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Mahatma Gandhi once said that “the earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not every man’s greed.” That may be the reason why earth is running its countdown on its own, that is why all sorts of humans are running against time.

Our greed in taking more than needed and leaving every time less to others, our ambitiousness, our selfishness. The nerve in those who dare defy the power of nature, go against its course to achieve their personal satisfaction; that nerve, that recklessness, is the one that eventually gets punished because that interaction with the outside is what is leading to the loss of the world we know of, or what is left of it. And nature won't let it just go by, it needs retribution.

I wake up with a stream of light warming my sore body and a killer headache. I sit up and groan because of the pressure I start feeling in my head, so I take a deep breath and open my eyes. 

“Good morning sunshine,” says a husky voice
I look up, my eyes just adjusting to the light, and see no other, “what is there of good on it?”
“Well I get to see you”
I sigh, “what do you want James?”
“I just want to see you,” he pauses and jingles some keys in front of my face, “why does there have to be a hidden agenda?”
I glare at him, “I don’t want it to be hidden and that’s why I’m asking”
He opens the jail door, “You caught me kitten”
Once he gets in I realize somthing, "how long have you been here?"
"A while," he says and starts to move towards me
I move abruptly back from his touch until I hit the wall of the bunker, “just say what you came for”
He chuckles, “is the kitten afraid?” He says with a mischievous smirk
I mentally scold myself for that show of vulnerability I just performed, “talk”
He smirks, “I’m here to take you on a little trip”
“I don’t want to go anywhere with you”
“Is a place worth seeing”
“Not interested,” I pause and stare at him defiantly, “go ask another of your prisoners if they want to go with you”
He smiles cunningly and leans on the wall, each arm next to my head, “I don’t care about anyone else and even if you don’t want to, you are still going”
“Leave her the f*ck alone”
James turns around at the sound of Alec’s voice, “I wasn’t talking to you”
“Why can't you just try to be a good kidnaper and ask for some ransome and let that be all?” I say in a fake sweet tone trying to annoy him
James glares at me, "don't provoke me kitten, we don't want anymore scars on that pretty skin of yours," he says standing up
I shiver involuntarily, “I am still not going James,” I pause and see him getting irritated, “stop trying”
“Yeah James,” says Alec dramatically, “stop harassing the girl, she is not gonna cave in”

Okay maybe that was pushing his buttons.

James proves me right when he growls and grabs me from the forearm, ”stand up!” he commands and when I don’t obey he jerks me up making me wince because of the fresh wounds, “I’m taking you somewhere really far from him”
“And what do you plan to get by doing that?”
He leans close to me and whispers, “isn’t it obvious?” he steps away and smirks
"You won't get anything by just keeping me away from him," I pause, "you'll have to earn me and that you never will"
He slaps me, "you don't talk to me like that"
"Motherfuck*r how dare you hit her!" Screams Alec getting angry, growling

 I look at him blankly while Alec says some sort of nasty words and in between them something like ‘she is a woman, didn't your mother taught you better.’ I am too distracted to really pay attention to what they are saying, thinking on how much more can my body undertake before it goes numb and sinks my mind with it.

"She didn't," answers James blankly to whatever question Alec asked.

James turns around, shielding me from Alec’s view, standing on purpose between the two of us. He then does the unexpected and embraces me.  

I killed my mate [in process, please be patient]Where stories live. Discover now