuli's voice trailed off when she saw Kion puff out with anger, his gold eyes lit with pure fury. His claws unsheathed and his pelt bristled twice his size, dark clouds rolled into the sky, blocking out all light.

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