Prologue: Till The Pride Lands End...

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The Lion Guard stood on a hill, glaring at the hyenas whimpering as they licked their wounds. Janja then turned around and growled when he saw Kion and his friends approach.

"Well, if it isn't Kion the lion cub!" he snickered, his lips twisting to a cruel, crooked smile. "You and your friends better leave now, before you get hurt...!"

"We're the Lion Guard, Janja!" Kion shot back, his gaze unflinching. "We defend the Circle of Life. You and your kind are not welcome in the Pride Lands, EVER!"

Janja smiled wickedly at Kion, then his smile faded as he glanced nervously at the clouds, which had begun to grow and darken over him. The hyena clan leader backed away slowly, confusion and fear lit in his eyes. Fuli watched in shock and awe as she saw what was happening. Kion narrowed his eyes and snarled as his Lion Guard mark glowed. Then he roared, and it wasn't just an ordinary roar, not a squeak either, but a huge, loud, and powerful roar.

The roar felt like there were a thousand thunderstorms raging at once, it shook the ground like a thousand earthquakes, but most importantly, it sounded as if a thousand lions instead of one were roaring, booming loud and clear. The clouds above morphed into giant lion heads, and they all roared along with Kion. Janja and his hyenas howled and whimpered with fear as they were blasted away and sent tumbling down the hill.

The rest of the Lion Guard stared in awe as they watched their leader continue his mighty roar.

"Zuka zama!" Bunga cried out excitedly. He prodded Fuli's shoulder. "What did I tell ya?"

Normally, Fuli would've snapped at him for his unpleasant nudging, but she decided to let it slide, for she is still amazed at what she had just witnessed.

"Now that's a roar," Fuli agreed, nodding her head. She watched as the hyenas fled as Kion finished roaring. Janja turned his head, his face twisted with rage and hatred.

"You win today, Kion..." he snarled. "Next time, won't be so easy...!" Kion puffed out his chest as Janja turned his head back around and ran after his fleeing clan. Beshte, Ono, Bunga, and Fuli padded down the hill to join their leader. They exchanged each other triumphant looks before gazing out on the horizon, watching the sun set.

"Not bad for Hatari's daughter, huh?" Fuli chuckled softly to herself.

She now knew that from this day forward she would no longer be known as "Fuli the Murderer's kin," or "Fuli the daughter of Hatari the Traitor," or "Fuli the Mistake that should've been killed a long time ago."

No, not anymore.

Beba is known as "Hero of Pride Rock." From now on, Fuli will be forever known as "Fuli the Fastest, and the first cheetah member of Kion's Lion Guard."

And right there, on the spot, she made a vow to herself. She promised that no matter the weather, from the lightest of days till darkest of nights, she will do everything in her speed and power to aid Kion and her friends to protect, defend, and keep the Circle of Life in balance.

Till' the Pride Lands' end...

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