Chapter 5: A New Perspective

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*Seto's POV* (didn't see that coming did ya?)

I walked along the shore of the ocean biome my fishing rod in hand. I was hoping to catch some pufferfish today for some potions. I've been trying for a few days now but I suck at fishing so I've been having no luck. But I'm feeling lucky today so hopefully I'd catch a few. I sat down on the shore and cast my line in the water.


After awhile of catching every other fish but a puffer fish I decided if I don't catch one in 5 more casts I was leaving. The first four casts I either caught nothing or regular fish. But the fifth cast my line got snagged on something. After a bit of maneuvering I got it loose but it still felt as though something was on the line. I reeled it in and to my surprise I didn't even get a fish but a pair of sunglasses. I looked around seeing if anyone was around that might've lost them. I didn't find anything but a river with a fairly fast current.

I unhooked the glasses and examined them. Something about them was very familiar. Like I knew or have seen these glasses somewhere before. Maybe they were similar to a friends of mine. One thing I knew was that they hadn't been down there long. There was no sign of any decay or little snails or muscles living on them. Maybe the poor soul had lost them in the river and they were swept downstream. I'd keep them incase I found the owner.

I wiped the mud and sand of the lenses and frames which only caused the glasses to look more familiar. I stared at them for a little while when something told me I did know who's these were. How stupid could I be I should've known since the moment I picked these up. The special hidden enchant on these glasses to keep something in. To keep something from escaping and wreaking havoc and being unable to control it. There was only one person that it could possibly be. Ssundee.

How had he lost his glasses? Ssundee never lost his glasses. The only time he's ever taken them off was... Oh what was it Husky had said... A cops and robbers with Sky, Ty, Jerome and Husky and Derp hadn't been that bad because Ian still had his glasses in his pocket incase it got out of hand. I mean Derp didn't like Sky or... Anyone for that matter but he was kept in somewhat control. Ever since then Ssundee has never taken off his glasses. Which meant something happened that they fell off or worse... If Ssundee wasn't dead then that mean Derp Ssundee was out and Ssundee can't regain control. I have to find him and fast.

I was about to take off to Ian's house when I stopped in my tracks. Something was wrong. With being a sorcerer I can sense where my friends are and if they're ok. But... Mitch and Jerome... I couldn't sense them anymore... I also could barley sense Ian, which meant I was right. Derp is in control and Ian is trying to fight and regain control to stop him. The only reason I wouldn't be able to sense my friends was if I hated them and didn't want to be friends anymore or... They were dead... And since I could never hate Mitch and Jerome... That lead me to the conclusion... Mitch and Jerome were dead... Probably by Derp Ssundee.

I clenched my fist in frustration. How could I have been so blind!? I should've sensed something was wrong with Ian sooner and now Mitch and Jerome were dead! I also clenched my teeth. I had to find the others before Derp does. Or find Derp before he finds the others. I put Ssundee's glasses in my pocket and headed off to find Derp or the others before it was too late.


A/N: Hey readers, I hope your still enjoying this little short story. I know I said updates would come fast and I'm trying my best but school and sports makes it hard to find time to update so I apologize. But I still hope your enjoying and yeah I'll see you all in the next update! Byyyyye!


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