Chapter 1: The Rise of Makuu

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It only took day one on the job to figure out that being part of the Lion Guard was hard work. From evacuating herds from floods, to helping galagos from fallen trees, not to mention fighting off hyenas, who were now sneaking into the Pride Lands more often ever since Kion had formed the team. But Fuli enjoyed doing her part in helping the Circle of Life, it felt that she was making a difference, it felt that she had a purpose, a reason, and most importantly, she felt that she had finally proved herself to everyone that she is nothing like Hatari. Of course, her life was busy, and not always necessarily "fun" as Bunga would put it, but she is making a difference and helping the Circle of Life, nothing was better than that.

Right now, the Guard were on their way towards a very distressed squeaking sound in the distance, seemingly sounding like an animal in trouble.

"It's coming from Ukuni Woods!" Ono informed as he soared above his friends.

"What do we got, Ono?" Kion asked. "Hyenas?"

"Jackals?" Fuli put in.

"Vultures?" Beshte suggested.

"Hyenas, jackals, vultures. Whatever it is, the Lion Guard can take it!" Bunga proclaimed with a hint of pride in his tone. Fuli couldn't help but feel a bit prideful as well.

Unlike the other previous ancient Lion Guards, Kion's team was the first one to be ever made up of other animals, excluding him, being the only lion of the group. And because of that, their Guard specifically had a great advantage. Honey badgers like Bunga being the bravest of the brave, hippos like Beshte being the strongest of the strong, egrets like Ono having greater vision than anyone else, and Fuli, being a cheetah, was naturally faster than any other animal. As for Kion, he was much more fiercer than any other lion, thanks to his leader's gift, the Roar of the Elders. Together with all their natural strengths combined, they were practically almost unstoppable. 

There is no other Guard like us, Fuli thought, We are totally the best Lion Guard who has ever existed!

"Hold on!" Ono then said as they neared Ukuni Woods. "Getting it in sight..."

The egret then squinted and his eyes momentarily flashed gold as he used his sight to the fullest to get a better look at the situation. After a heartbeat, his eyes widened, then he rolled them.

"Really?" he muttered.

He then descended and landed on a thorn bush branch, his friends rushed over to him.

"Ono, report!" Kion ordered.

"Nothing thrilling," Ono sighed, unenthusiastically. "Just a hyrax stuck in a thorn bush."

Everyone turned to the nearby thorn bush and saw a hyrax, they recognized this one as Pim, chittering fearfully as his eyes darted wildly around the bush. 

Fuli stared at the "situation" and groaned. "Seriously?"

"That's not so bad," Beshte said, sounding a little more hopeful than his friends.

"We rushed all the way across the Pride Lands for this?" Bunga said with disbelief.

Kion sighed, clearly just as annoyed as his friends, but went on nobly. "Bunga, the Lion Guard's duty is to defend the Circle of Life. Even if it means helping a hyrax out of a thorn bush."

"All right," Bunga shrugged. "I got this one. Come on, hyraxie. Let's get you outta there."

The honey badger then jogged forward and stuck his hands through one of the narrow openings in the bush, he grabbed Pim and was about to bring him out, but Pim bleated anxiously and wriggled out of Bunga's grasp. He shuddered and whimpered as he cowered back in the bush. Bunga tried to go after him by ripping away a branch, but Beshte quickly stopped him.

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