Chapter Seven

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Meadow's Pov
All these non stop training for two months felt like it was worth it in a way, everyone was split into their own training with their own teachers and all. I found myself seeing my teammates a little less, right before the second part of the exams took over.

Not long it was a blur, fight after fight. Time after each time. Scene after when the Hokage was killed by Orochimaru and our new Hokage Lady Tsunade was sworn in.
She was an awesome woman really from what I had heard, Sakura hasn't stop boasting about her since she arrived back in the village.

It was quite some interesting turn of events for the leaf and sand. Everyone was adjusting to new times.

"I have the most reckless team look at them. They can't get along for an hour without someone getting punched or kicked into a building." I mumbled to myself in disbelief, tracing my fingers across my own mark a few times trying my best to ignore all the shocks coursing through my body each time I did.

I was sitting on the rooftop of the hospital listening to the three boys scream and yell at each. With just a gaping hole in a water tank Kakashi Sensei just staring between them.  So much hormones in one place.

"Can you two stop it for once! You are causing Meadow stress!" Sakura exclaimed loudly running his hands all through out his hair deeply,

"He still thinks he is better then me Sakura!"

"Butt out Sakura!"

I sighed facepalming  a bit standing up on my weak legs. "I should go visit Lee they aren't stopping anytime soon." I chuckled amused hearing the sounds of what sounded like harsh punches being thrown.

I slipped back down to head into my hospital room. I hated being here in the hospital, I've been in here since my injury, it did give me time to rest up and practice more spells.

It was late when no more visitors were allowed at the hospital, I was left alone in the room, with the lamps reading under the blanket scanning my eyes across the books. Yet my attention was drawn away hearing a voice calling out to me.

"Hey kid." I fluttered my eyes yanking the blanket back to stare out the window, there was just a male casually standing in the tree branch peeking inside at me.

"Now that's just odd. " I muttered, I climbed out of the bed walking over to the window in confusion.

"What do you want?" I questioned a little tilting my head to the side at the purple hair male. He flashed a grin my way.

"You are a lot prettier in person- tilt your head for me?" I once more was just confused but tilted my head seeing his eyes locked straight.

"You have Oriochumru's seal on your neck...  Which works in a good favor." I pressed my arms firmly onto my chest a little.

"I don't know how being bitten by a grown man is a good thing." A soft laugh left the male.

"It gives you powers, powers you've never imagined makes you stronger," He tilted his neck exposing the same mark that I had that was present in his own neck. I felt my entire freeze up like a pulse growing through my body.


I shook my head frantically clearing my throat. "There's no short cut to get stronger and powerful... I've tried you have to work hard to earn the things you want." I trailed off a little rubbing my palms together to calm myself down. Seem like my heart was racing so fast with the thought.

"You've already shown the deal hatred and anger, now it's gonna react to that way. You've burst of the power, Almost killing, the strength." I harsh nibbled at my lower lip, not speaking as I listened to him, I just wanted to deny that I had done those things. The rage moments, Almost breaking that guy's arm, and attacking Sakura. I just wanted to avoid it.

"I didn't do those things." I lied right through my teeth seeing him smirk at me a little, shaking his head.

"Orochimaru can help make you stronger Meadow.. It's about time you stopped playing Ninja and gain some power... if you have an answer tomorrow night leave the village and join us." I looked away for just a moment to watch the male was no where in sight, I rolled my eyes sighing deeply, I rubbed at my temple a couple times going back to climbing into the bed sinking into the warm sheets.

My hands lingered to trace at the flowers both Ino and Sakura had brought me staring at them with a very dark heavy expression, I then muttered quietly.

Is it worth... leaving the village for?

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