Chapter 5: Call of the Drongo

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"Lion Guard!"


"Help! Lion Guard!"

Fuli and the Lion guard paused when they heard three distressful voices call for them. They then saw Muhangus the aardvark, Sungura the hare, and Jerboa the jerboa all run up to them.

"Thank goodness!" Muhangus sighed gratefully.

"What is it?" Kion asked immediately. "What's wrong?"

"Makuu!" Jerboa cried.

"Goigoi!" Sungura exclaimed.

"Janja!" Muhangus said. 

Fuli stared at the three animals, Janja, Goigoi, and Makuu are all attacking at once? She recalled Goigoi, a jackal who along with his pack led by his mate and leader, Reirei, tricked them into letting them all into the Pride Lands and nearly sabotaging the Kupatana Celebration. Makuu was an antagonistic and ambitious crocodile who had beaten former crocodile float leader, Pua, and taken over the float. Ever since his leadership, he has been terrorizing other animals and forcing them to change their locations, which could've potentially throw the Circle of Life off balance. 

But both of them attacking along with Janja at the same time? Seems a little weird... But as weird as that sounds, we can't take any chances. Kion nodded as if he thought exactly the same thing and turned to his friends.

"Lion Guard! We'll need to split up!" he commanded. "Fuli, you and Ono take on Goigoi." Fuli and Ono nodded in agreement as Kion turned to Beshte. "Beshte, you and Bunga go after Makuu. Leave Janja to me!" As Beshte and Bunga nodded, Kion turned back to Muhangus, Sungura, and Jerboa. 

"You three, take us to 'em," he ordered. "Till the Pride Lands end...!"

"Lion Guard defend!" the Lion Guard shouted as they all followed the three animals to their enemies' locations, Fuli and Ono going with Sungura, Behste and Bunga with Jerboa, and Kion with Muhangus.


Fuli quickly zipped around every single spot where Sungura heard Goigoi, she had checked everywhere at least three times and was sure there was nothing there. Nothing. Goigoi's not here. Not even Reirei or their pack... She then paused to sniff the air one last time. Even their scent's not here...! She then ran back to Ono and Sungura, accidentally scaring the hare as she approached them.

"AH!" Sungura yelped, dashing and cowering behind Ono. 

Whoops, I keep forgetting how skittish hares could be... "I searched around every tree in these woods," Fuli began. "Not a jackal in sight!" She glanced at Ono, who shook his head, indicating that he too hadn't spotted anything.

Sungura stared at the two Guard members flabbergasted. "B-but... My leafy greens are gone!" The jumpy hare then hopped towards a small branch cluster sticking out of the ground and pointed at its now bare bark, small green studs where the leaves used to be were now picked clean off.

"Hmm..." Ono thought out loud, tipping his head to the side in confusion as he examined the branches.

Odd, Fuli thought, just as confused. I thought jackals were carnivores, they don't eat leaves or any kind of plant for that matter...

"Well, at least they didn't eat you," Fuli told Sungura reassuringly. Sungura only stared at Fuli shocked, as if unable to imagine herself becoming lunch to a jackal.

Okay, that was maybe not the best reassuring thing to say to a hare...


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