~ Chapter 59 ~

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Jungkook pov

I can't describe how happy I am. My eyes getting teary hearing it. I've always wanted to have a perfect family with her. But I didn't expect it to be this soon. I'll cherish and protect them all my life.

Doctor : But...there's one thing I need to discuss with you

Jungkook : What is it

Doctor : Mrs Jeon condition is too weak at the moment. If she doesn't get enough energy then it might cause a harm to both mother and baby

My knees getting weak hearing that. No no my y/n...my baby. This is all my fault. If only I hadn't ignored her....then she would be healthy. Because of me she's in that condition. She tried to took care of me until she's the one that's getting weak and I was stupid to not realize it.

Doctor : Don't worry...she just needs a lot of rest and don't let her stress herself. Stress can cause a severe headache and this can lead to the person has a problem to sleep. If she doesn't get enough rest then she can't bear the pregnancy pain. She needs a good rest and make sure to give her healthy food only. I'll give a vitamin for her too. You can meet her in five minutes. She can discharged tomorrow

I just nodded my head before sitting down again. I don't know what to feel... I'm so happy but...I'm the one who put her in that condition. After a while I enter her ward and my eyes softened seeing her sleeping peacefully. It has been quite long I didn't saw her this peaceful. She always tried to talk to me and waited for me to come home. I took her hand in mine and kiss her knuckles. I caress her hair gently and stared at her all night. My eyes went to her tummy making me smile softly. I always wonder how she would look like if she's pregnant. I caress her tummy leaving a soft kiss on it.

Y/n pov

I opened my eyes and look around. A sudden headache making me whimpered and held my head.

Jungkook : Baby?! Why what's wrong? Is it hurting here? Tell me

I look beside me and saw a worried looking Jungkook with his hand grabbing mine gently. Wow.... it has been so long since I hear his voice without any coldness in it. His cold face was replaced with a worried one now. My eyes getting teary seeing him this close to me after so many days.

Jungkook : Princess why are you crying? Please tell me if it's hurt anywhere

Y/n : I miss you so much

I sobbed more as he pulled me to his chest kissing my head repeatedly.

Jungkook : I'm sorry I'm so sorry baby...I don't know it's just that the thought of you went out with other guy is killing me. I felt like my world stopped when I got to know you're missing. But still I know I should've not behaved that way towards you. I'm so sorry please. Forgive me pleasee princess...

Y/n : It's my fault too...but you really hurt me..I can't stand your cold behavior

Jungkook : I know I know I'm sorry baby

We pulled away from the hugged and wiped our tears. Then he looks at me smiling widely.

Y/n : You have something to tell me?

Jungkook : I don't know how you'll react and I don't know if you're ready for this but thank you love for making me the happiest person alive. I'll love and cherish both of you all my life

Y/n : Why are you saying all of this so sudden? Also what do you mean both-...

I paused as I thought about something. Is it what I'm thinking? Really? I look at him asking for an answer and he just looks at me with a wide smiles.

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