Chapter 3 The Letter

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The spring term of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was about to begin for the Hogwarts students. It had been a little over a week since the Yule Ball that Harry had disappeared from before the end. Harry had said he had gone to bed early and that was it so nobody questioned him. Harry wondered if they would even believe the truth. Harry Potter and Lucius Malfoy lovers; the very notion was ridiculous. But it had happened - twice! Ah! Here Harry was thinking about what had happened at the Yule Ball again when he was just trying to get over Lucius Malfoy.

It wasn't like anything could ever happen between them. Harry was the Boy Who Lived who had stopped Voldemort as a baby and thwarted Voldemort's two attempts of returning. Malfoy, on the over hand was a Dark Wizard who had followed Voldemort in the past and had given the diary to Ginny Weasley in attempt to discredit her father and remove Dumbledore from the school. Harry was a fourteen year old boy whilst Lucius Malfoy was about forty years old with a beautiful wife and a fourteenyear old son.

No there was no future between them at all! But Harry couldn't help but hope that maybe one day they would be able to fuck happily again. Lucius Malfoy sure knew what buttons to press to make Harry into a mound of sexual frustration. Why did he want Malfoy so much? He was just an arrogant Pure Blood git like the rest of the Pure Blood supremacists that populated the Slytherin House. Yet another reason why Malfoy wouldn't go for a half blood like him! But then why did Malfoy seek him out at the Yule Ball!

Harry was so confused. He liked Malfoy. But he couldn't like Malfoy. And he couldn't talk to anyone about it because all of his friends were Light wizards and hated the Malfoys so would be disgusted him for even liking Malfoy never mind fucking Malfoy once and being fucked by him another time. So Harry was just left to his confusion all by himself. Sometime life really sucked. He wondered what the Malfoy Lord was doing now before turning away from that line of thought once again. Harry turned back to the rest of the Golden Trio.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were currently sitting in the Great Hall where looking up at the ceiling it seemed it was snowing in the hall but didn't reach their heads. Harry busied himself with his breakfast trying to get his mind off Lucius Malfoy rather unsuccessfully Harry thought. No matter what happened Harry just couldn't forget the handsome, hot, sexy blonde older man that Harry was obsessing over. Harry was buttering his toast when he heard the mail arrive. But didn't look up there wouldn't be any mail for him today, there rarely was.

When Harry had first came to school the only letters he got during term time was from Hagrid because his aunt and uncle hated his guts and had shown it with their fists and frying pan often enough. But Harry had long ago accepted that fact. That didn't mean he was going to go around talking about it especially not to his friends who took things like love and family fore granted and worried about not having enough toys and books. Harry had lived his whole life without either or these things but because he was rich nobody seemed to realise what kind of life he had come from.

It was then that he noticed that an owl had come for him today and didn't look like the kind that Sirius would send. Sirius was one of Harry's few confidants but they had to be careful because otherwise the Ministry would find Harry was in contact with a convict and Harry would be pulled in for questioning over Sirius' whereabouts even if he had no idea where Sirius currently was. Sirius and Harry knew it was best that way in case Harry did get caught. Harry still wished that Sirius had been able to adopt him last year it would be better than remaining with those damn Dursleys.

The owl that had landed in front of Harry was very handsome and looked to be quite expensive. Harry had no idea who would be writing to him and had this owl. It was midnight black just like Harry's bird nest hair which was still in its morning hair shape which Harry didn't bother to brush. There was no point his hair would look the same brushed or not. Harry was surprised to have a letter today. It wasn't Pidgwidgeon that Harry had sent to Sirius. Could Remus Lupin be writing to him? but Harry doubted the unemployed werewolf could afford the owl.

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