Chapter 8: The Lost Gorillas

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"Careful, Bunga..." Kion warned, eyeing the honey badger worriedly.

"It's a very delicate situation...!" Ono added. The Lion Guard tensed as they watched Bunga continue to try to pull Zazu, whose beak was stuck inside a beehive, free. Ono then flew up towards them to examine the progress.

"MFF! GEF MEEF OUFFF! HELPFF!" Zazu squawked, his voice muffled. 

"Sorry, Zazu. Can't understand ya with your beak in that beehive," Bunga said casually.

"HELPFFF! BUNFA!" Zazu squawked again. Finally, after one more tug, the hornbill was free. 

"Thank you, Bunga!" he gasped with relief. "That's much- AAAAAAAHHH!" 

He was then cut off when a swarm of bees began to file out of the hive, furious with whoever had dared to disturb their home. But before they could target Zazu, Bunga quickly saved him.  

"Gotcha covered, Zazu!" he cried, swatting Zazu away from the bees. The insects then began to swarm around Bunga, but the honey badger could've cared less. He then began to happily snack on the bees, grabbing them right out from the air and shoving them into his mouth. He chewed loudly before quickly swallowing so he can consume more bees.

"Gracious!" Zazu squawked as he landed on the ground, he then began to briefly smooth down his ruffled feathers. As he finished preening, Bunga hopped down from the tree when the amount of bees began to cease.

"Maybe next time try flying under the beehive, not through it," Bunga suggested.

"Yes," the hornbill said dryly. "Thank you, Bunga."

"So why were you in such a hurry?" Fuli then asked.

"I was looking for you. All of you!" Zazu replied.

The Lion Guard all exchanged a slightly surprised look before turning back to Zazu to find out what the emergency was.

"What's the kerbubble, Zazu?" Beshte asked first.

"I've just received word," Zazu began. He then scrunched up his face in disgust. "The pangolins are spraying everywhere! It's quite a stinky situation."

Tsh. No kidding, Fuli thought, cringing a little as well. Like honey badgers, such as Bunga, an animal in the Pride Lands known as pangolins also have the ability to release a very foul smelling spray, but they only use it as a last resort in defense.

"Odd. Pangolins only spray when they're threatened," Ono pointed out.

"Then we better check it out," Kion said.

"My thoughts precisely!" Zazu agreed. 

"Till the Pride Lands' end...!" Kion shouted.

"Lion Guard defend!" his friends responded, and they all headed off to the area in the Pride Lands where the pangolins resided. They could soon here distressed yelps and squeaks as they neared by.

"Help! Help!"

"Sounds like we're close," Kion noted.

Fuli wrinkled her muzzle. "Ugh. Smells like we're close."

Heartbeats later, Kion and Fuli both reached the area first. The two leapt over some bushes and looked around to see where the pangolins were. But instead they found something they didn't expect.

"Huh?" Fuli gasped to herself, her jaw dropped. Kion looked just as shocked, and so did the rest of the Guard when they caught up with them and noticed the same thing.

"I'm sorry. Can anyone tell me what I'm looking at?" Fuli asked.

Ono shooked his head slowly. "No idea..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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