Chapter 6: Baboons!

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The Lion Guard calmly padded around the Pride Lands, closely observing and keeping alert for any trouble.

"Ono, how's it looking from up there?" Kion asked.

Ono squinted. "We've got a big rain cloud moving in. Other than that, no signs of trouble," Ono informed. Fuli sighed irritatedly, Ugh, I hate rain...   

"Wait!" Ono suddenly squawked. He paused mid flight and leaned forward a little. His eyes flashed gold as he squinted to get a better look at what had caught his eye. "Mzingo and the vultures. They're circling...!"

"And that usually is a sign of trouble," Fuli muttered. Her pelt bristled with anger as she remembered the time when Mzingo and his vultures had nearly attacked her during her most weakened state. It was a good thing and a very close call that Kion and the Guard had arrived just in time. I could've become dead meat that day! I'm certainly never gonna let that happen ever again...!

Kion nodded. "Let's go see what they're up to. Ono, lead the way!"

"Affirmative!" Ono agreed, flying off. Everyone else quickly bounded after him.


A baby baboon shrieked fearfully as he continued to scamper for his life through Urembo Meadows, Mzingo, Mwoga, and Mbawa all hot on his tail in the now darkening, storm brewing sky.

"As senior member of the Lunch Committee, I move we forego prolonged debate..." Mzingo began with a evil chuckle. "And dive into business!"

"I second the motion!" Mwoga agreed, Mbawa simply nodded. 

Then the three vultures all eagerly dove downward, quickly catching up to the baby baboon with ease. The poor baboon let out another terrified shriek as the vultures neared him. At that moment, the Lion Guard finally showed up at Urembo Meadows, dashing towards the vultures and baboon.

"Vultures!" Kion shouted. "Leave the baby baboon alone!" 

Ono then shot upward and began to stab Mwoga with his beak. The vulture squawked with surprise as he tried to dodge Ono's pecking. 

"Go ahead!" Ono taunted. "Make your move, Mwoga!"

Meanwhile, Mwaba tried to attack Kion and Fuli. Mwaba was about to lash at Kion, but Fuli swiftly leapt forward and knocked the vulture down. He stared at Fuli wide eyed as she snarled at him with her muzzle an inch away from his face. Kion gazed at Fuli, amazed from her quick move.

"You're welcome," Fuli smirked.

"Heh. Nice pounce, Fuli," Kion chuckled.

"Don't worry, baboonie! The Lion Guard will save you," Bunga said, opening his arms at the baboon. The baby chittered with relief as he quickly rushed towards him and threw himself at the honey badger. 

"Incoming!" Beshte bellowed, quickly sliding in front of Bunga and the baboon, blocking Mzingo off. 

"No!" Mzingo cried, unable to slow down in time, and he bumped into the hippo's side and bounced right off. The vulture leader groaned and shook his head, a little dizzy. He then turned to his flock.  

"Uh, yield to the Guard!" he ordered. "Yield to the Guard!"

Mwoga backed down from Ono and Fuli let Mwaba up. The two then rejoined with Mzingo and the trio all retreated, leaving the Guard with the baboon. Everyone then turn their gaze back down at the baboon, who stood beside the bank of a river, panting. 

"All right, little guy. You're safe," Kion reassured.

Fuli tipped her head to the side, among water and bugs, baboons were another thing she disliked. She often found them stupid and downright annoying and foolish, especially the younger ones. It's a wonder how Afua and Chuma are lions! They practically act just like them, only less hairy and freaky looking! she thought with a hint of amusement as she recalled Kion's two cousins and Zuri and Tiffu's sort-of friends. And she should know, because ever since she left Simba's Pride, she had experience with these primates, and now that she's part of the Lion Guard, she is more into contact with them more then ever. While she loved her job, baboons were the part of the things she hated about it, aside from even more contact with water, bugs, and Bunga's smell. Relax, Fuli. It'll be over soon, once we get this baby to his mother-

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