Chapter Eight

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Meadow's Pov
I had pondered it all night long stuck in my hospital room. I didn't wanna stay here playing ninja, but it meant I would be leaving behind my family and friends and those I held dear to myself. It took most of the night but I had decided I was gonna leave, I wanted to see what first Orochimaru was offering and maybe his training or strange plans would work in my favor.

The hospital was bustling with injured ninjas left and right, slipping my black pants back on, slipping the dark blue long sleeved shirt with ease shaking out the messiness of my large hair. I took one last look around the room with a heavy like sigh before climbing out of the window going into the tree with ease, taking some time to land down on the ground under me with a harsh grunt my sandals hitting the rough concrete as I made my way towards the gate.

No one should be there right now they are switching night shifts at the moment, I was so close I was half way there walking across the stone path before a voice calling out to me had my body tensing up.

"Meadow!" I firmly shut my eyes for a moment without spinning around for a moment taking a shaky breath in.

"Oh hey Sakura... What are you doing out so late?" I questioned to the short pink haired male, I could see from the corner of my eyes he was shifting off the bench he was sitting on, standing up.

  "I could say the same for you. You should still be recovering at the hospital." I let a small laugh out just so I could reassure him, feeling my hands tremble as I kept speaking.

"They let me out early I'm going to head back home." I heard a soft scoff leave the male but then his shaky tone was speaking.

"You are leaving the village... Aren't you? You are letting Orochimaru take control of you Meadow! The Meadow I know wouldn't do this." I spun around on my heel fast like seeing his blazing angry eyes staring deep into my own.

"I need... I need power Sakura! I am weaker than my three team mates and I am working hard I am trying and it just feels like I'm weaker every battle we face. I can't do that being stuck here playing ninja!"

"You come from a powerful clan Meadow what are you talking about! You use a jutsu that none of us can even use from a book! You know that cheating your way isn't gonna give you any power! That mark on your neck is evil and dark jutsu and you know it." Each shout grew louder before he was stepping towards me, his green eyes slowly started to soften as tears brimmed the edge of his eyes.

"Do I not matter to you..? Does our team not matter? Does our friends.. You are powerful to me and why can't you see that!" He shouted his lips trembling moving closer to me grabbing at my arms tightly.  "That since we were five I just wanted you to notice me... I wanted you to see me, not as the weak pink haired boy competing with Ino for you to notice me." My lips trembled hearing each rough snap of his voice ring and bounce through my ears.

"I love you Meadow.. I always have, I felt like I always had to compete with Ino... Naruto some times even Sasuke please stay for me... I can help you we can get stronger together I won't leave you behind I'll protect you... But please you can't leave me, I'm begging you to stay here in the village with me don't leave me all alone!" I felt the warmth of my own tears trickles down my cheek in a slow like stream, a soft hiccup like whimper of a silent cry leaving me feeling his body shaking as he hugged me tightly little hiccups leaving me.

"Sakura... I'm so sorry I never noticed, I'm so sorry you are hurting this way, and that it took so long like this. I hope you can forgive me." I whimpered out tangling my hand into the back of his hair gently the shakes still running through me rough like as I whispered onto the top of his head.

"I love you too... I always will okay." As quickly as I could using as much force as I could I hit the pressure point on the back of his neck to knock him out in a sleep, using my speed to quickly place him onto the bench with ease, staring at the tear stains decorating his cheeks, I lowered my head down to give him a soft like kiss shutting my eyes after bowing my head down once silently.

Please forgive me one day... All of you. 

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