My Past

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My parents' weren't the most gentle individuals.My Mother was a police officer,but at night she was selling drugs.My Father also sold drugs and he made them and gave them to my Mother to sell since she seemed less obvious to carry them.They weren't abusive unless I got in the way if their operation.If I asked for food while my Dad was making meth,he'd throw a glass tube at me or kick me out of the room,literally.Sometimes my Mom would take me out on the streets with her and actually make me sell some of the drugs myself.Sometimes she'd forget about me and leave me alone by myself in a bad neighborhood in the middle of the night.

I remember one time I walked home by myself at 4am.I'd never been so terrified in my life.

One day my Mom got pregnant.She told my Dad that she didn't want to deal anymore drugs because of the baby.When my Dad found out he threatened to hurt her and the baby if she didn't keep dealing the drugs.She was too scared to leave,but after a while she worked up the courage to leave with me and the baby.My Dad found out and started chasing us all over the country.No matter where we went he would find us.

He got tired of chasing us,but he didn't stop.One day when I was 6,he had us cornered with a gun pointed at my Mother.I hid behind her while they yelled at each other.My Dad started to speak nothing but madness and without warning he pulled the trigger.

Her blood was splattered everywhere and to make things worse my Dad shot himself too.They were both gone right before my eyes.It was just me and my baby brother.Alone and parentless.

We wandered the streets for a month until someone actually came and found us,just barley alive.We were starving and cold.I honestly don't know how we survived on scraps from random people alone.

Gretchen was our new care giver.I'd never known what a mother's loving touch felt like until Gretchen.She was kind,sweet,and caring.She promised to help us get adopted and she did.My brother left first.He was 6 months and little did I know that the family that wanted him weren't interested in me since I was older.I never saw him again.

I spent 10 years alone in an orphanage waiting.I've been called names,I've been spit at,I've been beaten on and for what? Just for wanting a family..." I felt my eyes sting.I wasn't about to cry,it was just my emotions welling up.

"I really hope my past doesn't change the way you think of me.Hell,you probably think I'm a freak."I said looking down.

I felt his stare on me.A good two minutes went by before he actually spoke.

"Why would I think differently about you?Obviously,you couldn't help the situation you were born into.It wasn't your fault.Besides,the past was yesterday and tomorrow is the future.What happened back then is long gone so make the best of the future."He said smiling.

His smile made me smile.

"I'm really glad that I can be comfortable around you Zach.You're actually the only person I don't feel awkward around constantly."I was being true.

I'm not even 100% comfortable around Jamie and we live in the same house.

"I enjoy being around you too."He said smiling a little wider.

We were literally just looking at each other.I was about to be brave and move my hand over to his,but I was interrupted by a shadow that went next to my window.

I looked at the window and 10 seconds go by.Then.

"BAHHHH!!!!" Screamed someone in a hockey mask.

I screamed and fell away from the widow;my heart pounding and my eyes wide.

I frowned when I noticed the strains of blue hair sticking out of the mask.Jamie took the mask off and laughed.

"Hey lovebirds,Mom said to come home its time for dinner."She said opening the car door and yanking on my arm.

My face went red when she called us that.

I looked at the clock on the radio and it said 7:36 pm.Were we really in here for 5 hours?

Time flies when you're having fun.If sitting down in a car listening to music and talking to someone for 5 hours is fun.

His cheeks were painted a rosy pink color and he had a nervous smile plastered on his face as he slouched in the seat.I closed the door and we ran back home like two little piggies.
After we ate dinner,Jamie came into my room,without knocking as usual.

"Alright missy!What were you doing in Zach Rodriguez's sexy car?"She asked jumping in my bed,messing up my neatly made up covers.

I took a deep breath.

"Nothing sexual if your already thinking that."I said trying to keep her mind out of the gutter,even though it was probably always there in the first place.

She smirked."Well,Miss Nothing Sexual,what were you up to?"

"We were just hanging out listening to music is all.We went to the park,picked up his little brother,and came home.Sorta."I explained.

"Sounds like a date to me,sweetie."Jamie said wrapping the covers over her body like a caterpillar.

"Well it wasn't...We're strictly just friends and only friends."I said smiling.

"I'm sure you guys are...But for real though,don't let Peyton find out your feelings for Zach because she WILL ruin your rep.Whatever it may be."She said leaving the room.

I let her words sink in.

Hopefully she won't ruin it as bad as Jamie just ruined my bed.

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