Chapter 16: A Giant Fish?

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We've been sailing for a while when I feel the boat start to shift around from a small wave.
I peak over the side of the boat but can't see anything since the water is a disgusting green color.
I keep looking around when I see the top of a giant fish move in the water.
"What was that?"
Ethan asked staring out in that direction.
"Fish?" I wasn't even sure but it looked like it.
We soon started to dock near a cave.
Ethan steps out first then helps me.
"Thank you kind sir" I curtsy and Ethan laughs as he bows.
"It's my pleasure, miss"
We laugh as we walk to the cave. It was dark and pretty much empty except for the fact that there was a lot of military equipment.
"What the hell? A research post, or something...? What the fuck are they doing here?"
Ethan walks close to examine the equipment more but I hear movement from behind me.
Just as I'm about to turn and raise my gun someone jumps on top of me. A second person runs and grabs Ethan before he can shoot.
"Get off of me!" I wiggle around but the persons grip only gets tighter.
"Stay the fuck down" the person yells back. He shoves his knee into my back to try and stop me from moving.
"Ethan. (Y/n). I gotta say, I'm surprised you made it this far. It'd be a shame if something happened to you two now."
"Sure, Chris. Why not? You killed Mia! Now do us and finish the job!" Ethan yells.
'Is he fucking crazy! No don't kill us!'
A soldier walks over to Chris.
"Hey Cap. I'm getting some serious motion readings out here. We should move on."
"What kind of readings? What's moving?"
The soldier that was on top of me stood up and pulled me with him.
"Unknown, but my guess is we've been here too long, and Miranda knows it."
I turn my head at the name 'Miranda' I pull my hands out of the soldiers grip and start to move to Chris.
"Hey. Hey! Did you say Miranda? How are you involved?" As I got closer the soldier pulled me back again.
"Leave it alone, (Y/n). You two are out of your depth." He turns to the other soldier as I scoffed at him.
'Out of my depth...bitch'
"What about the sample analysis?"
"It's definitely related to the mold."
"Wait the mold?" I whispered a bit as a loud noise is heard from outside.
The soldier talking to Chris goes to check it. The soldiers holding Ethan and I also move in that direction but don't go out.
"You two stay out of our business."
"What business? We don't-" Ethan starts as he moves to stand on my right.
As he's half way to me, a giant fish thing jumps through the house.
"Watch out!" Chris shouts as he pushes Ethan to me.
Ethan falls into me making us both fall to the floor. We look over to Chris as we start to try and stand up.
The fish thing jumps through again and breaks the floor making Ethan fall into the water.
He quickly surfaces and I put my hand out to pull him out of the water before anything happens to him.
"Shit! Stay back!" Ethan yells as he gets out the water and pulls me away from the water.
The fish surfaces and starts to speak.
"You... The exit's underwater... you're done!"
"We don't have time for this!" I yell at the fish.
I think the ugly creature...Moreau...turned into this fish thing.
"It's too late... Miranda is already preparing the ceremony!"
Ethan steps a bit forward. His arms wrapped around me but facing Moreau.
"Miranda sent you to slow us down? You're pathetic."
"Don't be cruel! It's not fair! I should be with her! Not you!"
"I hope you're not talking about me"
"So what if I am!"
'Oh ew'
He starts to vomit everywhere.
"Ugh eww why would I want to be with you?" I question as Ethan says,
"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" at the same time.
"I can't hold it in anymore! Oh God. Oh, Mother why? Why!?"
He falls into the water as Ethan and I run away.
"What are we supposed to do? He said the exit's underwater."
"Maybe if we can drain the water..." I start.
"Then we can get out of here! Love you are a genius"
"Heh thanks, I try" I nodding my head with a small smile as we continue to run around the docks.
Ethan pulls a lever that is supposed to open the floodgates but it doesn't work.
"Shit, there's no power" Ethan whispers as he looks around.
"Come on" I pull his arm starting to run around.
We run past a car and I stop when I see a note.
"This crank is old and busted up.
It feels like it's going to snap any second.
I hope it doesn't break. The only other one we have is over at Windmill Two."
I grab the crank.
"Maybe we can use this to start the windmill?"
"Good idea" Ethan runs to one of the windmills and up the ladder. I'm right behind him.
When we get to the top, I go to the thing that needs the crank. I put it in and start to move it. When the blades start to move the crank breaks.
"Ugh, seriously? Well I guess the note did say it was old and busted up...I just hope the others have working ones"
We make our way down the ladder again and make our way to the next windmill.
We're walking across a handmade bridge when Moreau jumps out of the water trying to grab us. Ethan pulls me into him before he can grab me.
I turn my head to the direction Moreau went.
"I'm not looking to be fish food!"
"Up and down!"
"The fuck?"
We start moving again.
As we continue to move around Moreau comes back to try and grab us.
"I'm the best! Watch me, Mama! I'll do better next time, Momma..."
"Ugh" I push out in disgust as Ethan uses a crane to life a sunken house.
"Caught myself a big one."
"Very funny Ethan, now go" I push his shoulder to move forward before Moreau comes back.
When we get in the escape gets covered in slime and Moreau makes his way towards us.
"Fuck, we need to get out of her!" I shout as I push Ethan to move.
We managed to get to the second windmill and get a new hand crank. I grabbed it and followed Ethan, who was climbing up the windmill blade.
There was a zip line which we used to go to the first windmill.
I put the new crank in and twist until the blades start to move.
Once they do, electricity starts to move through the wires.
"It's working!" Ethan shouts over to me.
I stop cranking and follow Ethan to the control panel of the floodgates.
Once he opens them the water moves out of the area.
"Hell yeah!" I high five Ethan and we walk to the Duke's shop.
We finished upgrading our weapons and purchasing items. I thanked Duke and walked out.
I lifted my shotgun and cocked it.
"Let's kill this fucking fish"

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