Chapter 4: The Survivors

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We walked into a building that was behind the woman that just left.
'What a strange woman'
I thought as I remembered the events that just happened. We walked in and it area was dimly lite. There were five pictures hanging on the wall.
'Ohhh those two are pretty'
There was a picture of a pale woman with bright red lipstick. She also had piercing gold eyes and was wearing a large hat.
There was another one of a man. He was wearing round glasses and a hat. He had a short, grey beard and almost shoulder length hair.
There were three more. A woman wearing a vail holding a creepy ass doll and a fish looking man.
The last one was bigger and in the middle. It was a woman wearing an outfit that looked like it was made of crows. She also had on a mask that looked like a crow...must be Mother Miranda?
There was a symbol on the floor. I'm not sure how to describe it but it looked like a messed up fetus in a circle.
I saw a paper and read it aloud.
"O great lycans,
The fabled monsters wolves Of Old,
May they come to eat our flesh,
May they come to tear us apart...
What the fuck"
"Oh great poem (y/n)" Ethan sighed sarcastically.
"Thank you" I said equally as sarcastic.
We walked out and came across a goat statue.
"We offer those goats of warding to protect the village and its people. Any who break them shall feel Mother Miranda's wrath."
"How true do you think this is?" I questioned with a smirk, pulling out the knife.
"I want to say don't but I know you won't listen"
"Damn right...she took our baby, so fuck her" I say while I swing the knife and breaking the goat statue.
We continued walking through the village. We found a gate that needed two parts before we could open it.
"Must lead to the castle?"
"I'm not sure I want to go up there" Ethan said with a little fear in his voice, "but if Rose is there we need to get these pieces fast"
I nodded in agreement and walked.
We walked around for a while until we found a building that looked a bit bigger than the rest. Inside we found a piece of the door with note near by.
"Should disaster fall upon the village, seek out the crests. One is in the care of the church. The other is at Luiza's house"
"Ok so we must be in the church... this means we need to go to the place that radio talked about"
"Exactly" with that Ethan marched out through the snow to our next location.
We ran into a barn to get away from the lycans that were chasing us.
"Close the door! Please!"
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I questioned.
The woman that just spoke backed away from Ethan and I. She stood by an old man who sat on the floor groaning in back and holding his stomach. When he moved his hand slightly I saw he was bitten.
"Stay back!"
'Rude we just met guy'
"Please, don't hurt us!" The woman yelled.
"Whoa. It's ok." I put my arms up showing we meant no harm.
Ethan continued.
"We're not gonna hurt you. We're just glad to see normal people at last. Have you seen any other survivors?"
"No, they're all in Luiza's house. And she's not answering, and the gate is locked"
"Quiet, girl! He's an outsider!"
Then a strange noise came from outside. I turned my head quickly, holding up my gun....'just for if in case'.
"Shit, we're sitting ducks in here. Can your old man walk?"
"No, one of the monsters cut him! He's lost a lot of blood—we have to get into Luiza's house!"
"Shh... quiet! There must be a way inside. Stay here, be quiet, and don't move until we get those gates open"
Ethan pulled attention away from the door, and led me out.
We walked around until we found a way to hop over the wall and unlock the gate so the other two could get it.
"Ethan...I have a bad felling about the old man"
"How so?"
"Well...what if he turns into one of the lycans?"
"Wouldn't that have happened to me?"
"Ethan me and you are different remember...we got infected and remember what Chris told us?"
"Yeah...that even though we got cured our bodies are still able to regenerate no matter the cause of damage"
" that means you could have been bitten and you would be fine. But if a regular man gets bit"
"He turns to one of them" Ethan finished.
"Well...we aren't sure but we will keep a close eye"
I nodded and motioned for the man and woman to run through the gate. Some lycans ran towards us but we shut and locked the gate before they could get us. They howled loudly and stalked away.
"Took your damn time" the man sasses at us.
"You're welcome" I sassed back crossing my arms. The man scoffed at me and walked towards the house.
"He's not used to relying on other people. I'm sorry. We'll be safe in here, won't we?"
I stared her down before loosening up and nodding at her apology.
"Safer here than out there, that's for sure. Hey, do you know anything about what's going on around here?" Ethan asked because he knew if I was to talk right now I would snap at her...probably.
"It doesn't make any sense. Mother Miranda has always protected us—"
The old man interrupts her sentence with knocking loudly on the door.
'This man just really gets on my nerves'
I crossed my arms again and stared at him with my eye brows furrowed.
"Nobody's answering! Come help me—" then he falls.
'Don't laugh...that would be mean...he's an old man....that's rude...don't laugh'
"Father!?" She turns her attention towards us again with a stressed expression.
"We have to get inside! Just hold on a bit longer, Papa."
Ethan nods and walks to the door knocking.
"Hello? Anybody home?"
"Maybe a familiar voice... Luiza, open up! It's me, Elena!"
The door then opens and we are greeted with the barrel of a shotgun.
"Stop shouting. You'll draw the monsters!" A new man yells.
"Julian, calm down." Elena says trying to make it so he doesn't shoot being me and Ethan.
"Who are they" the man named Julian points his gun at me and Ethan.
"A friend-"
"Stay back!"
The father starts to make some cough noises again.
"Father! For god's sake, Julian, let us in."
"No, no, they'll smell the blood—You'll endanger us all!"
"My father will die out here!"
"That's not my problem!"
A new woman walks to the door frame.
"What's going on?"
"These people want to let a dying man into our home"
'What are the mens problem in this town! for goodness sakes!'
"Come now. "These people" are our friends. Go on, go inside. Come now, this way."
Elena and her father walk inside making the new woman turn to Ethan and I.
"You're not from this village..."
"Uh, no. I'm Ethan. And this is my wife. (Y/n)"
"Julian, go make yourself useful and check the grounds. I said go!"
Now Julian is gone, so that leaves this new woman, Ethan standing awkwardly and me with my arms still crossed and a scowl never leaving my face.
"Well, if Elena trusts you two...then so do I. Come inside, Ethan and (Y/n)."
We walked into the house.
"Wait here, I'll check on the others."
We nodded to her and she walked off.
I turned to Ethan.
"We need to find the next piece to the door and get moving"
"I know my love" Ethan looked down at me and saw the scowl on my face.
"(Y/n)...we will get out of here...I know that these people have been frustrating you but think about why we're here ok? What our goal is." He was holding my hands trying to calming me down...and of course it worked.
My face softened and I pulled Ethan into a hug.
"Thank you" I whispered.
"Of course my love"
I smiled at his words.
"Now let's look around to see what we can take for our adventure and look for that last piece"
I nodded my head that was still buried in his chest and slowly pulled away starting to look around.
'I hope we aren't here too long...I don't like the vibes here'

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