Chapter One

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Meadow's Pov
Sometimes coming in last always all that too far away from being in first place. Well that's a strange analogy to use. I was an early bird and always had been when I was younger I was always someone early no matter the day, no matter if I exhausted or if I wasn't feeling it.

So I wasn't surprised when I had turned twelve that I still would have the habit that helped me during my academy days. Me and my mom were special kinda of ninjas and came from a clan that has a unique type of code like chakra, through a family these big ass book was passed down onto each generation mainly to the woman more then the men.

A huge book of chakra incoded spells that only our clan was able to read. And oh guess who's turn it is to read and memorize around 100 plus spells along with remembering Justus and everything in the academy?

Yeah I'm surprised I've not dropped out dead yeah from my head exploding. Cradling the large book in my hands while sitting at the many desks there were a few people in here. As well as my best friend who some people had a hard time talking to Sasuke Uchiha.

I guess because we both liked it quiet and we like to keep to ourselves even though he had a ton of girls following him around since we were five, while me I had?

The loudest bang of the door sounded out and I almost jumped right in my seat hiding my head in my book watching the pink and blonde hair rush into the room.

"I'm first!"

"No I'm first do you not see my foot dumbass."

"I see your gigantic forehead!"

"Take that back you stupid pig." A small giggle left my lips watching the two already wild boys. Ino and Sakura. For as long as I can remember since we entered school when we were five those two always were around me and I never understood why I was quiet.

I was strange even when I was young I didn't like talking, I just liked reading and drawing but then those two. Always were picking flowers for me to put into my hair, at one point those two were best friends and then one day it liked switched so fast.

They both were undeniably cute and attractive but recently both their hair had grown tremendously flowing down their shoulders. You could feel their death glares at one another was at a full ten today, that was until a wild figure pushed past the two flashing me a smile.

"Hey Meadow! Can I sit next to you today." Naruto Uzumaki one day the poor boy who was bullied by the village he would achieve something so great.

"Naruto!" Ino and Sakura shouted in unison both at the boy who jumped looking at them in shock.

"What!" He shouted back. I kept giggling taking a look at Sasuke who just face palmed leaning over to talk to me "You know those three like you right?" I flashed him a look of confusion.

"No they don't." I laughed tucking my curly hair away. He just shot me a look and flicked my forehead.

"Whatever loser, I don't know how you can't see it." I once again shook my head quickly but watched Naruto sit next to me, before Ino and Sakura had finally stopped fighting and sat together at a desk behind us.

I let my chakra flow through my fingers tips slowly before I watched the words from my book fade away slamming the cover shut I started a quiet conversation with Naruto smiling feeling two eyes burning into my skull.

"You know staring at her isn't gonna make her notice you she is very empty minded." I looked over towards Sasuke in confusion before there was loud telling again.

"Shut the hell  up Sasuke."

"Be quiet Sasuke!" I giggled yet again but I looked back towards the front of th classroom when Iruka Sensei walked in making everyone grow quiet when he stepped in.

"Alright everyone you know what today is? It's testing day will be testing your shadow clone jutsu, and some others, and no funny business." Iruka was looking straight at Naruto making me nudge him seeing him scowling before he leaned his fist on his cheek.

"Yeah yeah." Naruto grumbled "What a drag." Shikamaru whined out from his row of the desk.

"Alright come get in a line and if it takes until lunch then it takes until lunch." I stood up first brushing off my outfit heading to get in the line when I bumped into a desk almost tripped before arms wrapped around my waist stopping my fall.

I squeaked out when I was pressed into a chest before I was looking up into these pretty green eyes, and the flowing pink hair was in his face before he was shaking it away.

"You alright Meadow?" I was taken back for the first time since I hadn't been this up close to Sakura in a while, he was truly a different kind of boy and sometimes for bullied his hair, to him liking the color pink. His name literally meant Cherry Blossom.

"Sakura? When did your voice get husky." I gasped out watching his face twist into confusion before he was chuckling proudly setting me back down.

"Well Its called puberty and I'm growing through it" He sent me a casual wink. And I stared at him more "Thank you for catching me." I stammered patting his chest gently through his pink shirt.

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