don't look behind

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It neared the morning's first hour, and Jay was still awake as he browsed through Twitter. The boys were all off to shared guest bedrooms while he and Heeseung were in their own rooms. The manor was asleep, and the boys were all tired out from the noise and mess they made in the main living room. Jay couldn't fall asleep, however, because his promise to bite Heeseung that night was keeping him up.

He wondered where Heeseung was, and wondered if he'd have to go to Heeseung this particular night. He sat in silent ponder for a moment before switching his phone screen off and standing up from the warm duvet covers of his bed. He would probably have to meet Heeseung in his room. He could somehow tell that Heeseung was also awake.

He walked down the dimly lit hallway, barely remembering which room Heeseung was in. He found the room, however, and gently knocked before entering. Heeseung sat by the window, watching the outside with a dazed gaze. He was quiet and still, and Jay hated to interrupt that serenity. "You're awake."

"So everyone's asleep?" Heeseung didn't turn his head, only looked with a slight sideways glance. "You really took your sweet time, didn't you?"

"I had to make sure no one was awake anymore," Jay replied, walking in and closing the door behind him. "Besides, Doyum's a light sleeper. I had to make sure that he had already awoken and gone to the bathroom so that he won't wake up again."

Heeseung eventually stood up with a heavy sigh. "You should really learn how to be a little more selfish. Besides, you'll be a full-fledged vampire soon. I want to be one too, so we better hurry."

Jay was a little unprepared, but he walked towards the ever so slightly taller male and Heeseung took his wrist, guiding him to the bed. Jay grew nervous at that movement, but wad even more shocked when Heeseung lied down on the bed, looking uo at Jay with those same dazed eyes.

"Like this?" Jay asked, getting onto the bed and kneeling beside the older boy. "It feels a little… erotic, or whatever…"

"We did it like this before too, what's your problem?" Heeseung scoffed, rolling his eyes slightly. "Just bite me. Delaying this will only make you hurt me more because you'll be more hungry."

"Stop being so impatient," Jay muttered. "Sit up on your knees and turn away from me. I have a better idea."

Heeseung did as he said, and Jay kneeled behind him, barely pressing their bodies together. Their bodies were still warm with human heat, and Jay felt that human flame inside him dim ever so slightly. Jay pressed his hand to Heeseung's jawline and chin, tilting his head to reveal the vulnerable crook of his neck.

The curvature of his soft, white skin was beautiful in the gentle moonlight. It was enticing, welcoming — begging for Jay to pierce into it and break through that perfection. Jay sharpened his fangs, stroking the skin with his thumb before leaning forward and biting into the skin.

"Ah—" Heeseung flinched, clenching his eyes closed tightly as Jay began drinking of his blood. He relaxed slightly, sighing to himself when Jay moved a hand to his waist and pulled his body closer. "Don't get too comfortable, Aleksandr…"

"Mmhm…" Jay bit down a bit harder, drawing more blood and gladly taking in every drop. The subtle sweetness of the red liquid was warm going down his throat. Despite drinking so much, he only grew more thirsty. Jay's hand travelled under Heeseung's T-shirt, his cold hands interrupting the peaceful warmth of Heeseung's skin.

"Watch where you're touching…"

Jay pulled away, psnting ever so slightly as he gently ran a thumb over the wound and prepared to bite him again. "You're really loud and annoying. Just calm down, I won't touch you where I shouldn't."

"If you want to, you can, but it kind of hurts right now, so don't compromise with touching me," Heeseung muttered. "You have my permission and consent, but I prefer that you don't."

"Yeah, whatever." Jay wondered if he should bite on the same side or move to the other side, but as Heeseung kept his head in the same position, he wondered if it would hurt his neck. Jay gently tilted his head in the opposite direction and positioned more near his shoulder. "I'm biting."

"Go ahead." Heeseung pressed his lips together as Jay bit down, immediately drinking the blood from the wound. He clenched his fist, sighing so that he could relax. Jay pressed against his body again, and Heeseung felt his heartbeat rushing as Jay grew closer. Jay had a hand under his shirt as well as against his cheek to hold him in place.

Jay grew accustomed to the taste of blood — especially Heeseung's. Alfin blood was the sweetest, and he had yet to figure out why. Maybe it was his blood type — he couldn't bother with the specifics. All he wanted was to drink Heeseung dry at that moment, and indulge himself in that moment of euphoria.

Heeseung grabbed Jay's wrist almost weakly. "That's enough, Aleksandr." Jay pulled away and Heeseung fell against him in exhaustion. His breath was heavy, as if he had run a marathon. "You're going too far with one bite…"

"You have grown sweeter overnight," Jay replied, leaning down to press his lips to the wound. "Sorry to cause such distress, hyung. I couldn't stop, for some reason."

"Your hand kept going lower — stop yourself next time," Heeseung said, pushing Jay's hands away and lying down on his bed. "Are you satisfied, Reylian? Or do you need more?"

"I definitely need more, but I'd rather not send your body into shock."

Heeseung chuckled slightly, lifting his body to his pillows. The moonlight glinted against his lipring, akin to the night in which their new selevs met. "I can handle it, trust me. I'm sure you'd like to do more. I'm okay with it, just be careful."

Jay crawled over to him, watching as Heeseung tilted his head. They grew familiarized with the idea of needing each other, and biting no longer became an action of hesitance. Jay supported his weight with his elbows as he leaned down above Heeseung to bite into his neck once more. Heeseung released a noise of surprise, inhaling sharply as Jay began drinking once more.

They'd have to get used to it, or Jay would never reach solstice, and Heeseung could never become a vampire himself.

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