Chapter 3: Fuli's New Family

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This will look like deja vu and a rip off chapter from FanFicCatz.

Fuli ran ahead of the Guard as they ran through the muddy floor of a canyon, in pursue of a stampeding herd of buffalo.

"Lion Guard!" Kion called out. "Ono's found dry land! We've got to round up the buffalo and guide them over there!"

Fuli smirked. "Nobody does fast better than me! Huwezi!"

The cheetah then sprinted passed Kion and towards the herd. She ran along side the buffalos.

"This way, everyone!" she shouted over the thundering sound of hooves. "Follow me!"

Fuli then dashed off, steering the herd out of the muddy canyons and out to an open plain, Ono guiding her from the sky.

"This way! That's it!" she shouted as the herd ran out to the plains. One of the buffalos, however, slipped from the mud and collapsed. It then sank into the mud as soon as it hit the ground, now stuck.

"Beshte! Bunga!" Kion called out. "That last one's yours!"

"You got it, Kion!" Beshte replied, running towards the buffalo with Bunga at his heels. Beshte pressed his head at the buffalo's side and began to push him, Bunga hopped onto its horns.

"Come on!" he grunted, trying to pull the buffalo out of the mud. "Let's go, buffalo!"

Fuli shook her head, then ran back to the herd to make sure they were safe.

"Twinde kiboko!" Beshte cried, and he gave one final push and the buffalo was free. The impact caused it to fling Bunga off its head, and the honey badger was sent flying. Fuli watched as Bunga soared through the air and eventually crashed into a bush. A angry hiss then sounded from the bush.

"YOW!" he cried in pain as he shot out of the bush a heartbeat later, clutching his rear end. Kion quickly ran towards him.

"Bunga, are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

"Something bit me!" Bunga said in a slightly offended tone. He turned back to the bush and gasped when he saw a snake approach him.

"And it was him!" he cried, upset. The snake only hissed angrily, extending his hood.

"We did it, Kion!" Ono said, landing beside Bunga. "The buffalo are all safe and...sound!?"

Beshte and Fuli stopped beside him, and Fuli's eyes widened when she saw the snake. She recognized this one in particular, This one tried to eat Pim last week!

She and her friends mostly tried to avoid them on a daily basis, similar to bees, snakes don't really bother you unless you bother them. Right now, Fuli stood there tensed, her fur began to prickle nervously. Everyone else held the same worried expression, Ono in particular, looked terrified.

"Hapana! Egyptian cobra!" Ono cried, shielding his face fearfully with his wings. "Whatever you do, don't let him bite you!"

Bunga looked back at his bottom. "He already did!"

Everyone gasped, shocked.

"Oh no!" Ono cried. Normally, Fuli wouldn't be too concerned if one of the members were hurt, it kind of came with their job anyway, and Bunga was usually overdramatic when he was hurt. But this time it was different, Bunga was actually in danger if it's causing Ono to panic.

Fuli and Kion glared angrily at the cobra, Beshte calmly walked up to the snake.

"Ushari," Beshte said calmly. "Why'd you do that?"

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