Chapter 31 A Change in Guardians

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Harry stared around at the depilated street that his father had Apparated them to from Diagon Alley’s Apparation point in the Leaky Cauldron. Harry had thought that they were going to the Ministry of Magic but surely this couldn’t be it? It looked like a street that Dudley and his gang had got to.


‘This is the visitor’s entrance to the Ministry of Magic,’ Harry’s father said noticing Harry’s look.


Harry grimaced, ‘somehow I expected more.’


‘They are trying to keep Muggles away,’ the Dark Lord said with distaste.


‘Why can’t they use Muggle repelling wards?’ questioned Harry. ‘It wouldn’t be suspicious considering the kind of area it is in. Most Muggles would be wary of it anyway.’


The Dark Lord nodded in agreement, ‘wizards don’t have one ounce of logic.’


Granger had said the same to Harry once before Harry had found the truth out about his so called best friends. Harry felt the familiar queasiness enter his stomach at the thought of Granger – what Harry had done to the fifteen year old girl. The memory of when they had been friends or at least Harry had thought they had been friends filled Harry’s guilt ridden thoughts.


Before Harry had killed her in cold blood!


Harry followed his father into the telephone booth squeezing in together wondering what a Muggle passing by would take of seeing them together. Would they even be able to see them inside the telephone booth or were there spells hiding them from Muggle sight here but not on the street? As his father said Wizards made no sense so their use of spells to hide their locations from view were non-logical.


His father picked up the red phone which had its wire cut. Harry realised this was to prevent Muggles accidentally accessing the phone-box. Instead of doing the sane thing and throwing a Muggle repelling spell over the whole area stopping any Muggle from accidentally accessing the phone box.




‘Welcome to the Ministry of Magic,’ a cool emotionless female voice sounded. ‘Please state your name and business.’


Foma and Hadrian Lagunov,’ the Dark Lord said. ‘Here to meet with the Department of Magical Children to claim guardianship over Hadrian Lagunov and the receptionist for the Wizengamot to claim my Lordship.’

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