Chapter Two

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Meadow's Pov
For the first time in a long while, I felt really really exhausted and sleepy. But possibly because of the previous day, I spent all day doing the shadow clone Jutsu.

It really did take a lot of energy out of me, and somehow now a whole bunch of guys kept coming up to me after I accidentally cast a spell during the test instead of the required ones. So I was a little popular for making a small bird appear out of nowhere.

I gently messed with my headband a little tracing the little leaf on the front of It perking up a little bit when I heard some of the voices of Shikamaru and Choji talking but everyone was more excited to be heading towards the next stage of becoming a ninja.

I leaned back in my seat hearing a lot of girls exclaiming and gushing at Sasuke who was sitting next to me in his own world with his knuckles pressed tightly together. I fluttered my eyes a little in confusion watching Naruto suddenly jumped on the table getting into Sasuke face.

Me thinking something bad was gonna happen I moved back from my chair getting up but I then squeaked feeling two figures behind me I turned around a little my heart racing looking between Sakura and Ino who were shooting glares at one another but were staring at me.

"Hey Meadow you are looking so cute there with your headband." I flushed a little with heat when Ino placed his arms around my shoulders grinning at me. "Thank you," I muttered out seeing him grinning throwing a smug look at Sakura who had his arms crossed deeply.

"How'd you do that cool jutsu yesterday I've never seen anyone from our class do it." I stared at little at Sakura seeing him throwing me an actual soft smile.

"Oh, it's a kind of jutsu that only my family knows how to do." I stammered shyly at the heated gaze of his green eyes. He was really handsome "ooo a secret jutsu you are so awesome Meadow."

"Sasuke and Naruto kissed!" I snapped my gaze away fast to look back at the table where Sasuke and Naruto were deeply gagging and looking to be holding back throwing up.

A sudden loud laugh left me and I held my mouth. "Ah man yuck take that outside." I kept laughing watching Ino and Sakura look at one another "So cute." They both said.

"Alright everyone settle down!" It was honestly the quickest I saw the whole class scramble to their seats including me who was sitting at a table with both Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto.

"Alright since everyone has passed their test it's time to assign teams, you all get to meet your new Sensei's as well, after today I no longer will be your teachers. I smiled a little sad since it was a new chapter. I laid my head on my desk listening to Iruka Sensei calling out teams.

"Alright are final team is one of the four-team seven Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Meadow Son." It was dead silent before I heard Sakura exclaiming happily turning back to look at Ino with a smile.

"Take that!" He smirked kicking his feet up. "Oh shut up," Ino shouted leaning over his desk looking at him annoyed.

"Sensei why am I on a team with a loser like Sasuke!" I smiled faintly seeing Sasuke shoot him a glare but he gave me a look "Looks like you have both your admirers this should be interesting." He smirked but then yelped when I kicked him in his leg fast.

It was very loud and chaotic for a while before all the rest of everyone went to meet their teacher, expect for us we were still in the classroom. I was pacing around humming quietly Sasuke say silently while Sakura sat on top of a random desk playing with his long hair.

"He's late why are we the only ones who haven't met our sensei yet!" Naruto exclaimed throwing his hands up. "You have to be patient idiot." Sasuke told him. "What he said," Sakura muttered moving his hair to rest back over his shoulders.

Once again we were quiet till Naruto was shifting around grabbing an eraser from the board placing it over the door.

"Naruto what the hell are you doing," Sakura grumbled pressing his fingers into his cheeks roughly looking tired.  "This will teach him for being late." I finally spoke.

"Our teacher is a jonin at best Naruto you think he'll fall for that silly," I told him with a giggle watching his cheeks flame red.

  "You really are an idiot sometimes." Sakura chuckled shaking his head. The door then slides open right at the moment when a sliver haired make with his face and eyes covered the eraser bounced right off his spiky hair.

I held back my laughter while Naruto and Sakura were laughing quietly leaving Sasuke to shake his head deep. "Ha I got him!" Naruto laughed "I tried to stop him, sort of Sensei." Sakura said through his not so loud laughter.

Our new Sensi looked at us all before he then spoke.

"Let's see what's my expression on you guys, you're a bunch of idiots."

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