Chapter 49

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-Holly pov-
Our family has a lot of love to share honestly. Everyone has someone who they love so much. Issue is how we respond to that love sometimes. Especially on days like today.

It is Valentine's Day and I think I am the only one with a gift. Judy I know for sure has nothing for any of us. Why do I know she does not? Because she forgot it was Valentine's Day.

Honestly I did not really care. I still gave her the necklace I got for her. Maribel did not hold a grudge either. Shelby on the other hand is a whole other story.

She has been furious for some reason. She gave us our gifts and everything before getting angry. I have no clue why she is so mad. I mean we are fiancés already so what gift is better than love?

She got Judy a bear with a necklace that can be worn. The necklace obviously not the bear. It is a really pretty necklace too. But then Judy dropped the bomb and Shelby flipped.

All of the babies woke up and cried after. It made for a bad morning in the house. Rachel has been trying to calm her down all morning. I do not believe anything has been working.

Judy has been a wreck all day too. She has cried a whole bunch and her classes have been tense. I have had to go in to help them out a bunch. I just have no clue what to do right now.

I hope other Valentine's days are going better.

-Marley pov-
This Valentine's Day is going terrible! I bought roses with my own money just for them to get ruined, the bear I won lost his arm, and I am now out of cash! I got Kitty absolutely nothing but a handicapped bear and bad roses! I am the worst girlfriend ever!

My mom offered to pay but we are so far behind on bills. I did not realize how much those two shirts cost us. I really hope her perfume covers up my lack of showers. Damn water bill had to be just too high.

Now I have nothing for Kitty. This is the first Valentine's together and I have nothing. Way to start the relationship idiot. I am so fucked today.

Maybe she did not get me anything either! Is it bad I am hoping that could be true? I just do not want to be alone in this. I guess I will find out in time if I am.

-Time skip-Shelby pov-
I was so angry this morning when I should not have been. Judy has been working on a few different things for the babies recently. She is so excited for Holly and Maribel to give birth. It is no wonder how she forgot about Valentine's Day.

She did not deserve my snapping at her this morning. She has been so great through the pregnancy. I am the one who has not been doing my job. I have not done one thing for the nursery.

"Hey" I jump and turn to see Blaine with the club all in the room "Are we having glee today?"

Before I can answer music starts playing. I turn confused and see Kitty in the door way. She has roses and a box of chocolates. I smile at how much she truly cares for Marley.

-Kitty singing-

You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs
But I look around me
And I see it isn't so
Some people want to fill the world
With silly love songs
And what's wrong with that?
I'd like to know
Cos here I go again

I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you

Ah, I can't explain
The feeling's plain to me
Now can't you see?
Ah, she gave me more
She gave it all to me
Now can't you see?
What's wrong with that?
I need to know
Cos here I go again

Love In New York (Sequel Forgive me, Help me, Be with me) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now