Chapter Nine

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Sakura's Pov
Damn... I knew she could hit hard, I was expecting a different outcome then to wake up after a black out was what I was met with after exposing all my feelings like that out in the open like that, oddly enough during the black out I could recall the feeling of soft lips pressed onto my own, before when I had finally woken up.

The first thought inside my mind was Meadow, I was met with the sight of my body laid firmly on the bench. I at first found myself crying quietly to myself in that moment I had felt weaker than I had felt in forever, and I usually felt pretty strong with my eye for knowledge adding in the new healing I was learning adding in new fighting styles as well.

It showed that no matter how much you loved and cared for someone, they could still leave when they had something in mind. I don't know how fast I had rushed to last Tsunade to inform her that Meadow had left. I just knew my thoughts were racing high with emotions. Finding myself storming towards the entrance gates of the leaf where Sasuke, Naruto, Lee, Choji, Shikamaru, and Neji all had gathered and what not with Shikamaru leading them.

"Is it true Meadow left on her own?" Lee asked firmly keeping his arms folded.

"Meadow is stupid but she's not this stupid." Sasuke grumbled out roughly, shaking his head in annoyance. I stepped forward watching Naruto's blue eyes shift up with shock, stepping between everyone.

"Sakura you should be resting, we don't know if you hit your head." I shook my head waving my hand off.

"I'm fine she just hit my pressure point and knocked me out. I'm coming with." I stated out. Shikamaru shot me quite the look since he was leading.

"Sakura.." I didn't let him finish as I spoke firmly.

"I love that girl even if she is stupid and is being selfish. I'm bringing her back to the damn village do you understand me?" I warned them all seeing Neji's eyes grow wide a bit in surprise looking away before Sasuke sighed roughly pinching at his nose.

"Alright I just don't want anyone arguing. We need to go now she has a full night ahead of us. Lady Tsunade said bring her back let's go." Shikamaru nodded all of us wasting no time to start sprinting right out of the gates.

That damn girl is an idiot... I promised Ino I would bring her back and that's what I was gonna do.

Meadow's Pov
I was so sleepy exhausted. The whole night had been spent traveling with these very powerful people, their charka levels were off the charts with power. Yet my thoughts had been racing with Sakura's words for hours on end. Maybe I was being selfish... Yet I shook it away when we all had split up. They had told me firmly that there was about seven ninjas on the move after us.

They told me all I had to do was make it fully out of the leaf and pass the great Hokage statues that Kabuto would be passed that to escort me away. There was a deep part of me hesitant as each of my feet sprinted pass the branches rough like, leaping one last time hearing my name being shouted roughly.

"Meadow!" I landed quickly on a set of rocks, spinning around my chest rising and falling looking at the two in confusion, exhaling harshly.

"Naruto...? Sakura?" I saw Sakura was glaring at me with a lot in his eyes, Naruto also looked angry.

"What the hell are you guys doing here? Go back to the village please." I demanded out to them.

"Meadow it's never been like you to run away! Ever! Are you crazy going to Orochimaru! Hurting Sakura what is wrong with you! Sasuke getting hurt to bring you back!" I've heard Naruto shout a lot before this was a real different kind of anger in him, his charka was switching between his normal one to this orange like one.

"I... All Sasuke wants to get revenge for his clan! And Sakura." I briefly glanced away as I exhaled the lies from my lips, "Just loves me, just to spite Ino." Sakura scoffed out a small chuckle leaving him glancing at the side with those green eyes of his still holding annoyance.

"That's not what you told me last night when you said you loved me too. Stop this nonsense Meadow come home." He pleaded to me rough like.

"You.. You were crying! I just wanted you to go back home.. I never cared about you guys." I was so bad at lying I wasn't even convincing myself.

"Enough! Meadow I care about you.. Don't make us both fight you." I kept my eye contact with Naruto firmly scoffing out, rolling my shoulders back, seeing Sakura roughly wiping at his cheek with the little scar on it walking across the water firmly.

"I guess I have no choice then." I muttered stepping back shutting my eyes for a moment. Never thought I would see the day I was fighting two of my teammates.

"If we fight Meadow.. I don't care I'll break every bone in your body and bring you back to the village." Sakura's tone was so menacing and filled with pure angry and hate. I snapped my eyes open quickly making hands signs quickly.

"Fire style!"

"Shadow Clone!"

"Water Style!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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