Chapter 18: Lord Heisenberg

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'Mother Miranda gave me a mountain.
Now I can do lots and lots of Cadou experiments.
This is my secret special laboratory.
I did 3 Cadou experiments today.
But they all went pop and made a mess.
I put in the Cadou and then I tried putting wolf blood from a needle into the spine.
The person wriggled a lot and then killed my assistant.
I could not hold it down so I put it in a cage.
Now I have to feed it.'
" So let me get this straight" I turn from the journal and look at Ethan, "so Mother Miranda has these gifts and she gives them to the Lords, to which they then put it into outsiders OR villagers? These people are so fucking weird"
I walk away from the journal and go to the chest that was in the corner. Ethan was already by it and was pulling out a revolver. It had the word 'wolfsbane' engraved into it.
"Wolfsbane? Like the plant that's a poison to werewolves?"
"I would assume so...hey maybe it will kill those giant wolves faster" I suggested as I walked past Ethan to finally leave this damn cave.
"Maybe" he states as he catches up to me.
When we stepped outside we saw giant ass signes saying "this way".
"Does he think we wouldn't be able to see the giant factory over there?"
"Maybe he doesn't know that you would assume the factory is where he is" Ethan teases me.
"Well Maybe he doesn't know how smart I am" I raise my head and cross my arms be fore laughing lightly and walking forward.
" apologies." Duke puts away a jar of Cadou as we approach him.
"Please do take a look at my new stock."
I look around before I decide to sell what I've picked up.
"This is Lord Moreau's? I suppose it's what they call "the beauty of the grotesque"?"
I stifle a laugh before looking through his stock again. I stare at the upgrades list before settling on upgrading somethings on my handgun and the speed of my shotgun.
"Ah, yes, yes... I saw you eyeing that one!"
He hands me back my guns and then shouts,
"Thank you for your patronage!"
I smile at his thanking him as well before I make my way to Ethan handing him some of the things I got.
We got to the last sign the said "good luck".
"Finally made i-"
I was cut off by a loud thump behind me.
I slowly turn and look up.
"Of fucking course"
It was the giant lycan we saw before. He's carrying a giant ax and growls at Ethan and I.
I pull out some pipe bombs and start to throw them at him while Ethan shoots him.
We do this for a while, but the lycan rawrs out making more lycans appear.
"Oh GrEaT"
I say again as I start to shoot them making sure Ethan gets the chance to shoot the big guy.
We continue doing this for a while when finally the giant lycan crumbles.
I walk over to where he once was and grabbed a giant crystal axe.
"Oh hell yeah" I exclaimed as I walk to the door that leads out of here.
"Hey! Wait for me!"
I laugh as I stop moving to Ethan can run and catch up to me.
"Why are you moving so fast?" He laughs.
"Because we're almost to the end! I just wanna get out of this hell hole"
"Hmm almost the same thing you said at the Bakers" he laughs again before opening the door.
We walked in. This room looked kind of like a butchering room. There was a diary so I picked it up and read it to Ethan as he looked around.
"July 8th
Today's the day the jolly merchant stops by. He always gives me old newspapers. I know Miranda forbids them but news of the outside world is always so fascinating.
There was one thing that piqued my interest in the last one. It was an article about some medicine company? I don't remember the name but their emblem looked familiar.
It was the same symbol on the Giant's Chalice.
I'm pretty sure I saw the same one painted on the walls in the cave too.
That radiating umbrella image really stands out. What's some outsider company emblem doing here? I wonder if it had anything to do with that man that stayed here all those years ago?
...Nah. I'm over thinking it."
....what man?
"Wait...(Y/n) repeat it..."
He stops moving and turns his ear to me as I read the note again.
"Who stayed here years ago? And why is umbrella everywhere?"
I stayed silent as I tried to think of something reasonable.
'Could Chris have come here years ago? Or maybe one of the other members we've met?'
We were yet again in the caves.
"Ughh I hate these caves"
I slumped over as I walked through.
"Wait" Ethan stops me and points to a light.
I nod and raise my gun up, Ethan doing the same. We walked closer to the small light but lower our guns when we see that it's just a computer screen.
Ethan walks over to the computer and starts to read the entry.
"DNA sequencing complete. 99.95% match to Dulvey mutamycete. The deviation of 0.05% can presumably be attributed to artificial changes by humans. Which means this is probably the source.
Further investigation into how The Connections managed to find and extract the mold is needed.
The fungal colony is spread out under the entire village.
When you take the Baker incident into account, the hosts of the mutamycete are part of a network of consciousnesses.
If that network is linked to here then we could assume this organism here is data storage?
If that's the case, then what "data" is Miranda after?"
"Great so it's the fucking Bakers all over again... I mean I should have guessed" I rolled my eyes.
"I guess we just can't get away from it" Ethan frowns.
I walk over to him and grab his hand.
"Common big guy, let's get out of here" I kiss his cheek and start to walk out of the cave.
'I wish we could just get away from it all'
We stood in front of a lowered iron gate trying to find a way into the broken down castle we were outside of.
"Hey look" I point at a lever.
"Maybe that will get us to the next area?"
"Genius" Ethan kisses me and starts to run through.
"Wait!" As soon as I said that many lycans started to surround us.
We kill them and continue to make our way the the lever. I spotted another one and made my way to that one as Ethan continued towards the first one.
After a few minutes of shooting lycans and finally pulling the levers we made it through the giant wooden doors.
"This must be their den" Ethan whispered.
I just lifted my gun and made my way forward making sure to make quiet steps so I wouldn't alert any lycans.
That didn't really matter though since beefy lycan jumped down infront of us.
"Ok, big guy" I say we I lift my gun.
Ethan and I kill him and we make our way to a narrow passage.
As we walk through we see many lycans ratting corpses and climbing around.
"ewww" I whispered as we continued moving by.
"Not good" Ethan states as he looks up.
I'm front of us stood a giant lycan that looked like Heisenberg but in fact wasn't. He held a hammer as well and started to swing at us.
We fought him for a while but defeated him a lot quicker.
"Eat shit" Ethan leans down to the now dead lycan saying this before standing up straight.
"I don't know what's gotten into me"
I laugh at him and just shake my head walking around him.
We walk into the room and see a tv again. It had Heisenberg's symbol on it and right by the tv was another jar.
I went to grab the jar but suddenly got a vision.
Rose was surrounded by the lords and crying.
As quickly as the vision came, it went.
"What?" I whispered out.
"You're the real deal, Winters. Well done."
"Quit hiding, asshole. I'm not letting you get out of this." Ethan started to yell at the tv.
Heisenberg just laughs at my husbands outburst.
"Cool your jets. Just a little bit more and you're all wrapped up. I'll lend you a hand, so in exchange..."
"In exchange what?" I questioned as I put the last jar into my backpack.
"First of all, come to me. Put all the flasks in the Altar, and I'm sure you'll figure the rest out. See you, Winters."
The tv turned off.
"Damn" I whispered.
I put the last part of Rose into the alter. The alter let's out a hiss and becomes loose. Ethan picks it up and we make our way to the ceremonial site. Once the alter is set down the ground laches onto it again and pulls it down. This causes a bridge to raise.
We make our way to the factory and search for Heisenberg.
I pull down a sheet. Behind was pictures of the Lords. All of them with red X over there faces except for Heisenberg and Mother Miranda.
"What the hell?" Ethan questions from behind me.
"Truth hurts, don't it"
We whip around with our guns up only to see Heisenberg.
He walks towards us a little.
"Let me guess. You're thinking 'take me out like the others', and then you get to go and save Rose right?"
We lower our guns.
"We're healing our daughter" Ethan states.
"Look y-you've got this all wrong-"
Heisenberg was cut off by the sound of a chainsaw.
"Dammit, I'm talking here!" Heisenberg states starting to get a little frustrated.
He stomps over to a latch on the floor and lifts it.
"Shit your fucking hole!"
'Well damn'
"Sorry about that." He looks at us with a sheepish smile.
'What the fuck' I tried to hold back a laugh.
Heisenberg swings over two seats.
"Take a seat"
Ethan and I ignore him as he walks across the room.
"Listen, Winters. You're being played"
"What are you talking about?" I question, "you think this is a game?" I start to raise my voice.
Heisenberg picks up a knife and throws it at Lady D'à face.
"I said sit" he pushes us down into the chairs. His hand lingers on my shoulder for a second before he moves back to the photos.
"Lady super-sized bitch..." he moves his hand and the knife moves out of the photo and floats. Next it stabs the doll.
"Ugly-ass psycho doll..." again he moves his hand and the life floats before stabbing a picture of Moreau.
"And that moronic freak..."
He pauses.
"Don't you get it? It's a test, to see if your two are strong be apart of Miranda's family"
"We don't WANT to be apart of Miranda's family" I state.
Heisenberg moves closer to me staring to raise his voice.
"Neither did I! But here we are. And I'm next in line, right? Kill me, move up the chain! Well fuck that!"
He makes a sweeping motion with his arm which makes the knife that was in Moreau's picture quickly swipe across the whole board and lodge into the ceiling.
"I don't give a damn about your personal issues! I just want to fix our daughter!" Ethan yells.
"So do I! Do you have any idea how powerful that kid is? Even Miranda's scared of her—"
The chainsaw noise goes off again.
Heisenberg furiously moves to the latch again and yells down.
"Last time, you freak, I swear to god... You two and I... Together we go save Rose, and then we can use her to grind Miranda into paste."
"Our daughter is not a weapon! Fuck you!" I yell at him.
Heisenberg knocks the chairs from beneath us and hold us both my one arm each.
"Last chance. You don't want to find out what's in that hole."
"We'll take our chances"
'The fuck! I didn't agree!'
Heisenberg looked at me.
"Your funeral" then he lets go.
"Wait!" I yell trying to reach for Heisenberg and I swear I could see him move to reach out but we already hit the ground.
'For fuck sake Ethan'

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