Sal's POV: oh look he's back

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Hey I drew that!! Yes! That up there! I made Travis different than in my last drawing, but I like it better. It's definitely the skin tone.

I woke up in a cold sweat, my breathing heavy and uneven. Visions of Travis's head spilt open like Mrs. Sanderson's, his blood splattered all over the walls of Mrs. Packerton's old apartment. And the red eyed demon dancing around his corpse. My chest was tight, my throat dry, and my face was stained with tears.

I didn't want to bother him, but this one was so much worse than the other ones. I won't be able to sleep without him. Not even my stuffed animals are going to get me through the rest of the night. It was still only 2 am.

I pressed the button on the walkie talkie. "Larry?" My voice was trembling.

His tired answer came back after a few seconds, his voice deep and raspy from sleep. "You ok, Sal?"

"Y-yeah. I had a nightmare. It was really bad... Can I sleep with you?"

It clicks and I hear shuffling and a small groan. "Yeah, you can come down here."

I strap my prosthetic on without putting my eye in. I didn't need it, I was just going downstairs.

Larry was sleeping when I got to his room, but he had made space for me on his bed. I took my mask of and climbed in bed to cuddle him. He was soft and comforting and my nerves eased quickly. He stirred a little and wrapped his arms around me, his deep voice interrupting the silence.

"You're safe now, little dude." He mumbled. "Go to sleep."

I snuggled into his chest and let myself rest, exhausted.


"Bro we're gonna be late if you don't get your ass up." Larry ripped the covers off of me, and I flinched at the cold air.

"Larry! It's cold!" I whined, curling into myself.

"C'mon lazy bones, you'll be less cold if you get moving."

I groaned and turned my head into the pillow. Larry gave up for a couple minutes to get himself ready for school while I slept in.

Then he picked me up bridal style, his backpack on, my prosthetic in his hand. Damn, he was ripped. I mean, I was fairly light, but it was still impressive.

"C'mon Sally dude."

He carried me, my face hiding in his chest, all the way up to my room. Then being the sexy asshole that he is, dropped me on the floor.

"Larry! Fuck you!" I groaned, but I was awake now. I put my eye in and got dressed real quick, in the same black skinny jeans and Korn hoodie I let Travis borrow before. I actually hadn't washed them since then, so they still smelled like him, and there was still blood stained down the front of it.

"Why are you wearing a bloody hoodie, you look like a serial killer." Larry said, harassing me while I brushed my teeth.

"You know I don't have a murderous bone in my body." I gargled through toothpaste. Because of the chunk taken out of my cheek that left my teeth exposed, toothpaste would always leak out from that side, too. I was a mess while brushing.

"Isn't that the outfit you let Travis borrow?" Larry pointed out.

I wiped my face off and spit. "Yeah. It still smells like him."

Larry rolls his eyes. "C'mon homo, we gotta get to school. Hopefully your boyfriend is there." He teased and dragged me out of the bathroom.

I grabbed my backpack and our math poster board, and Larry and I walked to school.


We were a little late to our first class. Our teacher was sure to point it out. Larry and I rolled our eyes and sat in our usual spots.

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