im a loser in this game

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"Jay, sit up straight."

Jay sent his father a minimal glare before rolling his eyes slightly and removing his body from its particularly unhealthy posture against the side of the office chair he sat on. He sat against the back of the chair, sighing softly when the man in front didn't stop blabbering. He hadn't remembered anything from when the man started talking, and his business pitch didn't seem to be grabbing anyone else under the age of 30's attention either.

He was bored. He'd rather be with Hesseung. Corporate settings weren't for him at all. The director up front, thankfully, stopped the man, stating that the meeting couldn't go past 6pm. Jay looked at his watch, seeing that it had just gone past 5. He groaned slightly to himself, feeling bored with the meeting's upcoming content already.

"Marketing department already has a lot on their hands, and even if it's a good idea, the first production van only be set around three or four years from now," Jay's father commented. "It'd be hell to do ingredient credibility right now, especially when so many snack brands are starting up. Everything is the same with a different look."

"So a new pitch will be delayed, once again," the CEO muttered with a heavy sigh. "Promotion team, have you gotten word back from the ten sponsorships?"

"Six of the ten have responded, sir, but we urged them to respond as quickly as possible," a woman by the side said calmly. "We've forwarded the sponsored packages already, and await the YouTube videos for evaluation."

"That's very good," the CEO nodded. He then turned to Jay's father. "Finance team, how are we doing?"

"Sales countrywide went up by 8%, compared to last week's 82% sale of total stock. Net worth is still set at ₩102 billion. Sponsoring the Dongdaemun Charity Run event brought up those sales by 5% and the remaining 3% was community effort. However, sales of Gyorin Choco Chip went down by 6,3% because of mass complaint on a Naver blog. The situation has been dealt with, and the blogpost has been deleted."

"International sales have not risen beyond 13%, however, so international sponsorships should be discussed," another man said.

Jay looked at his watch, biting his lips together. He wanted to go home. He wanted to be with Heeseung. He didn't care about what his father did at work. But he owed it to his father, who cared and showered him in riches. He wasn't a spoiled brat - he listened to his parents well. Although he wanted to be a good son, he couldn't help but get extremely bored.

The old men and few young woman discussed a few more things before the meeting was ended. Jay knew he had to follow his father a bit more. Even if his father was the head of the finance department, he owned 6% of the company he worked for, making him one of the largest stock owners. He was extremely wealthy. Jay admired his father's tenacity, but was quite bored.

"Father," Jay said as he stood by the door of his father's office, "would you like better relations with Heeseung's father?"

"What could that mean? I'm already on good terms with him," his father hummed, sitting by his desk and immediately opening his MacBook. "What could you possibly have in mind?"

"Letting him move in with me." Jay smiled ever so slightly when his father looked up. "Heeseung and I have gotten... rather close. I'd like for him to stay a bit longer."

"I'm perfectly fine with it, but Heeseung would have to speak with his father as well," Mr Park hummed. "But while you're at it, I need you to get closer to Director Yang's son for me. He's just a kid - only 17, if I'm not mistaken, so it shouldn't be a problem. He's always got this Japanese kid with him, so it'll be a little tough because the kid's father is the Japanese sector's president. I need to know his father's net worth because everyone is saying it's more than mine, which I don't believe for a second."

"How do I get this kid? And how do we know that he knows his father's worth?" Jay asked, leaning against the door. "I'm not some kind of detective, Dad."

"I'm well aware," Mr Park said with a chuckle. He opened his iPad, scrolling for a bit before holding it out. Jay walked forward to take it. "His name is Yang Jungwon and he attends a district middle school. Pick him up from school and question him. Bribe him, do whatever you need. I need to know that man's wealth, and I'm going to surpass him."

"What has Director Yang done for you to hate him like this?" Jay asked with a chuckle as he scrolled through the photos to memorise the boy's face. "The Japanese kid is handsome, though. He doesn't look like he could be Yang Jungwon's age."

"He's only 16, believe it or not - he looks older than you," Mr Park laughed slightly. "Start tomorrow. Succeed in this, and maybe Heeseung can stay longer."

Jay nodded, putting the iPad down. He bowed at his father, a smile decorating his features. "I won't let you down, Father."

Jay noticed that the manor was quiet when he arrived. He went upstairs after taking a juice box out the fridge and walked to Heeseung's room. He was smiling brightly at the thought of finally being able to see Heeseung after those boring corporate meetings, but something didn't feel right. Heeseung turned the corner, meeting eyes with the Japanese boy he saw in the photos.


The boy raised an eyebrow, chuckling slightly as he turned to Jay. "Kristopher's been waiting for you."

"How did you get here?" Jay hissed, rushing over to the boy that seemed to stand in front of Heeseung's bedroom door. "What are you doing? Let me through."

"Kristopher and Kariel are talking things through," the Japanese boy said quickly as he blocked Jay's path. "He said not to let you in until he says so. I'm not allowed in either."

"Jay! Jay!"

Jay widened his eyes. "Heeseung...!" He glared at Niki harshly. "Let me in before I call security."

"Nullified — they won't be here for a while," the boy replied with a smirk. "To think that you rich people could afford better security if you tried harder."

"You're one of those rich people, stop speaking of them like it's a foreign world," Jay scoffed. "Or is it because you've always been beside Kristopher, you have an inferiority complex?"

"No such thing, Aleksandr," Niki chuckled. "I have no respect for you. Kristopher dedicated himself to you while getting nothing in return. He loved you."

"Do I give a damn?" Jay scoffed, laughing mockingly. "All these people that couldn't turn into vampires have no self-respect. They offer themselves up so easily."

"I've always been there for Kristopher, and you just had to ruin it all," Niki spat. "You have no sense of remorse. You killed him even if he loved you."

"I didn't kill anyone," Jay said quickly. "Kristopher gave me an ultimatum that had nothing to do with me. I do t care about him. I care about Kariel."

Niki glared harshly, his hand going to the handle of the door. "Let's see if he's alive."

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