Chapter 1: The beginning

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It's been 2 1/2 years since the Baker's incident. Ethan and I got married a year after. Now we live in Romania to have a fresh start.
At the moment we are at the hospital because I'm giving birth to our baby.
"Just look at me ok?"
I nodded my head grabbing Ethan's hand, breathing heavily.
I squeezed his hand as hard as I could while pushing.
After a few minutes our baby was born. The nurse handed her over to me.
"Hi there" I smiled down at her with tears in my eyes.
"She has her mother's beautiful (e/c) eyes" one of the nurses said.
I could stop smiling down at Rosemary Winters.
"Here" I softly handed her over to Ethan.
He grabbed her and instantly tearing up said, "she's so tiny" in a whisper.
It was a beautiful sight seeing the man I love holding something we created.
"Y/n....I love her so much already"
I giggled softly starting to drift to sleep.
"Me too"
Rose is now 3 months old. I was feeding her and was exhausted. I haven't slept in 2 days due to her crying and trying to make sure she was ok. Ethan walked into the room spotting me. He looked at me with concern and walked over to us.
Ethan has been busy lately with work so I haven't been pestering him to help me.
"Y/n I think you should go take a nap. I'll watch Rose"
"No" I yawned, "it's ok" I gave him a small smile with my eyes half closed.
He chuckled as I closed my eyes. He took rose and started to play with her a bit.

I woke up from my nap and felt refreshed.
"Ethan?" I called out but didn't hear an answer back.
I started to panic slightly and walked around our house.
I checked the kitchen, no one.
I was in the living room already so I went upstairs.
Bathroom? No. Spare room? No. Bedroom? No. Not even the office.
'Where on Earth did they go'
I walked around again checking to make sure I didn't just look over them but didn't see them.
I grabbed my phone and was about to push call on Ethan's contact but the door opened.
"Hey y/n"
I sighed in relief.
"Oh thank god. I thought you guys were in trouble"
Ethan laughed a little. He looked so adorable. He was holding Rose in a baby carrier and ice cream in the other hand. Rose was making her cute baby noises staring up at her father.
"I love you both"
Ethan lovingly looked over at my direction.
"I love you too"
I walked over and helped with Rose as he put the ice cream in the freezer.
'I love my little family'
Rose just turned 6 months old. Ethan and I were in the office talking to our therapist as Mia was down stairs watching Rose.
"Okay... where to start. My name... it's Ethan. Ethan Winters. And this is my wife (y/n) Winters. It's been 3 years since everything happened at the Baker house. I was looking for my ex-wife who disappeared. I got an email from her. She told me to come get her... and of course it's how we got in the middle of nowhere. Louisiana... we find Mia being held captive in a dark basement. She wasn't thinking right... she attacked me like some kind of wild animal. Later on we find out that she was infected by a special kind of mold. we looked all over the house trying to find an antidote. A vaccine, anything. The people who live there were already infected. What was left of them... wasn't human. There was an infection that was a bio weapon that look like a little girl. Her name was Evelyn. We fought the fucked up family and being able to treat Mia's symptoms with the serum... when Chris Redfield and his soldier buddies showed up and saved all of us. Is that enough? I really don't want to talk about what happened anymore"
I stood up patting Ethan's shoulder as the screen went black.
"Come on my love"
He grabbed my hand and we walked down stairs.
"Ahhh hello you two"
"Hey Mia" I smiled at her.
She picked up rose and sat on the couch and picked up a book.
"Long ago, a young girl went with her mother to pick berries for her father who was hard at work. But the forest greeted them with a dark, cold silence, the bushes empty. Yet, determined to find the berries, the rascal broke free from Mother's grasp and vanished into the trees. Mother's worried cries faded fast as the girl ran on; over vine, and under branch and into the forest deep. Feeling strange eyes upon her, the girl recalled Mother's scary bedtime tales and her throat became bone dry. Then the Bat Lord appeared! He greeted, her warmly and bit his own wing. "Come, child. Quench your thirst," he said. So she drank the thick, dark blood and smiled with joy. Passing through a graveyard, menacing storm clouds loomed and the air turned bitingly cold. Passing through a graveyard, menacing storm clouds loomed and the air turned bitingly cold. The girl was shivering in her thin clothes. Then a Dark Weaver appeared, and with a click of his fingers, crafted mist into a beautiful dress. "Come, child, warm yourself," he coaxed. So she clothed herself and smiled with joy. Across waters deep and ominous she went, hoping a boat she found would carry her home. But hunger's grip tightened and her heart grew heavy. Then the Fish King appeared and offered one of his many fins. "Come, child. Eat your fill." So the girl ate and smiled with joy once more. Continuing on, she soon entered the forest's dark heart. Then an Iron Steed appeared, bearing a beautiful, golden gear. The creature said nothing as the girl approached... ...and snatched what she thought was another gift. The horse grew angry and summoned the other monsters. Terror filled the girl's heart as a wild wind rose about the beasts. Suddenly, a witch appeared-dark, yet regal."
'Why the fuck is she reading this to my child?'
Mia continued.
""Gifts we gave, but more you took," she snarled. "So more, in turn, is due." "In a blink, the girl was trapped inside a mirror." There. She's asleep."
"What is with the creepy story? She's only six months old."
I nodded in agreement.
"Woman at the store said it was traditional."
She handed us the story.
"A local tale. Besides, Rose doesn't seem to mind."
I spoke up this time.
"Because she doesn't understand it, thank god. We moved here so that she wouldn't have to deal with any of that, remember?"
She then glared at me raising her voice.
"There's nothing wrong with my memory. You're just being paranoid."
I stared her down. How dare she talk to me like that about my child.
"It's not—never mind I'm sorry. But I'm not paranoid, I'm just cautious. I don't want my child to have to go through that shit Mia."
"Then, go cautiously take your daughter to bed. I'll finish dinner."
I handed Rose to Ethan and walked to the kitchen with Mia.
"So where's Chris?"
Mia and Chris have been dating for a while now.
"Huh? Oh he had work today"
I looked at her suspiciously. I know Chris works a lot but he always takes time off to come to dinner. It didn't matter what it is unless it's a mission somewhere else.
"He on a mission?"
I eye balled her but continued cooking when Ethan came down.
"Is she ok?"
"Sleeping like a...well, like a baby. Mm, that smells good. What's that?"
I smiled and walked over to him giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled down at me.
Then he reached for the soup in front of him but Mia swat his hand.
"Hands off, mister. It's ciorba de legume. It's a local recipe."
"Wow. You've gone full native, haven't you?"
Mia moved her a while after we did but like Ethan said she seemed to have gone full native where as me and Ethan just live like how we did before....except married and with a lot more...ya know ;).
"Local wine, too. But if you're going to keep sulking all evening, maybe you shouldn't have any. You two really have to stop worrying."
'What is her deal today??'
She starts to pour us wine.
"It's just... Finding you in Louisiana, (y/n)'s pregnancy. Chris moving us here, military training—It all happened so fast, you know?"
"Well, at least we're all together now. Now everything's going to be—"
"Seriously? You think we can just forget what happened in Louisiana?"
Ethan was starting to get pissed so I grabbed his hand to calm him.
"It happened so long ago. I just I don't understand why you are so—"
Then she got shot.
"Wha-" but she gets shot again.
"Mia get down!" I shouted and pulled Ethan to the ground.
The lights go out and she continues to get shot.
"MIA!" We yelled at the same time.
Ethan grabbed onto me in a protective manner as bullets flew through the house.
Chris then enters the house.
"Chris...!? What the hell!?" Ethan yelled.
"Sorry Ethan" and he shot Mia a few more time.
I stared in shock but spoke up.
"Are you crazy! That is your fiancé!!!"
His soldiers run through our house yelling out "clear". Then a soldier comes down with Rose.
Ethan starts fuming.
"Rose? What the hell are you doing with our daughter?" He starts to scream at this point.
I'm looking around in fear wanted to go punch the soldier taking away Rose.
"Package secured sir."
"Take them away"
"I said get your hands off her" Ethan yelled again.
This time I started to move. I punched a soldier in the face that was coming at me and ran to tackle the one that had Rose.
"(Y/n) don't do this" Chris yelled but I ran.
Soon I felt a shock go through my body as I was tased. I fell to the floor and looked behind me to see Ethan being dragged out and fell unconscious.
"Ethan" I whispered before I also fell unconscious.
'Why does this always happen to us'

Book 2: The Village (Ethan Winters x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now