Chapter Three

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Meadow's Pov
I sat mindlessly on the rooftop sitting between Naruto and Sasuke watching a little interested at our Sensei who stood before us leaning on the railing.

He radiated badass energy and I wondered if we would ever be like that one day. I wanted to be badass.

"Why don't you all introduce yourselves?" He suggests, his one visible eye staying trained on us. Looking at each of us very focused.

"What are we supposed to say?" Sakura asks his voice growing a little too loud, but he had his hand propped up straight onto his cheek.

"Things you like, things you hate, hobbies, dreams for the future. Things like that." He said after a quick pause.

"You go first," Naruto demanded, nodding his head roughly his blue eyes looking sort of bored.

"Alright then. I'm Kakashi Hatake. I don't feel like telling you my likes and dislikes. I have lots of hobbies. And dreams for my future? Never really thought about it." Kakashi stated shrugging his shoulders back. Making me let a small snicker out from his so blunt answers.

Kakashi Sensei? I tested it out a bit on my tongue, it fit very well. Now having a name to fit a face.

"Well, that was useless. All he ever told us was his name." Sakura stated to me in disbelief when he peeked around Naruto to stare at me. I nodded my head in agreement.

"You seem really young." I found myself trailing off, realizing I said my thoughts out loud.

"You're very observant." Kakashi Sensei chuckled slowly shaking his head deeply to the side.

"Who's next?"

"Me! I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup and ramen that Iruka sensei buys for me. I hate that I have to wait for three minutes after you pour water in the ramen. My future dream is to be the greatest Hokage ever and for everyone to treat me with respect. Believe it!” Naruto exclaimed.

"Alright. Next."

"I'm Sakura Haruno and what I like is… umm I mean who I like is. My hobbies are uh…. My future dream is…" Sakura seemed to be stammering heavily over his words and when I locked eyes with him.  I noticed he was watching me quite a lot when he was speaking made me send him a small wave watching him look away with deep red cheeks.

"And who do you hate?" Kakashi Sensei then questioned Sakura still had a red face and couldn't say much covering his cheeks with his super long hair making Kakashi Sensei move on.

"Next please." I fluttered my eyes a bit before I spoke.

"My name is Meadow, uhh I like sleeping and doing magic from my family jutsu, I dislike when people talk over me, my dream is to become the next generation magic ninja in my clan." Kakashi then stared at me.

"Wait what's your clan name?" I smiled proudly.

"Son Clan." Kakashi Sensei looked impressed.

"Wow, you guys have a powerful member on your team her family clan has the most powerful yet unique type jutsu we like to call them witches." I winked slightly when Kakashi Sensei chuckled at me.

"Wow really? Can you demonstrate." Naruto was quick to shove Sakura away to get a good look at me grinning.

"Sure."  I laughed quietly but held out my hand making a few hand signs before muttering out a spell blowing it out making a butterfly appear making my teammates look at it in awe as it fluttered around a few times.

"Pretty," Sakura muttered with a grin over his face.

"Alright, you're the last one." Kakashi Sensei gestured to Sasuke who snapped his eyes away from the butterfly.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything, I only tolerate one person that's Meadow she's my friend, what I have is a not a dream because I will make it reality I'm going to restore my clan and kill a certain someone." Sasuke declared out leaving it dead silent and all I could do was smack my face because Sasuke always had to be dark.

"I'm glad you are all unique in your own way, tomorrow we start our first mission together." He announced leaning off the railing.

I tried to focus but I watched the butterfly flutter around me making me giggle when it flew around my hair watching Sakura stare at me with this smile on his face.

"What kind of mission?" I asked focusing back in "it'll be a survival mission." Once again Sakura since he was the goody smartie in our class starting going on a rant about how we learned all that stuff I just zoned out that was when I zoned back in.

"Meet me at the training grounds at 5:00 am and oh also don't eat breakfast or you're gonna throw up." With Kakashi Sensei's last word he poofed away leaving us all on the rooftop in confusion.

"What the hell just happened?" I questioned scratching at my head.

"So Meadow can I walk you home? " Sakura quickly asked me. I was still scratching at my head feeling Sasuke nudge me with a slight grin.

"Sure why not," I answered.

"I'm coming too!" Naruto yelled out.

"Back off Naruto!"

"The hell with that!" 

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