~ Chapter 2 ~

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I yawn and stretch my arm before getting up from the bed. After doing my morning routine, I choose an outfit for the day and get ready. I brush my long hair and let it fall. I'm not a fan of makeup but I do love wearing delicate accessories here and there.

( This is what you wear )

After deciding what to eat for breakfast, I settled for a cheesy egg toast with a banana smoothie

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After deciding what to eat for breakfast, I settled for a cheesy egg toast with a banana smoothie. There are some unsettling feelings inside me since today would be my first day at the University. I hope everything will go just well.

After getting on the bus, I need to walk for 5 minutes to get there. As I stepped inside the gate, I could see many people here and there. All of them seem to be in groups. Now, I need to search for the head office to get my class schedule first.

I know I'll never be able to find the office on my own since I'm bad with directions so this is where I will be gulping down my shyness to ask for help.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where the office is?" I tried approaching a group of three girls. All of them stopped chatting and looked at me.

"Sure, I can show you since I'm planning to go there." One of them said while smiling.

"Ah, would you? Thank you so much that will be a great help."

She bids goodbye to her friends and shows me the way.

"What major are you taking?"


She nods and we just talk about simple matters as we walk to the office.

After getting my class schedule, I began walking to my first class. The lecturer hasn't arrived yet so I just take a seat at the empty spot by the window.

The first day wasn't so bad after all.


Jungkook POV

Currently, we're inside my private jet heading to Hong Kong for our mission.

"Are you sure they're gonna agree with our terms?" Hoseok . asked as he settled comfortably in his seat.

"They have to no matter what. We can try blackmailing them if they don't agree. Remember, avoid violence first."

"Ahh, my hand is already itching to hunt." Taehyung hyung said with a grin.

I shook my head at him. "Use your mouth first to settle a deal. I will let you shed as much blood as you want when we get access to their dungeon."

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