Chapter 22: Chris

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Chris' POV:
It was strange to see Heisenberg here and helping us but I guess we could use all the help we could get.
I decided that I would take care of the giant mold in the sky and would leave it up to Ethan, (Y/n), and Heisenberg to take down Miranda.
I remember (Y/n) asked Heisenberg if he could call off the lycans and I hope he can because that will make my mission a hell of a lot easier.
I was running around the village when a giant wolf jumped in front of me.
"Alright you son of a bitch, let's get this over with."
(Y/n)'s POV:
A hand pulled me back.
I turn my head to see Ethan standing there with a worried look on his face.
"What's wrong?"
"If anything happens-"
"Stop. We are not having this conversation! We're going to make it out alive"
"I know that but if anything happens I just want to say I love you" he plastered a sad smile onto his perfect face.
"Ethan" I whispered.
"I love you too and you know that I will not let anything happen to you or me or even to Heisenberg"
"Yeah....yeah I know that"
I nodded my head and gently placed my small hand into his big one and started to catch up to Heisenberg.
"Ahh there you are darling I was wondering what happened to you two"
"We we're just talking Heisenberg, no need to worry"
I smiled up to him as we continued forward.
Chris' POV:
I sighed out as I wiped the sweat off my face.
"Chris you doing alright?" I heard a voice come into my ear.
"Yeah I'm all good just running into some wolves"
"Did Heisenberg not call off the lycans?"
"No no not the lycans like literally a wolf and a big one at that...the lycans haven't come at me yet so maybe Heisenberg did call them off and Miranda does know?"
I questioned myself as it came out of my mouth. I don't know if Miranda has power over the lycans but I wouldn't be surprised if she did.
Actually let's put it to the test right now.
"There's a lycan 30 feet in front of you see him?" I asked hoping one of them had a sniper and was scoped in seeing what I was.
"Yeah, want me to take him out?" A female voice came in.
"No I want you to watch if it doesn't attack me then let it be if it does shoot it"
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yes, we have to see if Heisenberg has more power over these lycans"
"Ok I'll keep an eye on him"
I walked forward with my gun lowered a little. He turned quickly towards me hearing my foot steps and swayed as he watched me.
I kept my guard up and walked closer. Closer. Closer.
At this point the lycan was only 5 feet in front of me. He still hasn't attacked me but I kept my guard up.
Suddenly a vampire that looked like a zombie popped out of the ground and ran towards me.
As I was about to lift my gun the lycan lunged at it slicing it in half with his sharpe nails.
"I guess that works too" I whispered out.
He quickly turned to me again and just stared.
"Well are you on my side or are you just going to stare?"
It looked at me and nodded.
"I'll take that as a yes to the first question" I sighed, "let's go".
I walked past him and whispered into my ear piece to keep an eye on him for if in case.
He was 3 steps behind me as we trudged through the snow.
We have gotten closer to the mold and at this point I have an army of lycans following behind me. Anytime anything would try to attack they would take care of it.
"Damn this is nice" I speak out as we continue forward.
I just hope the other 3 are having as much luck as I am.
I can't imagine how hard it would be for one of the Winters to lose the other....or how it would be for Rose.
God I should have just told Ethan and (Y/n) the plan.
(Y/n) has become like a little sister to me and to just shoot her house and take her baby....she won't ever forgive me.
My neutral face turned into a sad one.
I hope she does forgive me....I can't lose my sister.
Hopefully this whole thing is over soon though. I can't wait to hold Mia and to see our family all together.
Even though we aren't blood related, ever since the Baker incident we all got very close which was kind new for me. Maybe I can get Claire to come down here after this all and she can meet little Rose.
I sigh out through my nose.
"Fuck you Miranda for putting us through this"
HELLOOOOOO!!! I'm sorry this chapter is short but I wanted to get it out for you guys! And there also may be some spelling mistakes or grammatical errors but I will fix them later! I hope you all enjoy the chapter <3

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