Chapter 92 Life and Death

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Hadrian was hyperventilating on his shoulder and sobbing large wet tears against Tom’s chest. He was absolutely covered in blood – Tom couldn’t tell if any of it was his own. Tom carded his hand through sweat slick dark hair wishing more than ever that James was here. Tom was not a comforting person, but he needed to be for his son.


‘Breathe with me, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out,’ Tom said voice gentle.


A couple of decades ago Tom would have been horrified for people to see him so caring as he was now. He would have seen it as a weakness. He would have been disgusted at the idea of having someone snivelling on him especially a child.


But that was before James, before Hadrian. Now none of his pride mattered – all that did was making sure that his son was okay.


Eventually Hadrian’s breathing did even out but he was still crying softly, and his head was buried in Tom’s shoulder. His eyes were screwed closed tightly, refusing to look anywhere near Albus Dumbledore’s corpse. Tom wanted to be elated for Dumbledore’s death and had he killed him he would be.


But Hadrian was not like him. He had a soft heart and would never be comfortable with killing even his worst enemy, even people who deserved to die, who had hurt him and were planning to hurt him more.


‘Hadrian, can you tell me are you hurt at all,’ Tom said seriously.


Hadrian shook his head, ‘no … I killed him … I killed him … I just wanted to escape … I didn’t want him to hurt me … to hurt my baby … I … he said he would … just wanted to be safe … Lucius … I killed him … I killed him …’


Hadrian was becoming more hysterical the more he talked. Tom rubbed circles in his back as Hadrian cried and tried to get him to calm down once more. Tom was really worried that Hadrian was going to damage himself or the baby if he kept on.


‘Hadrian, Dumbledore was going to kidnap you, hurt you, hurt your baby, you did what was necessary to survive,’ Tom said gently. ‘No one can doubt that.’


‘I killed him … I killed him …’ Hadrian continued to mutter, whole body shaking.


‘Madam Bones, I need to get him to his Healer,’ Tom said sharply.


Bones nodded, ‘Shacklebolt, Proudfoot, go with Lord Slytherin.’

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