Chapter Five

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Meadow's Pov
For a long while I had gotten use to my very wild teammates, Sakura was actually so amazing and I never really gave much thought to him before. Back when we went on our first official mission.

I had gotten hurt quite a lot with us using our new teammate working together method during the land of waves. All of us having a new meaning behind chakra control, and Sakura did rip his clothes protecting me.

Naruto and Sasuke still had the deepest tension and even after we all almost were killed we still couldn't work on our teamwork. Kakashi Sensei after our last few low rank missions.

I was wandering the village on my own. I wish I was powerful... Like I was powerful to a level but I felt like I needed more. I shook the thought away grumbling more training it is and possible overworking myself.

"Hey Boss is that your girlfriend!" I jumped a little in surprise from my little thoughts noticing I had walk straight into Naruto and his little shenanigans with Konohamaru.

"Sure is isn't she gorgeous." Naruto was grinning at me with such a hard blush across his face.

"Hey Naruto." I laughed watching wide eyed when Sakura appeared with his hair tied up in a deep bun grabbing at Naruto's ears hard yanking on them just slightly. This bored expression all over his face.

"You are so annoying." He grumbled shooting him a glare both of them shooting daggers at one another with their eyes.

Odd enough... With the sight of all his long pink hair tied up in an elegant bun on his head, styled in all black today instead of his usual pink attire.  This lazy expression on his face with a tiny scar from our mission near his chin a low squeak left me making both eyes snap to me confused both heads in my direction.

My eyes were wide at the odd pounding of my heart. It felt like I was dying at the speed my heart was pounding I could hear it in my ears bouncing around.

This has never happened before... Like ever

"What the hell..." I exclaimed fast. making Sakura jolt slightly letting Naruto's ear go

"What is wrong with me." I gasped holding my cheeks. I never was one to go boy crazy.... Shit why is Sakura looking at me like that? I quickly tried to rush away to go ask Sasuke.

"Man look at how big his forehead is!"

"Shut up you little brat!" I shook my head violently for a while I was just stuck in thought till I bumped into a hard chest.

"Sorry. " I apologized shaking my head fast but I saw two figures I knew right away weren't from the village.

"Watch where you are going little girl." I glared roughly.

"Alright you prick, first off I'm twelve, maybe thirteen the last time I check I usually don't get into fights but you deserve it, who the hell do you think you are." Who ever was grabbed me by my shirt but I shoved him away.

I let a startled shock out when out of nowhere a pebble was thrown at his forehead so fast but I was being swooped up with a small flash of pink in front of me.

"Don't touch her." I stared in shock seeing Sakura had came out of nowhere glaring moving me behind him where Naruto and the others where.

"Sakura.. Sasuke?" I questioned looking up I suddenly felt like this emotion hit me realizing that I was just as powerful as my teammates but they seemed to always be saving me.

God damn it... I need to get stronger I told myself. I looked around noticing quite a lot of others  around our age joined.

"You guys aren't from the leaf, your headband is from the sand what's your business here? You know you can't be here without permission." Sakura shot out the glare still visible on his face his green eyes looking between everyone.

"You all must be living under a rock? We have permission see." The blonde girl held out a little pass smirking at all of us.

"If you must know, the chunin exams are happening." With that she turned around walking away with the red head and the other with face paint.

"What the hell is the Chunin exams?" Naruto grumbled out.

"Boss you were so not cool, did you see Sakura and Sasuke? Watch one of them take your girlfriend." Konohamaru started laughing at Naruto.

"Thanks Sakura, Sasuke." I muttered moving away from them I saw Sakura's eyes lingering on me when I continued down the path of the road.

"How do I get more power?" I muttered to myself confused and all. Rubbing at my own scar on my arms.

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