Chapter 15 The Trio Broken

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Again this chapter is the idea of Dorkchic.


Harry dismounted from his broomstick only then hearing the masses of cheers from the audience and more than a few gobsmacked looks. Harry's first thought was that he wished Lucius was there to see his win but unfortunately he wasn't there. Harry's second thought was Ron and Hermione. Hermione didn't seem too concerned but she hated Quidditch. Ron, on the other hand, looked completely furious at Hay as though it was Harry's fault Ron couldn't had been kicked out in the first round.


Krum dismounted after Harry and approached him. After growing up with Dudley and being best friends with Ron and Hermione Harry expected the international seeker to be furious at being beaten by a fourth year school student. Instead Krum stuck out his hand which Harry took warily.


'You fly very well,' Krum said.


'Than you,' Harry said, 'so do you.'


'I vould like to play again,' Krum said, 'for fun.'


'I'd be happy to,' grinned Harry.


'You vould do vell playing professionally,' Krum said.


'Thanks,' Harry said.


'Vell England needs all ve hope vey can get,' grinned Krum.


Harry laughed, 'I'll give you that.'


By this time the other players had dismounted. Katie's boyfriend was glaring at Harry to introduce him to Krum. Harry could have rolled his eyes at the older Gryffindor had it not been very unsportsmanlike to do so with his hands clasped around Krum's.


'Oh, these are my team mates Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, Cormac McLaggen, Fred and George Weasley,' Harry said.


'It iz nice to greet vu,' Krum replied.


The two teams made their way to the changing room to get changed and showered although not in that order. The team was on a high at beating Krum. Harry knew that Oliver Wood would be spitting with jealously at not only not meeting Viktor Krum but beating him at Quidditch.

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