Melodies and Fears

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I drew all those bad bois up there :))

Todd handed his new invention to Sal, who was a little excited about getting his guitair back. He looked a little happier now then when I'd seen him last. Hopefully he's doing okay.

"Okay, Sal you have to be careful. It's still playable like normal unless it's turned on. When it's on, it's dangerous. Understand?" Todd really wanted to make sure he got it, apparently. Wonder what makes it so dangerous...

"That's why I decided to give it to you back here." We were behind the apartments, a little ways away from the building so no one could see us. "Go ahead, check it out."

Sal plucked his fingers against the strings, nothing but a cute melody.

"It's not on." Todd reaches forward and flips a small switch on the side of the red guitar. It lights up with a highligter green.

Sal tries again, a small melody. We all jump back as a bolt of electric energy blasts from the core of the guitar.

"Holy fuck knuckles, that's cool!" Larry looked at the weaponized instrument with awe.

I had to admit, it was impressive. Especially considering a 16 year old created it. I felt a pang of guilt for ever picking on Todd. He was actually pretty cool.

"What do you think, Trav?" Sal turned to face me. Instintively, I jumped away from his guitar. "Think it'll stop the cult?"

"It's- pretty neat, Sally."

I could see the little smile in his eyes.

"I hope it does the trick." Todd pats Sal on the shoulder and makes his way across the yard, back toward the apartments.

Ash and Larry followed suit, leaving me and Sal alone in the back yard.

"You're okay, right Trav?" Sal said, turning off the switch on his guitair.

"Yeah... My dad isn't back yet, so I was okay at home." I answered. I really was okay there, just uncomfortable, even in the presence of my mother.

Sometimes I just felt like tearing my skin off because I felt so claustrophobic.

"That's good." Sal idly strummed his guitair.

"What about you? You've been through a lot."

"I still feel awful about killing that lady, but I know that it was for the best..." He admitted. "Larry and I talked, which made me feel better, I guess."

"You and Larry..." I mumbled, not really thinking about it much.

"Our parents are dating." Sal said quickly, as if to steer the conversation away.

"Oh. Okay..."

The afternoon was kind of dim, with clouds looming over the sky. Sally and I sat down in the grass anyway and caught up a little while he strummed his guitair lightly.

"Oh hey, that makes a good song..." He did the riff again, humming. He stopped to think for a second.

He did it again, letting it transition smoothly into something similar, but darker. "Oo that sounds good!" His eyes sparkled with excitement.

He strummed again, expanding the tune.

I watched his excitement turn to fear as his eyes caught something dart across the field. His music stopped.

"Did you see that?"

"No. What was it?"

Sal's eyes were full of terror. "It looked like a dog."

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