Chapter 7: Help Us

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*Derp's POV*

After seeing Jason after I had killed Mitch and Jerome even though I couldn't see his face. His reaction was quite worth it. He shook like a leaf and couldn't muster a word. Ian in the back of my mind became panicked but I wouldn't kill him. No no no. Not yet. I needed him to take me to Sky's house and then I'd wait for the perfect moment to strike. Jason ran away and I waited a bit till I quietly followed. He led me to Sky's house and I climbed a tree as he ran inside yelling and stuttering. I chuckled at his fear. Scared so easily.

I waited in my perch for awhile when I saw a familiar shape walk up to Sky's house. Quentin/HuskyMudkipz went inside Sky's home. A malicious grin spread across my face. It was too easy. All of his friends had gathered in one place. I'd wait just a little longer and then I'd strike.

*Ian's POV*

Even though Derp was in control I could control some of my thoughts and how much he heard. I saw Quentin go into Sky's house where no doubt Sky, Ty and Jason were as well. They were sitting ducks and I had no way to warn them. But there was one thing Derp didn't know and that was about Seto. Seto was another good friend of mine though he lived a bit farther away he was a great friend. And he was also a powerful sorcerer. At this point he was my only hope to stop Derp. His magic is stronger than Derp so he could contain him until they figured out what to do.

After Quentin went inside Derp waited a little bit and then hopped from the tree and went over to the door. Guys. I thought. I'm sorry.

*Sky's POV*

My door blew off it's hinges and sent us all flying. I flew Into a chair and tipped it over. Jason and Ty got trapped under the door and Quentin had hit the corner of my table and it hit deep into his back. Luckily it's not deep enough to puncture anything. But then I saw him... Derp Ssudee appear through the smoke. He looked around as if admiring what he's done.

I did a backwards summersault and stood upright. He looked over at Quentin who was passed out on the floor.

"Tsk tsk tsk. He's already out cold? Aww he's no fun." Derp said as he then turned to Jason and Ty who were trying to get out from under the door.

Derp walked over to them. An evil grin across his face. "Aww is someone stuck? Let me help with that." He sneered and stomped his foot on the door.

Jason and Ty cried out in pain as the already heavy weight of the door and the extra almost in-human force Derp was pushing on it. At this rate he was gonna crush them. No one hurts my friends! Sorry Ian! I let out a cry and I rushed him. I slammed into Derp knocking him off balance and off the door. Letting off the weight. While Derp was busy getting up I ran over to Jason and Ty and lifted the door enough for them to squirm out. They shakily stood up and pulled out swords and joined my side.

Derp stood up and faced us. "Very heroic of you Sky. Did your little buddies in danger strike your adrenaline?"

I growled. I knew if I let him get the better of me he would kill me but I was gonna be smart. I stood my ground. I could see the glint of a diamond sword in it's scabbard at his hip. Against my budder and iron sword his wins hands down. But I had Ty and Jason.

Jason was no longer afraid but had determination in his eyes. He wasn't going to go down without a fight. None of us were.

Within the blink of an eye, Derp ran straight for us sword drawn. He knocked Ty and I aside and grabbed Jason by the blade of his sword. Jason slashed up slashing Derp's cheek but Derp retaliated and twisted the sword out of Jason's hands. He then kicked Jason in the shoulder spinning him as he caught the sword and grabbed Jason so both swords were at his throat.

Jason made a small whimper but his face made no show of fear. Part of me was proud of him but I didn't want any harm to come to him. Derp sneered and smirked this was clearly amusing to him.

"Alright. Now how do I want to finish little Jason here off? A quick slit of the throat to choke on his own blood?" He said slightly tilting the sword so the blades were pressed against his neck. "Or do I want to do it slower and hear you scream..?"

Jason whimpered again but didn't squirm. He looked at me and Ty with desperate eyes. I wanted to help him do bad. Charge Derp and finish him off but I couldn't do that. One; he could kill Jason if I even moved. Two; he was still Ian and if I killed one friend to save another a part of me would never forgive myself.

Derp looked around at us. He changed his grip on his diamond sword and made a quick slice down Jason's cheek. Jason cried out as blood seeped from the cut. Then Derp did one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. With the blood on the blade he licked it! Jason shuddered in disturbance. Derp laughed a raspy cackle making goosebumps crawl up my arms and sending a shiver up my spine.

"H-h-help..." Jason whimpered.

"It's ok Jason... Your gonna be ok." I said keeping voice as calm as possible.

Derp looked at me an evil smirk spread across his face. "Hey Sky? You gotta basement in this place?" He asked.

My eyes widened under my glasses. I did have a basement but there was no way I was gonna tell him that. I had tools and stuff down there that I would rather him not touch. I just sat there quietly. Ty looked at me nervously. He knew I had a basement as well.

"Come on Sky. Or would you like me to slit little Jason's throat where he stands?" Derp said angling the sword ready to kill Jason.

"Y-y-yes I do!" I cried

Derp grinned. "Alright. Go there. And don't try to escape." He said shoving Jason towards me.

I caught Jason his stood up and helped up Ty. Derp walked over to q and picked him up and slung him over his shoulder. The gash in his lower back still bleeding but not enough that it's dangerous.

"Go!" Derp yelled.

Jason, Ty and I all stiffened and shuffled into the kitchen towards the basement door.

"Wh-what do we do...?" Ty said quietly,

"I don't know..." I replied.

We all shuffled in silence downstairs when I heard a voice in the back of my head.

'Sky? Sky it's Seto can you hear me?'


'Yes are you at your house?'

'Y-y-yes. Seto, Derp is here. What do I do?'

'Stay alive Sky. I'm on my way and I have his glasses.'

'Help us Seto...'

'I'm coming Sky'

I checked behind us to make sure Derp was a safe distance away. He was still in the living room as I could tell. "Guys..." I whispered. "Seto is coming and he has Ian's glasses."

Jason's and Ty's eyes lit up. Seto may have just given us the hope we need. That's right Derp, Ian is gonna be back in control real soon. I thought as a small grin crept onto my face.


A/N: muhahahahahaha! Will Seto make it in time to save the rest of the gang?
Will Derp kill them all?
I know! But you don't so hahahaha!

I'm gonna stop while I'm ahead.

Anyway hope you enjoyed! Please show some support it's always appreciated and yes! Have a good day everybody! Byyyyye!


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