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The next morning,I got ready for my first day of school.

I decided to wear a cute beige sweater,black jeggings,brown boots,and a red scarf.I put my hair into a messy bun for today.

Right when I came out of my room,Jamie came out in...pajama's? She had on red plaid night pants,a black hoodie,and some converse.She had her blue hair in a pony tail.

"Ugh...You and Zach totally match."She said as she put on her book bag.

"What do you mean?"I asked as we walked down the stairs.

"You'll see."She said yawning.

In the kitchen was Mira,Leonardo,and the two younger siblings.I mean MY two younger siblings,Dallas and Amy.

Leonardo was leaning on the counter in a blue robe sipping some coffee.He raised an eyebrow when we walked into the room.

"Uh,Aphrodite...Why on Earth are you dressed like that?"He asked placing a hand in his robe pocket.

Jamie shrugged."Lazy day,Dad."She said as she took a piece of bread from the bread box.

Leonardo's eyes fell on me."You look ascetically pleasing today,missy."He said putting down his coffee mug.

"Yes,you're so gorgeous,Sylvia!"Mira gushed as she flipped some pancakes over.

"Thank you..."I was never called gorgeous before,let alone aesthetically pleasing.

Leonardo had a certain type of vocabulary that made him seem even more intelligent.

I glanced at Jamie,who I could've sworn rolled her eyes.

"Sylvia, when you get back,I would like to have a word with you."Leonardo said pouring another cup of coffee.

I nodded and continued to eat.

After eating breakfast,Jamie and I got into her car,which was a Black Fiat Mini Cooper.It was pretty nice,but on the inside was like having a little mini hoarder.

When I opened the passenger side door,there was a pile of stuff stack on top of eachother. In the junk pile was a half eaten candy bar melted into a black shirt and crumbled up papers.

"Uh,just move that junk to back."She said as she sat in the drivers seat.

I didn't want to touch it,but I threw it to the even junkier backseat.
She parked in the student parking lot,extremely crooked I must add,but don't mind my OCD.

I reached for the door handle and the locks clicked.

Jamie was looking at me with her arms folded and batted her eyes.

"Rules of the first day at Edgewood High."She said leaning back on the door."Rule 1: Don't make eye contact with seniors. Rule 2: Do NOT eat the school lunch,I got you covered. Rule 3:Don't die."She said as she unlocked the door.

"Why so little rules,isn't this a school?"I asked as I exited the car as well.

"Not the school's rules,Jamie's rules."She said as she fixed her beanie."Now come on,people are already looking at you."

She wasn't wrong.People were staring at me as if they'd never seen a girl before.

The inside of the school was huge.The floors were very shiny and the trophy cabinets weren't dusty at all...Except for one tiny speck of dirt that was driving me nuts.Again,I'm a huge neat freak with bad OCD.

The students were huge,bigger than me that is.But I'm slightly under average height anyways;I'm 5'2.

"Hey!What the hell did I tell you?"Jamie asked pulling me to the side.

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