Chapter 4: The Search for Utamu

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Okay, honestly this isn't really my "favorite" episodew, but I always thought it would be very interesting to see this episode written through Fuli's POV, so for this I made an exception.

Ono flew over a herd of buffalo, glancing around the herd to make sure they were all well. The buffalos let out friendly snorts to the egret as they continued to calmly graze. 

"Everyone, everyone!" Ono called out to his friends, who were just approaching a hill in the field. "I found the buffalo herd. They're all safe and sound."

Everyone looked at the buffalos, they all continued to graze happily in the field. "Yep," Fuli chuckled, she and Kion sat down. "There they are." She noticed some steam coming from the middle of the herd, but she assumed it was probably nothing.

"Good work, Ono," Kion praised.

"Hmm," Beshte thought out loud. "Why do you suppose they wandered so far from their regular grazing ground?"

"Who cares?" scoffed Bunga, looking relieved. "We found them, they're fine, let's go!"

"Wait," Ono suddenly stopped the honey badger, just as he was about to walk away. "I'm not so sure they are fine. Look where they're grazing..." Ono's eyes flashed gold as he squinted to get a better look at the herd. Then his eyes widened. 

"Hapana!" he gasped. "They're right on top of a geyser!"

"A what?" Bunga asked.

"A geyser," Ono repeated, flapping his wings frantically. "Really hot water shooting up from a hole in the ground." 

Seriously? "Geyser?" Fuli looked at Ono uncertainly, she had never seen, let alone heard of a geyser before.

"Are you sure you're not making that up?" Beshte asked kindly, he and the rest of the Guard just as confused as Fuli. Suddenly, Fuli's eyes widened and her fur bristled anxiously when a loud rumbling sound interrupted them. She dug her claws into the ground when she felt it tremble a little, Kion did the same and Beshte, Bunga, and Ono's eyes widened.

"Whoa. Big B, you gotta eat something!" Bunga said. "That stomach of yours is rumbling like crazy!"

"I don't think that's my stomach..." Beshte replied, nervously. Everyone tensed as they glanced back at the herd, the rumbling and shaking grew louder and stronger. What's going on?

"It's the geyser!" Ono squawked. "It's about to blow!"

This definitely isn't a joke... Fuli thought to herself. This geyser thing sounds really, really bad!

"We've gotta warn the buffalo!" Kion said. He then rose to his paws and quickly bounded towards the herd. "Till the Pride Lands end...!"

"Lion Guard defend!" everyone exclaimed in unison, quickly following Kion down the hill and towards the buffalo. The herd let out uneasy snorts and 'moos' as the geyser's rumbling continued, it seemed to grow louder and stronger by each passing second and the hot water was beginning to rise rapidly. The buffalos glanced at the geyser wide eyed and they stopped grazing and backed away uneasily, then, the rumbling stopped, and a blast of hot water shot out from the ground. Fuli's eyes widened with amazement and shock, So that's a geyser...! Kinda cool, as long as we're not near it... 

The blast even almost hit Ono, but luckily, he managed to stop in time.  "Whoa!" Ono squawked with surprise. 

The buffalos mooed with fright and they all scattered, the ground shook as hooves thundered from the startled herd as they fled the geyser.

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