~ Chapter 11 ~

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Jungkook pov

When I'm speaking suddenly the door burst opened. I look up and it's y/n. I'm relieved to see her but the way she's walking seems like she's hurt. She got embarrassed by all the stares and when she's in front of us she bow a little even I can see she's about to fall down on her knees. When she sit down her hand immediately massaging her knees. Ahh how badly I want to hug her. Did she hurt her knees? I'm worried like crazy now but somehow proceed the event. While talking I take a few glance at her and she look like she can't write now?! Wtf happened to her?! I swear I'll kill whoever hurt her like this.

After ten minutes

Y/n pov

Finally it's done. But now we have to pick partners and I don't even know why. I don't understand anything cause I can't remember what they said. Well I'm fighting with the pain since I sit down. It's like someone stabbed my knees with a knife. I just hold myself from crying. I know I cry at everything and you may think I'm weak and a crybaby. But that's just how I am after my mother left me. I feel like I have no one in this world and I always cried at everything. That's why aunt and uncle always call me asking if I'm okay. Well they raised me so they know me well. But I seriously not gonna be their burden anymore.

My thought got interrupted with someone sitting beside me. I look up and it's Taehyun. He smile at me and ask

Taehyun : Are you okay? You look like you're holding the pain

Y/n : No I'm fine. It's nothing I just tripped at home

Taehyun : Well then okay. But do you want to be my partner? You doesn't have partner yet right?

Y/n : Umm yeah okay. But can we share your notes ? I don't get to write it earlier

Taehyun : Ofc here

With that he placed the notes in the middle both of us. I don't see it clearly so I scooted over a little to him. But what I didn't know is that someone is looking at us like we are his prey.

Suddenly, I feel something and look at it. I wear off shoulder blouse that's why. I widened my eyes seeing a spider on my shoulder. I really hate and scared of any types of insects. I scream a little and grab Taehyun shoulder while closing my eyes.

Y/n : T-taehyun please! G-get it off me! Faster!

Then his hand wrapped around me and his finger touch my bare shoulder to remove that spider. Without knowing there are seven person looking at us with deadly glares. Most dangerous one ofc jungkook. He could kill anyone with that gaze.

BTS pov ( except jk )

We heard a low scream so we look at it to find y/n scared of the spider. Other students doesn't notice cause they all are busy discussing and the surrounding are too loud to hear it. We wanted to help her but the boys that sitting beside her already do it. The fuck?! He can just remove it without touching her but those freaking fingers touched her bare shoulder and he doesn't seem to move it. Suddenly jungkook stand up and we completely forgot about him. We were mad too but jungkook could kill him now.

Jungkook pov

I control my anger as I saw one of the boys get up and sit beside y/n. From now I could tell he ask her to be his partner and I know she said yes. Fuck my plan ruined. Well we know y/n doesn't has any friends so we thought we can get her paired up with me but there those jerk ruining it. I tried my best to stay calm as I saw y/n scooted over to him. They're sitting way too close and I don't like it a bit. Oh baby you made a bad mistake.

All of a sudden I saw y/n scream and I was about to get up but she touch that boys and ask him to get the spider off her. That boys could just remove it but my blood boiled when I saw her fingers touching y/n's bare shoulder. That's it. Bad move boys. I get up and stormed towards both of them not caring the whisperings from my hyungs.

I bang their table not loud to get the whole class attention but enough to make y/n flinch. That freaking hands. I'm trying my best not to kill anyone here. Y/n look shock seeing me but that jerk just look at me boringly.

Jungkook : What did I told you guys to do?! I told you to get pair up with someone and discuss about your design right ?! Then why are being lovey dovey at the back ??!!!

Y/n flinch when I shouted at them. Sorry baby but anger got the best of me now. She just look down the whole time.

Taehyun : We're sorry Mr Jeon , we will focus on discussion now.

Suddenly, a girl came and put her hands around his shoulder and said

Girl : Taehyun baby can you be my partner? My friends is not here today.

Taehyun look hesitate as he already ask y/n earlier.

Y/n : Taehyun it's okay you can go with her.

Taehyun : I'm so sorry y/n you have to be paired up with one of them.

Y/n : I'm fine now go

What's happening is the fate take my sides? Finally I can have her. But tf I yelled at her earlier. Oh God how dumb can you be Jeon ?! I look at my members and give them signal that everything's going to the plan.

Jungkook : You have no choice but to paired up with me.


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