Family Bonds

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We pulled up to this nice big neighborhood with big houses you see in movies.This was a suburb.

Leonardo parked the car in the driveway and turned off the ignition.They both turned around and looked at me with smiling faces.Mira's was more lively though.

"We're here."She said as she got out of the car and opened my door.

There were a couple of teens, around my age,sitting on a door step next door staring at me.

"Sylvia,if you'd like to go and meet some of the neighborhood kids you can."Mira said as she exited the car.

"I'm fine,thanks."I said as I followed her into the house.

The inside was humongous and decorated beautifully.The living room had a huge flat screen TV hanging on the wall.The couch was long and curved around the center of the room and the coffee table was built in which was cool.The dining room had six chairs to the large round table and there were paintings on every wall.I couldn't wait to explore the upstairs.

Speaking of upstairs,there was a faint sound of rock music being played.

Leonardo frowned and rubbed his temples."I swear that girl will not stop playing that racket."He muttered.

"Oh get loose,Leo!She's just expressing her individuality."Mira said as she started to move to the music.

"Individuality my ass...Come,I'll show you to your room."He said picking up my bag again.

The stairs were similar to spiral staircases only square like I guess.

The music was getting louder with each step and when we finally got upstairs,I found out where it was coming from.

"This is your room,I'll leave you to get comfortable."He said shutting the door.

The room was really cute even though I hadn't done anything to it.I think it was the pastel pink color of the walls with white lining.It really went well with the black floorboards.The beds railings were white and the covers hadn't been put up there yet.On the wall across from my bed was a white desk with a pink rolling desk chair and beside it was this white bookshelf.Next to my bed was,I'm guessing,the closet door.On the door was a black body mirror.

How did they know to make this room pink?Pink is my absolute favorite color and-

"Knock,knock..."Said a light voice from behind my door.

Before I could respond,the person had let themselves in.

It was a girl with long blue hair,blue eyes,and pale skin.She had a nose piercing and two lip piercings on both sides.She was wearing a black beanie,a black halter top hoodie,dark blue denim skinny jeans with holes in them, as if someone had took scissors and stabbed them,and black converses.

She looked around my room and twisted her lips.Then her eyes fell on me.

"So...You're my new sister?...Wasn't expecting you to be..."She said looking me up and down.

"Black?"I felt like I knew that's what she was going say,but I was wrong.

"I was gonna say pretty and preppy,Ms.Racial."She said grinning.

"I'm Aphrodite,but you call me Jamie.What's your name?"She asked like she was giving me a command.

"Sylvia."I said as I watched her look around my room some more.

"Even your name sounds like your a prep."She said as she fell into the desk chair."I don't think that'll matter to the others."She said as her phone dinged.

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