Desperation (Substitute 1)

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Chapter 1

"Help me! Help me!" "Somebody please help me!" I begin to start hearing a voice calling out to me as if that person is drowning, but I don't see anything at all. All I see is the sky and sounds of water slowing moving. "Help! I can't swim!" The voice keeps calling out to me but I still don't see him. My body starts going numb and my vision begins to go blurry and dark. As I hear that voice scream one more time I blacked out. I thought I was dying but I soon begin to hear muffled voices. They sound worried and sad for some reason. As the sound of muffled voices became clearer, I began to regain my vision. As I open my eyes I see a mother and a father talking to a doctor about someone. I didn't know who these people are or why I'm here, wherever here is anyways. "Hey.." I said to the worried parents, "Where am I and who are you people?" The doctor looks at me with a faint smile, "You're at the hospital, son." "Your parents saved you from drowning and brought you hear as soon as they could" I looked at the parents, they looked like nice people but I don't know who they are. "These aren't my parents, in fact I don't even know these people", I said to the doctor. The mother then gasped and begins to cry, "Tyson it's us!" "Your mom and dad! Don't you remember us?" I took another look at them and shook my head, "I'm sorry but you people don't look familiar at all to me.", I said looking at the father."Tyson! Don't talk to your father that way!" The mother yells at me with tears. "My name isn't Tyson!" I yelled back. "Son, if you don't mind we'd like for you to lay back down so we can see if there's anything wrong with your memory" the doctor said to me in a calm voice. I didn't want to stay here any longer I just wanted to get out of here and see where I am. There was a window open behind the parents I knew that was the only fast way out of here. I began to run as fast as I could to the window but my legs began to feel numb. I began to fall on my knees aching with pain in my stomach. I began to yell with pain and sorrow. Why is this happening? What's going with me? As I begin to feel more pain I start to black out again as I lay on the floor hearing nothing but white noise. Why does this keep happening to me? My stomach begins to stop aching once I begins to regain consciousnesses again only this time I'm not on a hospital bed but in a bedroom. I look around the room and nobody is here. "Hey you're awake" a voice says in a soft and calm way. I look around the room and finally I see a little girl standing outside of the room with a tray full of food. She looks at me with a blank and boring expression on her face as if she'd never smiled in her life. "Must be a real pain, huh?" She says as she walks towards the bed laying the tray on my lap. I looked at her as if I've seen her somewhere before. "Well? Aren't you gonna eat?" She says as she sits on the bed staring at me. "Um, yeah but who are you?" I said to her. "I guess you don't have his memories huh?" She said in a clam voice. I begin to have chills up my spine. His memories?! Who's memories?! What is she talking about?! "Judging by that shocked look on your face you don't know yet huh?" She says calmly. I begin to get angry, I'm tired if people leaving me in suspense and confusing me. So I grab her by the shirt and pull her to me, "What are you talking about?! Who are you and who's memories are you talking about?! Answer me!" She looks at me unphased my yelling and speaks calmly, "My name is Uxie I'm an archangel who's here to help you." An archangel? Is this some kind of joke?! "You're kidding" "Hardly" she says interrupting me. I begin to let go of her shirt and becomes in shock of all this. "Even though I don't believe that tell me this, who's memories are you taking about?" She then sits back down on the bed next to me and looks at me with a serious expression. "Tyson Cloverfield's memories" My stomach begins to ache again and start to feel pain in my head. I start to hyperventilate and I feel like I can't breathe. Uxie comes up to me and starts giving me a hug, as weird as I thought this was it began to help my breathing problem as well as my body. Then I see my body glowing along with Uxie's body as well. I felt scared from all this but I enjoyed it a little and noticed that I felt better. "Does this help prove it now?" She said looking up at me while hugging me. I was confused from what she was talking about. "Your pains went away because I healed you" I was suprised from what she said I almost believed it. "So you really are an archangel.." I said with shock. As soon as she lets go of me I begin to focus my mind on that name again. "Tyson.... that's what those parents kept calling me!" "That's because you are him" Uxie said calmly. It was making sense now. The parents and doctor calling me Tyson. The reason why I was at the hospital. The pains from my body. I'm Tyson Cloverfield! Wait! No! No I'm not! I don't even know who he is or who those parents are! My head starts to hurt more as I begin to yell at Uxie again, "What?! What are you talking about?! I'm not him!" "Oh? If you're not him then who are you?" She asked calmly. "I'm-" I begin to think for a moment and I suddenly I realized it. I don't know who I am. I look down and stare at Uxie. "Just as I thought you completely forgot who you are" she said looking at me with a serious face. "I'm...Tyson Cloverfield?" "Wrong again" she said interrupting me. "You may have his physical appearance and his life but you're not him" "then who am I?" I ask calmly. "You're his substitute" I nearly jumped out of the bed with shock. "A substitute?! Okay okay one crazy thing is enough for today!" "Oh? You don't believe me again?" Uxie said calmly. "Look it's not that I don't believe you it's that I don't want to believe it." "Hm. I see. Well then" she says as she get off the bed and looks at me. "Like I said before I'm here to help you so whether you believe me or not I'm still an archangel and it's my job to help you." I look at her as if she was dead serious. "Just tell me when you're finished eating and I'll be back here to take the tray back" she said as she walked out the room. I looked at tray of food in my lap and felt uneasy. I sighed and decided to pick up the apple that was on the tray and began biting into it. "This isn't happening..." I said softly.

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