Chapter 5: An Unfortuante Encounter

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In front of us was a chair. On top of the chair laid a note.
They broke in again, got more of the livestock. I don't think we'll make it through winter at this rate. Ernest is still missing, too. We can't find him anywhere. Has Mother Miranda abandoned us?'
"E come read this"
Ethan walked behind me and read the note over my shoulder.
"So those things have been taking the people? Is this like a new occurrence? Did these lycan's not exist before? I have so many questions and I doubt these people will answer them"
I sighed.
"Yeah...they don't seem to like us much huh?"
Ethan nodded and turned to the dresser that was near us. On top of it was a picture book. The pictures were of the castle and some of things.
"These pictures are beautiful." I whispered as I stared at them in awe.
"I just hope that the people inside aren't going to try and kill us" Ethan lightly laughed but became serious because he knew there was a high chance they would want to try.
Ethan stopped flipping through the book and turned to the door that Luiza had walked through earlier.
We walked down the hall until we saw Luiza standing at the end.
"This way. Come inside, the others are waiting."
We followed her into the room and saw only a handful of people.
A drunk man sees us and instantly starts to speak up.
"What the fuck is this? Outsiders-you're going to get us all killed!"
'These people have some serious issues'
I scoffed at the man but decided to ignore him.
"Quiet, Anton. They helped Leonardo and Elena."
The old man from earlier starts to shout.
"We were doing fine by ourselves!"
'Guess I won't save you again you ungrateful bas-'
"Please, Ethan, (Y/n), take a seat."
"Is this all that's left?" Ethan started.
"From your entire village?" I said sourly staring at the two men who had the audacity to be rude to us as soon as we walked in.
"All that's left? All that's left!? There is no one left!" Anton starts to shout while he's walking around the room and waving around his beer bottle.
"A worthless invalid! A stupid, wailing bitch...! And you! You drag a bloody man and TWO outsider in here like it's nothing... ...and expect to be all safe? There is no safe! Every sorry bastard out there has been ripped in half! But tomorrow... Tomorrow we'll all be dead. Just like her damn husband!" He yells again and points to a woman who starts to cry.
"Put a sock in it, Roxana!"
'This man is awful what the hell! I get it that he's trap but he has no right to talk to other like that!'
I glare and him and move in my seat like I'm about to stand up and hit him but Ethan senses this and grabs my hand to hold me back.
"That's enough! This house has protected my family for generations. And drunk or not, you are all welcome-and safe-in here." Luiza tries to defuse the situation but it obviously that it doesn't work.
"Whatever" Anton whispered as he rolled his eyes about to leave.
I scoff louder at him and this stops him from moving.
"You have a problem you outsider bitch"
I looked him up and down. I could feel Ethan also start to fume at what he called me.
"As a matter of fact bitch I do"
Ethan hasn't removed his grip from my arm so I'm sat on the chair staring this man down. And let me say if looks could kill Anton would be a dead man right on the spot.
Luiza got between us though and shooed Anton out of the room.
"Can someone please tell us what the hell is going on here?" Ethan slightly shouts since he was still pissed at how that man talked to me.
"We don't know. One day we were a quiet, devout village-and the next the monsters came and attacked us. And they-they kept coming, and-"
I took a few deep breaths to calm down while the other ladies and Luiza spoke.
"Are you ok?" Ethan whispered into my ear.
I won't lie, the whisper sent some major chills down my spin and made my arms get goose bumps. I know this wasn't the time or place but Ethan just had those affects on me no matter the situation.
"Yeah...yeah now that that man is gone" I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
He got closer to my ear whispered again. He just told me things he new would calm me down and at the end gave me a light kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you Ethan" I sighed out, "you always seem to know how to make me feel better"
"Well that my job is it not?" I giggled slightly as I completely loosened up now.
"Come. Gather." Luzia suddenly says and she pulls Ethan and I up into a circle.
Everyone in the circle starts chanting but I don't listen to what they say. I just stare at the bright orange and yellow flames that were coming from the fire place.
The chant ends and Luzia says she's going to get tea while Ethan converses with the others for a second.
I'm deep in thought though. My mind was just racing.
'Why do we have to go through this? How is there such a thing as werewolves and does this mean there are vampires? Will Ethan and I get out of her safe with Rose?' precious little girl...why did this "god" need her? My thoughts are cut off when someone screams and a fire is set off in the house.
Anton is yelling and the old man is...oh no.
"I fucking new it Ethan" I yelled as I ran up to him about to run out the exit. Elena tried to go to her father but Ethan and I bother warn her not to.
Ethan grabs her as well and I start to lead them both out of the room. Elena is yelling at Ethan to stop but Ethan simply says, "Oh god, no. He'll kill us all! We have to go!"
The old man kills the people in the other room then comes after us. He jumps on top of me and I block my face. He drools onto my hands when I hear Elena shout.
"I said no!"
Then she shoots her father. He falls off of me and I scramble to get up and into the garage with the other two.
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry, Father..."
"Hey, hey. That wasn't your father anymore. You did the right thing." I tried to comfort her but she tried to walk towards him and I grabbed her hand.
"Elena. Elena, no. There's nothing you can do!"
As I said that pieces of the building fell on top of him.
"This entire place is collapsing!" Ethan directed towards me.
I looked around and saw a truck near us.
"Help me look for the keys" Ethan nodded and started to look around.
"You wait here ok?" Elena nodded as well and went to the truck.
I start to look around when Ethan comes up to us.
"Damn, the fire's moving fast!" He starts to cough from the smoke.
"Are you ok?" I asked my voice laced with concern.
"Yeah just the smoke"
I nodded and motioned for the keys. He tossed them to me and I ran into the truck trying to start it.
"What are you thinking?" Elena asks as she sits next to me.
"Sit tight. We can bust out with this." Ethan answers for me as he sits down too.
I turn the key again and the engine starts making a noise.
"Alright" I shift to drive, "let's break out this bitch"
I stepped all the way down in the gas peddle and rammed right into the wall. It dented it so I backed up and went straight at it again. This time the truck broke through. It went straight the next wall and hit it hard. I fell out of the truck and Elena rushed to me, Ethan behind her.
"(Y/n), (Y/n)! Are you alright!?" Elena asks me.
"I-I'm fine. Let me get back up again"
"The fire-there isn't any time!" Ethan says this time.
I stand up and look around. I spotted and window and a broken stair case we could use.
"Nowhere to go but up. Grab on. Hurry! Let's move!"
Ethan goes up first, I'm right behind him and Elena in the back. We start walking quickly.
I turn to Elena trying to make sure she's ok.
"Don't worry, and try not to breath in the smoke."
"I know. Thank you, (Y/n). You're kind. I hope your family is safe."
"I do too. Once you get out of here maybe you'll get to meet them." I smiled down to her. She was very sweet to us...I hope nothing happens to her.
"Come on, it'll hold."
We get to the top and spot the window.
Ethan and Elena are talking to each other but I look down at the fire seeing movement.
"Uh guys-" but it was took late.
Elena's father jumps to the floor we're on. He was burnt badly but had a murderous look in his eyes.
"Elena, no! That's not him-not anymore!" I shout but she ignores me when he says her name.
"He said my name! Father!"
"Wait, it's not safe!" Ethan shouts this time. She ignores both us though and runs to her father.
The floor beneath her breaks and Ethan runs to help her.
I can't hear what they're saying but as soon as her father falls into the fire she falls in with him.
I turn my head not being able to look at her on fire.
"We need to get out of her" Ethan yells as he runs past me grabbing my hand. He turns slightly and jumps through the window. As we fall he turns to his arms are wrapped around me making it so he's on the bottom and I'm on top.
We land both letting out a low "oof" as we come in contact with the ground.
Ethan groans a bit.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah but I normally don't like being in this position unless we're at home (Y/n)" he cheekily smirks at me as he sits up. I slapped his arm, a blush finding its way into my face.
"Not the time Mr. Winters"
He sighs, "I know but I wish it was"
I snorted and got off him holding out my hand to help him up as well.
There was a closed alter behind me and Ethan walked towards it taking out a screwdriver that I didn't know he grabbed.
He opened it and inside was the other part of the door.
"Thank goodness" I sighed in relief.
Ethan chuckled and walked to the door opening it.
When we opened the door there was someone out in the field killing a man.
"Who's there!?"
"Stop! Mother Miranda!"
This made me stop moving...
'Mother Miranda?'
She wore the same attire that the photo in another area had. Mother Miranda killed the man.
"Hey! Who was-what was that?"
She laughs and quickly leaves.
'What the hell?'
I walked forward and followed where she went.
"Wait (Y/n)! Slow down!"
"No Ethan! That woman took our child!"
When I turned back around the old woman with the staff stood in front of us.
"Death. Yes. Death has visited them all!" She starts to cackle and walk away.
"What a strange woman" I whispered.
I noticed the big door from earlier and walked to it, Ethan following behind me.
We put the pieces in and the door opens.
We walked forward and see the castle. Ethan holds up his gun.
""Nothing but blood and death," huh?"
I listen to him and raise my gun as well.
We were now standing in the wine cellar of the castle. Ethan walked over to lower the handle of a lever so we could go further into the castle but stopped.
A man walked up to him. He was very tall and was wearing a hat and sunglasses...just like the other photo. As he gets closer I see he's also holding a hammer.
"Shit" I whispered.
"Well, well. Didn't think anyone was left! You two must be pretty tough, huh?" He looked in my direction and smirked at me.
'Heh're married (y/n)! Stop! And he's probably a villain!'
"Who the fuck are you?" Ethan questioned.
"Oh, you're both not local! Even better."
He raises his arm and a piece of metal is launched into Ethan's shoulder.
"Ethan!" I ran to him and the man smiled down at me as he did the same to me.
"Ow! You son of a-"
"Mother Miranda's gonna love you!" Then he knocks us both out.
'Fuckin fantastic'
Hullo everyoneeee! Just wanted to say thank you all for the support on this book so far! And I love reading your comments they make me smile every time I see them :)) anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'm excited for the rest of the book! I feel like a might be longer than my first one but I'm not sure ;))

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