He's A Monster

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Sylvia POV

My eyes opened to a white room.I was laying in a bed.Where was I?

"Mm...What happened?"I asked.

"You blacked out."Zach said rubbing his cheek.It was red.

"Where's Jamie?"

"She was arguing with a nurse and they asked her to 'politely' leave the hospital,but I don't know where she went...How are you feeling?"He asked sitting on the bed next to me.

"Im okay...I'm so sorry."

He raised an eyebrow."For what?"

"Jamie slapping you and not telling you who...did this?"I looked at my arm and saw it was bandaged.

"Its okay,but seriously Sylvia,you need to tell me who hurt you.This is serious and I want to protect you from the bastard because I luh-...I'm scared for you."He stuttered.

I sighed heavily.

"You can not tell Jamie about anything I've told you and you can't get mad."

"Im already mad,Syl.But I won't tell Jamie if you don't want me to."He said.

I took a deep breath in.


As soon as I said his name Zach stood up and paced around the room in anger.


"Zach please don't do or say anything..."I said holding his arms.He looked as if he were ready to punch the wall.

"Sylvia,he did the exact same thing to Jamie!It started out as a bruise and then rape...Oh God,please tell me he hasn't raped you!"

"No,Zach he hasn't...raped me.I just need to get things figured out and hopefully he'll leave me alone."

"Sylvia.I'm not letting you go back to him.He's not going to hurt you again."He said.

"I...Zach please just let me do this on my own.I don't need your help so stop trying to help me."

Zach sighed."I'll take you home."

"Please."I said trying not to make eye contact as we left.
Zach dropped me off at home and I spent the rest of the day at home alone while everyone was at school.

When I went upstairs to my room,I was mortified.

Brent was sitting on my bed with his shirt off while smoking a cigarette.

"Where were you?"He asked looking at me.

"I...I blacked out...I was at the hospital."

"And who brought you home?"

"Z...Jamie."I said remembering what he said in the car yesterday.

He stood up and circled around me.He shut my door too."Why are you lying?"

"I-I'm not lying-"

This time it was me being slapped across the face.

"You wanna lie to MY face!I know you were with Zach!He came in here this morning and you two were alone!You didn't obey me when I said to stay away from him.Now,Im gonna punish you."He said yanking me up from my hair and throwing me onto the bed

I yelped in pain as he repeatedly slapped me.

He tried to hold my arms above my head.

"Be the fuck still!"He said as he finally pinned me down.


He put his hand on my mouth and tore off my shirt.He then yanked my pants off.I tried kicking and fidgeting but that just resulted in him getting even more angry.He punched me in my stomach,scratched my sides,and punched me in the chest.

I was too weak.I was crying and screaming for someone to help but it was no use.What happened,happened.I was raped and now I'm alone.I felt so dirty.

Brent Chambers is a monster.
Zach POV

Finally school was out and despite the tardy I got,it was worth trying to help Sylvia

I still can't believe Brent was the one hurting her and Sylvia was too scared to tell me so she wouldn't be seen as a slut.

I was actually a little pissed off at the fact that Landon kissed her...but that'll be saved for another day.

When I pulled up to my house,something was lying on my porch.Mom,Dad,and Sammy were still at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

When I got closer,I realized that it wasn't a thing...It was Sylvia.Her clothes were torn and she had a lot more bruised and there was some blood around her legs along with bite marks.

"Oh my God,Sylvia!"I was horrified.

"Zach..."She cried as I picked her up.

"Shhh,don't say anything."I carried her into my bathroom and ran the bath tub.

"Get in the tub,I won't look."

I closed my eyes and turned around and waited until she removed what little remained of her clothes.When I heard the sudden splash of water,I turned around.

She covered her self so all I really saw was her back...which was covered in marks.

She was sobbing silently.

I took a rag from the closet and dabbed her back gently.

"Let me know it this hurts."I said carefully rubbing the cloth on her back.

"...You were right,Zach..."

"Right about what?"

"What...he did..."She said shuttering as I rinsed the suds off her back.

"Please don't say that.I don't want you remembering anything of what happened."I said feeling awful.

I was right there...if only i'd gotten out of the car.This was my fault and I blame myself completely.I let her go back there.God,I am an idiot.
Sylvia POV

After he was finished bathing me,he gave me a shirt and shorts to sleep in.

"They're my mom's shorts,but I'm sure she won't mind."He said handing me the shorts.I was wearing one of his T shirts.

"Thanks."I said putting them on.

I was struggling a bit because...'it' hurt so much.Zach offered to help me into them,but I didn't want to be too much of a bother.He did help me into his bed though.He made sure I was comfortable.

"If you need anything else,just let me know."He said shutting the door slightly.

"Zach,wait!"I called out to him.

He turned around.

"Are you okay?"

"C-can you stay in here...with me?I'm scared."I said feeling a couple of tears coming on.

"Sure,if it'll make you feel better."He shut the door and that freaked me out the most."No!Could you leave the door open?"

He raised an eyebrow and opened the door slightly.He turned off the light and crawled into the bed with me.

"This may sound strange but...can you hold me?"I asked moving closer to him.

"Uh,if you want."He said unsure like.

He probably thought he was about to hurt me if he touched me.

Yeah,I feel vulnerable as fuck,but I really needed someone to touch me and caress me right now.

I felt his arms slowly wrap around me as they pulled me close.We were in a spooning position and I just felt so...safe.

"Zach."I asked in between a yawn.


"Thanks...for everything."I said intertwining my hand with his.

He kissed the top of my head and a in a couple of moments I fell asleep in his arms.

Feeling completely safe.

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