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By Rita Skeeter

And once again the Wizarding World is shaken by Albus Dumbledore and the Weasley family’s atrocious actions. And this time it is for one of the Wizarding World’s greatest Taboo – line theft, the stealing of magical bloodlines.


On the 23rd of June Whitehead’s Private Healing Practice in Lancashire was broken into. And a vial of semen was stolen, presumed to be used for the purpose of committing line theft. The victim at that point refused to be named and no leads were to be found.


Then on the sixth of August Arthur, Molly, Ronald and Ginevra Weasley were taken in for questioning due to their close ties with Albus Dumbledore (after Albus Dumbledore fled, escaping being arrested for conspiracy to commit murder).


Madam Bones of the DMLE called an emergency session of the Wizengamot (something which has not been done since the fall of You Know, which should tell us all of the seriousness of Albus Dumbledore’s crimes and threat for the future. We should all hope that Albus Dumbledore is caught before any more deaths can occur. Minister of Magic, Cornelius Oswald Fudge has this to say:


“I would like to reiterate to all, of the importance of coming forward if anyone should know anything lest we have another tragedy like that of The Three Chasers. If anyone sees Albus Dumbledore they should immediately report it to the DMLE. The public are warned please to not approach him, he is considered to be armed and dangerous.”


Yesterday, we can only presume after Mr and Mrs Weasley were allowed to be questioned under Veritaserum Ginevra Weasley was arrested for first class line theft. What could push such a young girl to have done something so vile? Well, this reporter has seen the records stating that Miss Ginevra and Mr Ronald Weasley were removed from their parents. Did Molly and Arthur Weasley force their child into committing this atrocious act?


Well, just as we start to feel pity for Miss Ginevra Weasley it should be noted that her father has only been charged with second class line theft. This means he knew that the father was not informed but was unaware of the fact that it was anything but a child from a normal copulation.


Molly Weasley, however, was also charged with first class line theft. It should here by noted that prior to the birth of her first (former) son was a trained Mediwitch. Thus, she would have the practical skills needed to successfully artificially inseminate her teenaged daughter. So, was Molly Weasley behind this horrible crime? Arthur Weasley has also filed for divorce which further suggests that he did not know that was going on in his home.


Currently, the DMLE has refused to answer any questions on the matter the line theft or who the victim is. But it should be noted that Ginevra Weasley was seen being led out of the Ministry by none other than Lord Marcus Flint (see picture) so this reporter wrote a missive to Lord Flint and received this response.

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