Chapter 6: The Lords

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"The man and woman is of no real use to anyone else. And my daughters do so love... entertaining foreigners."
I heard a woman speak as I started to become conscious.
"Furthermore, I can assure you if you entrust the mortals to House Dimitrescu, my daughters and I shall deliver to you the finest cups of his slaughtered blood....and be sure to keep the woman as a maid."
I felt metal cuffs around my wrists. The chains were low to the ground which is probably why I was on my knees.
I heard Ethan groan besides me and started to open my eyes.
I gasped at what I saw. There was an ugly looking creature in front of me but I could sense that he was probably the kindest out of all of them. A creepy doll pushed him out of the way. I heard Ethan gasp when the doll pushed the other one to the side.
"Out of the way, ugly! I want to see-oh! Their awake!"
The deformed one started to freak out a bit.
"You mean-Y-You mean...?"
"Both of you, shut the fuck up!" The cute...I mean the man with the hammer spoke.
"What...?" Ethan breathed out.
"Where...?" I started.
"You mean you'll screw around with them in private, and where's the fun in that? Give them to me and I'll put on a show that everybody can enjoy." The man with the hammer started to talk again but to the giant woman that was to the left of us.
"Oh, so gauche. What do we care for bread and circuses? The manthing's and woman's suffering is assured, regardless."
"Yack, yack. And if a man's dick is cut off in the castle-blah, blah, blah!"
Mother Miranda was in the center of them all and started to talk.
"I've heard all your arguments. Some of you were less persuasive than others, but... I've made my decision. Heisenberg. Their fate is in your hands."
The man the hammer who I now learned his name to be Heisenberg looked excited to be chosen.
I looked over to Ethan to see he had the same shocked face that I had, while staring at these "people" in front of us.
"Mother Miranda, I must protest! Heisenberg is but a child, and his devotion to you is questionable. Give the mortals to me, and I will ensure he is ready."
'Mortals? What are they... like immortal or something? She's kind of strange'
"Shut your damn hole and don't be a sore loser! Go find your food somewhere else."
"Quiet now, child! Adults are talking."
"I'm the child? You're the one who's arguing with Miranda's decision!"
Heisenberg and the tall lady were arguing and I decided mayhaps I should intervene.
"Um excuse me..." they stopped arguing and looked at me.
"(Y/n) what are you doing?" Ethan whispered harshly to me but I ignored him.
"Do we get a say in what happens to us? Because I don't know about you but I don't want to be a maid or entertainment for anyone...personally I-"
"Shut up you!" the tall lady spoke.
"Hey don't talk to my prisoner like that!" Heisenberg defended me...hmmm...I wonder...
They started to argue again.
The doll started to shout "Fight, fight, fight, fight!"
And Mother Miranda intervened this time but while doing so six big crow wings came out of her sides.
'Now THAT is strange'
"SILENCE! My decision is final, there will be no argument. Remember from whence you came!"
Heisenberg dramatically bows and says thank you. The tall woman scoffs and leaves the room and turns to me with a glare. Heisenberg turns to me specifically with a big smile on his face. I can't see his eyes but I feel like he maybe winked at me. His smile turned into a smirk as he started to talk once again.
"Lycans and gentlemen, we thank you for waiting! And now let the games begin!"
He walked over to me and got very very close to my face. He moved it so his lips were near my ear as he started to whisper into my ear lowly.
"Let's see what you're really made of, (Y/n) Winters. I'll silently be rooting for you darling. Get ready!"
'Holy shit Heisenberg...IM MARRIED QUITE IT'
He stood up again and I turned to see Ethan face. It was red and he had a scowl on it like he was jealous.
I turned back to Heisenberg to see he had his hammer raised in the air.
"No!" Ethan yells trying to move towards me.
"Wait a second-" I start to shout while closing my eyes but he swiftly brought it down to the floor, breaking the chains holding me and then did the same to Ethan.
He walked back a bit and looked at me again smirking.
"Ten! Nine! Eight!" The lycans started to surround us like they were getting ready for a feast.
"Seven! Six! Five!" Ethan and I frantically look around for a way out.
"Four! Three! Two!" We spot a hole in the ground and run to it hopping in.
"One! Showtime!" Heisenberg finishes and soon we were chased.
We ran through the cave system as fast as we could trying to escape the lycans. One jumped down in front of us so we turned and pulled the wood barrier off the wall. We started running again.
More and more of the lycans started to come at us.
"Agh! Jesus Christ!" Ethan yelled.
Then I heard Heisenberg speak but I don't know where it came from.
"That's right! Run for your life! Very nice, Ethan...and (Y/n)!"
'Why'd he say my name like that???'
Then a giant lycan jumps down which I assume was Heisenberg himself.
"Hell no!" I yelled out as he slammed his hammer down. It seemed like he purposely missed...maybe because I was in front? However this made the floor start to shake. After a few seconds the floor moved and Ethan and I slide beneath Heisenberg. After sliding for a while we end up in another new area where the ceiling has spikes on it.
"You're both still alive? Impressive..."
The ceiling then starts moving.
"Shit" Ethan and I say at the same time.
We start running through the cave trying not to be crushed by spikes.
Eventually we make it pass the area but we're still being chased by lycans so we continue to run.
"Haha! My word, you both are truly as strong as they say!"
I slightly smirk at his words as we make it to a new room that has a giant wall of spikes moving towards us. The smirk that was once on my face is quickly replaced with a frown as I look around for somewhere to not be hit.
"Oh, you didn't think I'd let you get away, did you? Gotta keep Donna and Moreau entertained! So, now it's time for the beautiful, blood-soaked grand finale! Hahaha! Nothing like fresh American ground beef!"
'Goddamn it Heisenberg'
Ethan seems to find a place to hide first because he grabs me and drags me to a hole in the wall. As the spikes get closer we hold our hands up and the spikes break the chains that were holding our hands together.
The spikes stop moving and I sigh in relief, a smile slowly finding its way to my face.
"Too close... Wait. Do those freaks have Rose?" Ethan asks aloud.
"They probably do" I replied.
We both got on the ground and crawled beneath the spikes.
We walk for a bit until we find ourselves back in the wine cellar where we first met Heisenberg.
We walked through and Ethan opened the door. When we walked out the door we were brought back outside. On both sides of us there was dead gardens.
You know how there are normally scarecrows in gardens? Well not this this one had a few dead bodies as their "scarecrows".
"Blegh this is so disgusting" I say as I plug my nose because of the rotting smell.
We walk a bit further and notice a tiny house looking thing outside of the castle.
As we get closer the doors to this "tiny house" swing open and a large man pops out.
'How was he in there?'
"I've been waiting for you, Mr. and Mrs. Winters."
"How do you know our name?" I asked as I curiously step closer to the man.
"Anyone who is anyone has heard of the likes of you. The heroes searching for their daughter. Though I must say, that castle arouses suspicion."
"Yeah, and so do you." Ethan steps closer to me eyeing the man in suspicion but the man just laughs.
"I am but a humble merchant."
"Here?" We ask at the same time.
"Forgive my manners, call me the Duke, Now to business. Weapons, ammunition, healing salves-Anything you desire, I can provide. Seeking something in particular? I've prepared a special present for you!"
I look through his options and see we have enough to get a second shot gun for me, so I buy it. We also get some healing items and a few bullets since they were free right now.
"Hard times, you two? What're ya buyin'?-Haha, just something an old friend of mine used to say. Please come again." And as he's about to shut his doors I stopped him.
"Hm? Oh yes, (y/n)? What can I help you with?"
"I was have a sign that says we can sell to you what type of stuff do we sell?"
"Ah well there are plenty of gems lying around and some hidden things in the big guys that you can collect. When you get those you can sell them to that all?"
'In the big guys? Guess I'll find out soon...'
" we need to keep coming to this location to see you? And also why are you helping us?"
"Ahhh well I am anywhere and everywhere! So don't you worry Mrs. Winters. And as for me helping you...well I do it because I just want to! I need to make money some how don't I? And you two seem like you will be needing plenty of help along the way" he smiles down to me.
"Ok...thank you Duke" I smiled back.
"Anytime Winters" and with that he closed his doors going back to doing who knows what.
I turned to my right looking at the gates that lead to the castle.
"Shall we?" I ask Ethan.
"Yes we shall" he grabs my hand and we trudge towards the castle gates.
"I hope Rose is ok" I whispered.
"Me too (Y/n) too"
We slowly made our way to the gate and opened it.
'Please be safe my little Rose'

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