Chapter 20: The New Alliance

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The elevator started to move when the speaker turned on again.
"Soon, she'll start her ceremony with your Rose. If that happens, it's all over. For your kid, and for the whole village. But don't worry, I'll stop it. I'll use Rose to kill Miranda. Haha, poor papa and mama. You're the only ones who don't see your kid's power."
"Take Rose? Heh, I'd like to see you try." Ethan snaps back.
'Men' I sighed.
We step out and make it to another elevator...but Duke was inside.
We pushed the button to go down.
We walk out and make our way to a new area.
"You really are a tough one. But I'm tired of chit-chat. Time to die! You can hear it, can't you? Someone's waiting for you."
I hear a noise come towards us but spot a document and pick it up.
'Prototype: Sturm
Used a cheap turboprop engine, but he's impossible to control. All he does is charge.
Too much power output from the reactor?
Completely invincible head on.
But the dumbass managed to chop his own damn arms off on the propeller. Also issues with overheating from running for long periods of time.
Conclusion: A complete failure.'
"Ok so dodge" I whispered.
"I'm pretty sure propeller man is coming for us again so we need to dodge him and look for the red light"
As soon as Ethan breaths out the man steps into the corridor with us.
"Hello" I yell out to him as I raise my gun.
"Nice to see you again" I spot the red light and shoot it.
He groans out but quickly regains his posture and starts to run at me.
I look to Ethan knowing he's about to say run but I take off before he could.
Since the bug guy is distracted by me, Ethan starts to shoot him.
Eventually it looks like he's going down but....nope, nope definitely not.
He's fucking shooting fire now...goddamn it.
Ethan and I weave through him charging and the fire as well as we could.
I started to get really frustrated so I stood my ground and started to shoot him while yelling.
"I don't have time for this bullshit. Out of my way!"
With one last shot he exploded.
I let out a sigh in relief, "fucking finally".
"Come on" Ethan motions me to follow him to the next room.
I found a diary and began to read it.
"Miranda is abominable.
Her deceit knows no bound.
We're merely a bunch of failed Cadou experiments to her.
I was just lucky I had more affinity to the stuff than the other poor shmucks in the village.
So she still calls me her "son."
What a joke. I'll never forgive her for what she did to me.
That crazy bitch has never been right in the head.
She can't see a difference between "experiment" and "family."
Miranda didn't just change my body.
She took my dignity.
If I don't kill her then my life will never be my own.
Still... she may be crazy but she's also powerful. She can turn into anyone using the Megamycete.
The trick is that brat. Rose. If I could access her power then maybe...
Speaking of, the kid's parents. Ethan and...the beautiful mother...have a pretty interesting body themselves.
Maybe I could get them to help me out..."
'This poor man...I would like to help him but only if he agrees to not use my kid....' I frowned slightly and set the book down.
After a while we're standing in a room that has shit flying everywhere.
"What the-" Ethan starts but is quickly cut off.
"Not bad, not bad, Winters. You're both persistent, but I've got a rebellion to lead... ...So stay out of my way."
Heisenberg stops his movement towards us and turns his body giving me his full attention.
"Heisenberg know I'm willing to work with you but only if you leave Rose out of this."
"But she's the key!"
"There are other ways!"
I step closer to Heisenberg and see him tense a bit but relax once he makes eye contact with me. He slowly takes his glasses off and stared at me for a second.
"Then what do you propose we do?"
"You're very powerful...I've seen have a whole army, I'm sure in your Cadou form you are pretty powerful as well..."
I walk closer to him so we're only a foot apart. Ethan stays behind since he knows I would be able to convince him on my own.
"And you'll have've seen what we've done to the other three lords, I'm sure we can take out Miranda."
He looks down for a second in thought.
"How do I know you won't kill me right after" he whispered like he was afraid.
I lift my hand up and touch his arm. He had some muscles hidden under his trench coat I could tell, but he was also unusually cold...almost like metal was inside of him.
"I promise you...we won't hurt you...ok?"
He looked back up at me now with a determined look.
"Ok..." he smirked a bit.
"Ok I will let you two help me and not use Rose...all I ask" he smiled down sweetly at me.
I laughed a little and nodded in agreement...I mean this man looks like he's in desperate need of one anyways.
I open my arms and welcome him into an embrasse.
"What are you doing!" Ethan yells.
"He said we can help if I give him a hug...come on Ethan look at him! He's just a big teddy bear...besides he looked like he needed one anyways he's been though so much here"
He sighed out in annoyance but nodded his head anyways.
"Fine, fine but I'm watching you...not taking my wife away"
He stares down Heisenberg but laughs a little.
Heisenberg tightens his grip around me before standing up again and letting me go.
"Ok...let's go kill that bitch" Heisenberg says as he starts to walk out of the room.

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