Chapter Four

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Meadow's Pov
Honestly it's too early for this shit. I thought bitterly rubbing at my eyes a little. It was still early enough that the sun was blazing and shining down through the training grounds.

I found myself sitting on the grass with Sasuke who was messing around with my hair, listening to Sakura and Naruto grow very annoyed that our new sensei was late. Deep down I had a feeling he was always gonna be like this.

"He's freaking late again, How the hell is he gonna tell us to be here." Naruto growled out Sakura was running his hands through his pink hair quite aggressively but I got an idea.

"Hey Sakura?" I called over to him. He whipped his head around with quickly to stare at me blushing.

"Yeah Meadow?" He answers me.

"Can I do your hair?" I offered a little hearing Sasuke was snickering quite deeply near my ear.

"You idiot." He muttered moving away from me before he was rubbing at my shoulders.

"M-my hair? Yes oh yes yes you can." He stammered quickly rushing over to me smiling. He sat down in front of me before he pulled all his long hair over his back for me.

"It's so pretty." I whispered in a daze running my hands through it slowly. I heard him mutter quietly.

"Thank you... I remember you said you liked guys with long hair." I blinked my eyes really fast grabbing the hair tie off my wrist grabbing all his hair to slowly pull up into a high ponytail.

"I did?" I questioned confused a little leaving a small piece of the hair out for a bang.

"Yeah.. Don't you remember when we were five?" He said turning his head to look at me. I blinked my eyes yet again.

"Sakura I was five... I don't remember half the stupid shit I did as five, but I do like long hair, but short hair is also amazing too, anything is awesome." I praised finishing up quite quickly with his hair moving to sit in front of him looking.

"There you go don't want your hair getting in the way today." I smiled at him both of us gazing at one another fully.  He reached out to tuck some of my own hair that was kinda out of control today making me chuckle softly with him.

"Sorry guys, a black cat crossed my path and had to take another way." I whipped my head around to see Kakashi Sensei casually walked with his hands on his pocket.

"You are late!" Sakura and Naruto exclaimed. I chuckled but we all gathered around when Kakashi Sensei placed a clock on the middle of the old tree stump pressing down on it before turning towards us holding out in his hand two bells that jiggled.

"You have until twelve pm to retrieve a bell from me, in order for me to pass you, and for you to eat lunch." He placed down a few bento boxes and I could already smell the food.

That's why he said not to eat. I thought hearing my stomach growling quite loudly making me wince holding it a bit.

"There's only two bells though." I muttered.

"Two of you will pass, the one that doesn't gets sent back to academy." I felt for some reason he was bluffing, but it had to have been way more then that.

While I was looking between everyone I finally realized I was the only girl on the team.

So this activity has been going on all morning and it took me quite a while to realize we were suppose to be working together, but I honestly had some stubborn teammates.

Sakura was following me around quite a lot saying I needed protection, Sasuke said he didn't need anyone's help and could do it alone, Naruto claimed he could do it all on his own to become Hokage while me.

I could easily have casted a invisible spell jutsu. He did say we could use anything to try. But soon it hit twelve.

"Did anyone get any bells?" Sasuke asked everyone looking between us. I chewed at my lower lip a bit I didn't get a chance to speak because Kakashi Sensei was making his way back over towards all four of us.

"So nobody got a bell? Hmm guess no one passes or eats lunch. Has anyone figure out why we put you on teams of three, Well in your case four. " Everyone was staring with no clue at all. Before the three of them staring arguing with one another.

I kept my left hand behind my back but raised my hand. "Yes Meadow?" He nodded at me.

"Team work." I answered a little.

"Correct, How is that the only girl on your team figure it out before you guys could?" Kakashi Sensei then started going on this huge deep rant but I decided to speak up.

"Kakashi Sensei." He snapped his head towards me confused, and between my fingers I held a bell.

"Uhh I think you would want this back." I giggled quietly seeing his one visibly eye go wide. He quickly dug around in his pocket yanking the bells out to show that one was missing.

"I- when did you get that Meadow?" He answers fast. I felt all the shocked attention on me.

"Well I casted a jutsu that made me invisible while you were tying Naruto up when he tired to eat and just took it. " I giggled shyly seeing he looked impressed.

"I didn't even sense your chakra at all, impressive Meadow." I smiled standing up to hand him the bell back which he carefully took attaching it back.

"She's so amazing.."

"Ew.. Loser you have it so bad."

"Shut up Sasuke!"

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