Chapter 17: Three Down, One To Go

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"My precious water! No!"
I motioned Ethan to follow me as we quietly follow Moreau through the once sunken village.
We found a diary and read it to ourselves.
'October 1, a sunny day.
Mother Miranda brought me 5 peoples from the village. Just like I askeded.
I made them sleep with some liquid and then I put Cadou in their tummies.
I am looking forward to the Cadou to grow in their tummies.
October 2, a cloudy day.
4 of the people from the village are dead this morning.
1 is almost a lycan.
I sent it to my lab on the mountain.
I failed again. Mother wants strong vessels but I cannot get any.
I will need more people from the village.'
" a gift? What is going on" I whisper as we start to leave the house but Moreau breaks through the wall.
"I'll make you proud, Mother. Watch me!"
"Guess we gotta do this" I say as I raise my shotgun.
Ethan raises the grenade launcher and starts to shot at Moreau.
We run around the small area and shoot him as much as we can.
"Get out of my way!"
Moreau yells at us as we continue to shoot him.
He swings at us a few times but we dodge each hit.
"Take, take this! Stop!"
We shoot him a few more times.
"You bastard! Why do you hate me?"
He stops moving towards up and jumps on top of the building that was in the middle.
"You're the reason Mother doesn't love me."
He bends back so his head is in the air and burps a few times before acid vomit starts to come out of his mouth.
"Of fuck" I pull Ethan away from the vomit and to cover. A drop of the vomit hit my arm and I screamed out in agony.
"(Y/n)! Are you ok!"
"Yeah, that shit just burns"
Ethan fumbles around his backpack until he pulls out first aid and pours some onto my arm.
"Yeah, thank you"
I kiss him on the cheek and wait for the vomit to stop. When it does we go out and start to shoot again.
"Oh, why?"
He comes towards us and I put down a land mine.
"Stop picking on me!"
"NO!" I yell as we start to run.
I turn around with fire in my eyes getting done with this fight and start to shoot him again.
"Don't look at me that way!"
He jumps on top of the building again getting ready to throw up. Again we find cover and wait for him to finish. Once he's done we run out and set down a few more land mines.
"Please Mother Miranda, I'm trying. I'm not stupid!"
He starts to run towards us and we run the opposite way making sure he would go on top of the land mines.
"D-Don't run. Ugh...this... isn't fair... Listen to me! Nooooo!"
He knocks down a few live wires into a pool of water.
"Ethan look" I point to the electric water and Ethan nods. He pulls me away and hides.
"Can't get caught in that."
Moreau, however, didn't notice it and walked...or slithered...right into it.
"Stop! Ha ha! I don't want to die. Oh it hurts so much. Don't look at me that way!"
We shoot him a few more times before he explodes.
Chunks of his body flies at me and Ethan covering us.
"Ughhh" I touch my face and move my hand back to see a string of slime.
"Gross" I whip my hand around until it came off.
We walk up to where his body was and found a crystallised Moreau.
"In death as he was in life. Disgusting. The exit's up ahead..."
I had to hold back a laugh because of how monotone Ethan was saying that...and because it was fucking hilarious.
Ethan notices me struggling to keep in my laugh. He looks at me with a serious face before bursting out into laughter. I couldn't hold it in anymore and started to laugh to.
"We...are fucking...gross right now" I say through laughs.
"I...know...we really need to shower" Ethan says as his laughs slow down.
I laugh a little more before saying,
"Let's go get our daughter"
Ethan grabs my hand and we go back to where we first saw Moreau.
Hmmm a diary.
"Hehehe let's see what this man was thinking...
Mother Miranda gave me a Rose jar.
No one likes me which is why I thought they would leave me out again.
But Heisenberg said that was why we each get a Rose. The ceremony cannot happen without us all there.
Mother didn't seem to care though...
Mother said Rose is a vessel.
With a vessel Mother can get her real child back.
Even though she has been dead for a very long time.
But if Mother does then... what will happen to me?
I'm not her real child...
Would she abandon me?
No! I don't want that!
No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
Not No! No! No! No! No! No!
No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
Not No! No! No! No! No! No!
No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
No! Not No! Not No! No! No!
No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
...well now I feel bad"
I frown.
"He just wanted to be accepted...maybe if he could have helped us defeat Miranda..."
"Yeah but he tried to kill us (Y/n)...besides he loved Miranda too much too so even if we tried to get through to him he probably wouldn't have listened.
"Yeah I guess that's true"
Ethan picks up the last piece of the key when the tv turns on.
There's a symbol of a horse head with a horse shoe behind it...Heisenberg.
"You two are better off then I thought."
"Who's tha-"
"Heisenberg" I cut Ethan off.
"Hello dear"
I roll my eyes but feel heat start to move to my...cheeks.
"You're the last asshole in our way, aren't you?"
"You've got fight, I'll give you that, Winters. But what's the plan when you have all four flasks?"
"What're you trying to get at?" I ask.
"I could lend you a hand."
"Trying to get on our good side?"
"Don't get cocky love. I'd kill you two if you weren't worth the trouble... There's a stronghold not too far outside the village. Go there and get my flask. Do that, and you pass. First, head back to the graveyard."
The tv turns off.
"Self-centered prick." Ethan whispers under his breath as he heads out of the cave while picking up the jar with Rose.

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