Chapter 2: The Village

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I could feel someone shaking my shoulder.
I recognised the voice as my husband.
"Ethan" I groggily said as I turned so I was laying on my back.
"Hey, hey are you ok?"
I sat up and he grabbed my shoulders in support while I gripped my head.
"Yeah...just a small headache I'll be ok"
He helped me stand up.
"What the hell happened" I asked as I looked at the scene in front of us.
The car we were in was flipped on it's side. The lights were on still and the engine sounded like it was still on.
There was a man on the floor covered in blood with a phone that started to ring.
"About damn time! What's your status? Is the package safe?"
"What are you talking about? Where's Chris Redfield, and Rose?" I stated, instantly pissed because I woke up in the middle of no where.
"Who is this? This is a secure channel, you are not authorized to use this."
"What do you mean you called this nu-" but he hung up.
I threw the phone down and looked around. Ethan grabbed a flashlight then my hand. He started to rub small circles on the back of my hand to calm me. I lightly smiled up at him.
I looked around and noticed a note.
'Mission Objectives:
- Eliminate target, recover body.
- Secure Rosemary Winters, Ethan Winters, and (Y/n) Winters.
Move the three Winterses to site C for further investigation.
At least two transport officers to accompany them.'
I put it back down and sighed in frustration.
"What's your plan Chris?" I questioned as we continued walking through the snow.
It was freezing out here but luckily we were already wearing our thick jackets.
Ethan was leading the way as we walked through the trees.
I heard a noise to my left and stopped making Ethan stop too since he was still holding my hand.
"What is it?"
"Did you not hear that?"
I was trying to control my voice from shaking but it didn't really work.
'Come on (y/n) you dealt with a crazy family why is this freaking you out!?'
Ethan looked around.
"Maybe it was just a bird?"
"I hope so"
I gripped his hand tighter as we walked forward.
We got to a fence that had the words 'Do Not Enter' on it. Ethan went first but cut his hand on the barbed wire.
"Tsk so clumsy"
I shook my head slightly laughing as I went next and came out unharmed.
"Sorry we aren't all you" he bumped into my shoulder laughing.
"You sure wish you were huh?"
I started to laugh but quickly stopped when I saw a bunch of dead crows.
I tip toed around them not wanting to get them stuck to my shoes.
Then we saw crows hanging upside down by tree branches.
"What" I started.
"The" Ethan continued.
"Fuck" we both finished.
We started to do this often when we got married...I honestly don't know why. Anyways we continued walking when I accidentally bumped a crow which started to freak out making me freak out and run. Ethan stayed close to me as we ran away from the crows and to an old shack.
"Where the hell are we!?" I whisper shouted for if in case someone was here.
"I'm sure we'll find out soon"
I looked at Ethan.
"Don't say that! We don't have anything to defend ourselves."
"Maybe we'll find something in there?"
"Oh yeah follow the crow blood trail into the house so smart!"
"Just go (Y/n)"
I sighed and stomped my way to the shack.
I pushed the door open slowly and peaked my head in.
I could hear my heart beat in my ears. Luckily there was no one in the house.
"This place looks like a mess" I whispered as I walked through.
Then we heard something in the basement. Ethan instantly grabbed my hand and went in front of me as he walked towards it.
I walked with Ethan preparing myself for a fight. We explored the basement but found nothing. When we turned to go back upstairs there was a huge crashing noise. Ethan ran ahead and straight up the stairs with me following behind.
"What did all this?" Ethan asked as we got to the top. The bookshelf was knocked over with hopefully jam was what the red substance was on the floor.
'Definitely not jam...also why ask what did this....HOW WOULD I KNOW? Who are you talking to!?'
I walked in front of Ethan and couched down getting ready to crawl under the bookshelf.
When we both got to the other side we saw the house was trashed. To the right there was a giant hole in the wall.
'What the fu-'
"Come on"
Ethan grabbed my hand pulling me through the hole. We continued trudging through the snow trying to make our way...somewhere?
We walked for a while until we got to a drop down. Ethan hopped down first then turned to catch me.
We walked a little further than came to a cliff.
"Where the hell are we?"
Ethan asked. I looked at the view in awe.
"This beautiful" I said almost breathlessly.
It was foggy but there was a village bellow us. And in the distance was a huge castle. The whole area looked grey and empty but it looked lovely.
I tried to look a little harder to see if I could see anyone down there but there one.
"What have we gotten ourselves into" I whispered, "Ethan" I turned to him, "why do we have to do this?"
He put his hand to caress my cheek.
"I'm sure we'll be ok...I mean this village could be nothing for all we know"
I sighed and pushed my face into his hand while closing my eyes.
"Ya know...I love you so much"
"I love you too (Y/n)...and I promise...we will get Rose back, no matter what it takes"
"No matter what it takes" I repeat. I moved my face and looked down at the village.
"Alright village show me what you got" and with that we headed down the hill and into the Village.

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