Spoke Too Soon

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He grinned...and snatched my arm and squeezed it while twisting it.He stood up,causing more pain from his grip.

I cringed in pain.

"You really think I'd delete the picture?You've got a lot to learn about me,sweetheart."He said pushing me down to the floor forcefully.

"P-please,you're g-gonna break it!"I pleaded.

He rolled his eyes and let go of my arm.

It hurt so bad and just as I thought...A bruise.

I wiped a tear away and rubbed my throbbing arm.

"Do not take advantage of my kindness,bitch.Because I will snap and I don't give a damn who it is,not even you.You're just pretend until I say so.I was starting to let my guard down,but I see you need to be watched closely."He said glaring at me.

"Im sorry..."I said softly.

"No you're not.Now get up.Mom's about to call us to dinner."He said yanking up me by my dress strap.
Dinner went on normally,as if their son hadn't even assaulted me.Rochelle bragged on how much of a good boy Brent was and how his sisters admire him so much.

Little did they know that their beloved older brother is an abuser and a user.God, how I wish I would've told then the truth right then and there.It makes me sick just knowing that there are two beautiful young girls looking up to a psychopath.

...I should've told the truth when Rochelle asked me about the bruise on my arm;it still hurts.Brent said I tripped over something in his room and that one of his trophies hit my arm after I had fell.

Brent dropped me off at home and I didn't say a word to him to whole ride.He's fucking crazy.

I snuck inside the house only to be lectured by my beloved blue haired sister.

"Where the fuck have you been?Its like 8 o'clock and I waited for you at school until 6!I even called you!"

I hugged her tightly and made up a lie."I was hanging with Zach again.Im sorry, I meant to tell you but I was so caught up in the moment,you know?I promise you won't have to worry anymore."I said giving her a reassuring smile.

Her frown faded,but a confused expression took its place.

"What's that?"She pointed to my arm.

"Oh this thing?A dumbbell fell on my arm earlier in P.E."I said rubbing my arm.

She raised an eyebrow and grabbed my wrist to get a better look."Are you sure this big brown and red mark was made by a dumbbell?'Cause I know bruises when I see em' and this type looks familiar."She questioned it.

"Yes!Uh,where is Amy?"I asked,trying to get her off my case.

"OH SHITBALLS,I FORGOT TO PICK HER UP AT SCHOOL!"She screamed as she grabbed her keys and ran out the door.

I sighed and went up stairs to my room.

I threw my body on the bed and relaxed...and I felt a stinging sensation in my eyes.

Then a tear,and another and another until I was practically a human Niagara Falls.

"What kind of hell have I gotten myself into?"I said sobbing.
The next day I didn't go to school.I wasn't feeling it at all.Even Jamie noticed.

"Sis,I'm on my way to school."

"Mhmm..."I mumbled from under my covers.

"Hey,whats wrong?You feeling a little under the weather?"Jamie asked sitting down on my bed.

"No,its...its nothing.Im just not feeling school today."

"Bish,Im never feeling school and I still go!Hell,Mom and Dad aren't even home and I'm going."She joked.

"You just get to feeling better,okay?"She said rubbing my back and then leaving.

I can't tell anybody anything...My arm hurts like hell,its bruised and sore from my so called "boyfriend" man handling me.I need to tell someone...but if I do,I'll be looked upon as a slut and back stabber for kissing my sister's boyfriend.

A couple of moments later,My phone vibrated.

Zach:Can I come over?

Me: Uh,sure.

Why does Zach want to come over?School is starting like in 15 minutes.

About 5 minutes later,he was at the door knocking.I opened it and invited him in.He had looked like he was dresses for school and he had his bag with him.

"Hey,shouldn't you be at school?"I asked sitting on the couch.

"I could ask you the same thing."He said sitting next to me.

"...Not feeling well...What did you want anyways?"

"I wanted to talk to you.You haven't been yourself lately and you haven't been hanging with us either.Tell me whats wrong."

"Its...Zach,you're gonna be late-

"I don't give a fuck if I'm late to school!I'm here for you and I know there is something going on with you.So tell me."

I wanted to cry so bad,but all I did was break into a couple of sobs and some tears fell down.

"Please don't t-tell Jamie,but...Landon and I...kissed."

He looked taken back a bit.His cheeks flushed red and his eyes weren't hazel,but more brown.

"It wasn't on purpose!He kissed me first a-and we both regret it...Someone took a picture of it and now t-they're using it to blackmail me..."

"Who!?Tell me who it is!"He said worriedly,with a hit of anger in his voice.

"I...I can't..."

"Please,Sylvia.I want to help you."

"If I tell you,they're going to hurt me!"I yelled.

"I won't let them."He said embracing me into his chest.

I felt so safe here.I felt safe enough to cry completely and thats exactly what I did.

"Sylvia?What is this?"Zach asked pulling my sleeve down.

My bruise was worse than yesterday.

"Ahh..."I groaned as he touched it.

"Sylvia.You need to tell me right now.Who the hell is hurting you?"He asked sternly.

I shook my head.

"Tell me!"He demanded as he shook me gently.

The front door swung open and there stood Jamie.

"Get!Off!Her!"Jamie screamed at Zach as she stepped between me and him.

"Jamie,no!"I yelled

"Shut up,Sylvia!I knew Zach was the one who put that bruise on you!"She said angrily.

"What?!Me?I-"Jamie slapped Zach across the face.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!"She yelled pointing to the door.

"JAMIE STOP!Zach DIDN'T hurt me!"I pleaded.

"Then who did?"They both asked in sync.

My heart was beating so fast and it felt as if the room was spinning.I could barely breath.

"I...I...Fuh-"That was all I could make out before collapsing.

"SYLVIA!"Jamie shouted.

Everything went black...

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